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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
woot woot
Heya everone it's a happy day today no more school for two weeks yay! Hopefully i'm not working that much.
Emm how much is everyone excited about christmas. I am really excited inside but just dont show it outside. You know what i mean.
Well i have to decided that there is going to be no more shyness or worrieness i am just going to be myself and if people dont like me then thats up to them. I have a really good life and totally amazing friends and family and i love them all! Soppy eh lol!
Well i just want to say a big THANK YOU to all my friends for my brilliant gifts and i will see most of them on christmas eve but for those i dont I hope you all have a very good christmas and just make sure you all have a really good time.
Also to all my friends on myo and just everyone Enjoy Christmas!!!
C ya the now!!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Hey how is everyone. I am really bored the now and i cant get on msn which really sucks. Says it cant sign me in for some stupid reason.
I am just going to eat an ice lolly Mmmmm total random tho!
I have a really sore ear because when i got my hair dyed and now it is all horrible and scabby and i'm sure you all wanted to hear that lol!!
well today was a good daY got lots of christmas presents and they are all really nice so thanks to all my friends. *hugs*
went up the town on my free periods it was good but i just wish i wasn't so damn shy it really annoys me that im shy.
just listening to music the now so i'm going to go to just mess around.
c ya's
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Hey everyone how are you all? I am recovering from the cold now which is pretty good.
I am very excited for christmas coming up because it's less than a week and i am getting presents now woohhooo! i am taking my christmas presents into school tomorrow yay!!
I am really tired the now so i am going to go might post tomorrow.
c ya
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Friday, December 16, 2005
the christmas dance was brilliant but today is bad!!
Well for starts how is everyone? And is everyone looking forward to christmas i am yay!!
Well last night was the christmas dance and it was amazing everyone was really dressed up and all the guys had their kilts on! Everyone was having a really good time and it was just a really good atmosphere it was a lot better than last years because it was our year that organised it this trime oh yeah!!
I got home last night and my feet were all sore and my head hurt. I also kept wakening up in the middle of the night because i couldn't breathe and now i am off school because i feel eally ill! I'm sure i will be fine. My throat is all tickly.
Anyway off that subject my auntie and that are coming down today and the meal is tomorrow so ia m looking forward to that if i am well enough to go. *hopes*
Well im off now c ya!

this is me and all my friends at the christmas dance yay!!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hey everyone i am just at school the now on a free period which is kind of boring. I have just been visiting peoples sites which is the good bit.
Well i am very happy these days and i wonder why that is. Well school is getting easier which is a relief and im understanding my maths a bit better so yay for that.
I have had english today and was supposed to finish an essay but me, rev and danni were kind of hyper so as you can guess we never got that done. Erm me and rev were singing words....don;t ask lol!!
Anyway I am getting excited now because i am getting my hair done at 2 o clock and it is now nearly half 12.. I think i am going to get it done black and red but we will see.
Erm....well it's only 1 day till the xmas dance woohoo i am quite looking forward to it as all my friends are coming to my house to get ready apart from two who cant make it, i wish they could. So all my room is going to be full of is straightners and curlers and make up lol!! cant wait!!
On Friday my auntie, uncle to be and my wee baby cousin Adam are coming too visit which i am very excited about. All my family are going for a meal on Saturday too! yay!
Well I have said quite a lot so i am going to go now because it is nearly lunch and i am very hungry.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
hI there people how are you all!!
I had a good day today it was fun!
Erm i just want to say sorry to hazel hart for leaving her today at school but i had to go up town.
Erm... i dont really have that much to say except it's nearly xmas which equals presents yay!!
Anyway might post tomorrow when i have more to say!!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Good weekend!!
Well lets start by saying hi!!
how is everyone and has everyone had a good weekend?
On friday i went up the town after school with revadoodle, jellybean, attics and moogleclaire. I got paid yay!! The bad thing is that i spent like 40 pound and i hardly got anything. I still have to get my mum, dad and sisters presents for christmas and i just dont have a clue what to get them ahhhh only two weeks to go i'm sooo excited.
Our group of friends have decided to open all of our presents at school seen as it is our last year so thats good!!
Saturday and sunday were working days and it has been really busy because of xmas. Me and a girl called Erin put our decorations up at work even if we do only have three it is still better than nothing.
Oh yeah we have our christmas tree up now yeah and all our tinsel and moving santas and reindeers yee ha!!
Anyway i am off now because i really feel like i am rambling c ya's!!

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Thursday, December 8, 2005
An OK day
Hey everyone I had a quite good day today hope everyone elses day was fine.
Erm... well first of all i went to biology and nearly fell asleep lol! then curling for p.e and the shoes i was wearing weren't even slippy and when i was walking it was fine. Then i was standing talking to danielle (jellybeans rock) and i totally slipped so i had to grab her arm and managed to stay up it was funy!!
Had a totally stupid laughing fit walking home yesterday it was totally pointless and random and CRAZY. But it was fun and thats what matters!!
Well i am going to go now so i will post tomorrow hopefully might not be able to get on everyones site but i will try.
C ya!!
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Hey today has been okay!!
I was in maths first two periods it wasn't as bad as what i thought but i handed in my homework and it's all totally wrong but anyway!!
I really need to start revising there is a study class after school for maths today so i suppose i better go. Sounds really geeky but if i want to pass(i do) then i will have to work really hard for 6 months.
I am in free periods the now and I am really bored.
I am going to type cute picture in google and see what i can find lol!!

aghhh thats what i found lol!!
who honestly thinks that is cute!!
well anyway i am just going to go and do random things!!
c ya!!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Well today was a pretty good day. I was at school and the teacher asked me a question in english which didnt embaress me. I had an answer in my head and thought what the heck I will just go for it and yay i got it right. THEN the teacher told everyone to give me a round of applause total embaressement!!
On my free periods i went up the town and had a drink with a friend it was good!!
Emmm well i am off now to check everyones site!!
c ya xx
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