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Philippines, Cebu City
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College Junior
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A Successful Pharmacist with a powerful company
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I need to breathe!!!

I thought that after taking the exams would take a big leap off my shoulders but boy was I wrong!
I'm gonna be VERY busy this week cuz on Friday will be the BUWAN NG WIKA,a month for us filipinos,so we are gonna do alot of activities,specifically winning the contests.
I'm joining the Best Costume Contest and another contest which I forgot what it was,hehehe!!! ^^;;
These are the things I'll do starting tomorrow.
- Memorize the poem for the contest
- Choreograph the selected dancers in our class for the Dancing Contest,its a Scarf Dance
- Getting my costume tomorrow and helping out my partner,who is my partner in the BEST COSTUME contest its in pairs
- Practicing the dance for the FAMILY DAY which the family day will be this Sunday,aaahhh!!!
So gonna be pretty busy so I dont think I'll visit your sites for this week,maybe on the weekends.
I cant visit all of your sites everyday anyway,since my time here is different.When its noon here,then it will be tomorrow on myO.
I have to visit you guys on the morning but I cant because of school,meh!
*slaps forehead*
Oh yeah! I HAVE TO GO to karate practice this weekend cuz we are gonna have a Karate Field Demo on the Family Day and I haven't started practicing yet,aahh!!!
Stupid school! *tries to destroy the chocolate vault but was restrained from Trowa* ^^;;
I'll show you guys what my costume looks like,well not the actual costume I'm going to wear but what it's similar to.
The costume is called MARIA CLARA.
The whole afternoon I was playing HANGMAN and S-O-S with Shaldon,Kevin,John Rey and Chona.
That's what we mostly do on our free time,so bored.We either play those games or sleep.
I wanna sleep on the floor again! Hahahaha!!!!
I failed on the math exam,bah!
Got 87/130 because I missed something to answer,I missed reading the part that I was told to use TWO different formulas to solve the solid figure but I only used ONE,aaahh!!
How disappointing,tsk tsk tsk.....maybe I should use glasses,hehehe!!!
Well the rest I passed,I'll show you guys my scores when I get every exam papers.
See ya! *waves*
Random Pics Galore!!!

P.S: It's OFFICIAL: MA JR is now gone.Pray and hope for his happiness ^_^
~Blue Hawk
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