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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Erg, writting post to give me an exuse not to start my new speach. This ones going to be on Bogart. Yesterday at the library I saw someone who use to be my neighbor before we moved. She goes to my school and was also looking for biographies at the last secound...I haven't asked people questions in awile so I'll do that, though very few people answer. Ummm...
1. Whats the longest manga series you have ever read every volume from and how many volumes was it?
Mars, its 15 volumes and I barrowed most volumes from one friend and a few from another.
2. How did you first learn what anime/manga is?
Well first time I realy learned about anime would of been maybe 2nd or 3rd grade when my best friended loved it. She was and still is one of the best artist I know and would draw anime pics all the time. Later on when I started trying to draw anime myself I whanted a few tips on the style so I turned to the internet. Witch is were I first learned what manga was because well if you type in anime your bound to come across a few manga sites.
Well thats it for now. I must start my report, I must, I must...(keeps on chanting I must in head need motivation)
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Monday, August 23, 2004
My mom got mad at me when she got home cause she said I was being sarcastic. I realy wasn't. Figured she was either mad or annoyed with my dad cause she always tends to go after me for the most random things when she is. Later when I made sure to keep any hint of what could be thought of as sarcasim out of my voice and talked to her I found out I was right. mom is always after me cause she thinks I don't express my feelings and tend to bottle things up inside. Thats not realy true, were just two different people. Things that bother her don't bother me and we express ourselves differently. She asumes that if she sees something that is upsetting I'll feel the same way and asks me to tell her how I feel. I don't know how to respond because honestly I'm nuetral on the subject and then she says its imposible to be nuetral, that I'm very observent and know whats going on and need to talk to someone. The thing is I don't realy get upset. I might rant alot on this site but thats about it. When something bothers me I write it down, if not here then on paper and I'm fine. Things just don't realy bother me that much. And as for getting angry...there is only two or three people who can actualy get me angrey and surpise there all in my imediate family. When my mom's upset she tend's to be bothered more. This might sound a little cold but its more of an obsevation for me. I don't tend to...its realy hard to explain. Its not even that hard to tell how I'm feeling. If I'm happy I have a huge smile. I can't help it. People tend to make me happy too. I smile when I'm with my friendes or my sister or sometimes depending on how hes acting my brother. Its not like I'm not happy being with my parents and thats why I don't smile around them but its different. Its more I don't know...contentment. That doesn't sound right but something along those lines. If I'm annoyed or frustrated then I frown. I can't help that either I tend to wear my emotions on my face. But like i said its very hard for me to be upset or angry about something and after writhing it down I'm fine.
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Cheers. The pics I submitted this morning are already up. Please check them out.
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Sorry I didn't post or visit hardly anyones sites this weekend I was realy busy. I whent over to my dad's and so we were all sitting around at dinner and Ravy and I are discussing the simpsons for some reason or another and Ravis mentions south park. I don't realy watch it but my brother loves the show and I know a little bit about it. Dads sitting there with a perplexed look on his face and finaly says What's south park. I bursted out laughing. Who doesn't know what south park is. So, after that we go to bluckbuster and get a dvd cause my dad finaly got with the times and got a dvd player (jumps up and down with joy) It was in the back of the truck. While were standing in line he turns to me and says how does this work anyway do you just stick it up the thing and I had no idea what he was talking about so I shrugged. When we get home dad has no idea how to hook up the dvd player. So, I do almost all of the work and he basicaly moved the tv and such. Witch is saying alot because I'm electronicaly chalanged. When we get the dvd player to work dad tryes to put in the dvd by forcing the whole box up next to the slot and I remember what he said in line so I take it from him and open the box and he says oh its a disk. I'm sitting here thinking you have actualy seen a dvd before haven't you. Then after it starts I ask him for the dvd remote and he barks out something about just getting it to work and that remotes were stupid. I figured I'd save my argument until it got to the screen were you need the remote to push inter and start the movie. I already looked on the actual player and it wasn't there. When it did get to that screen after a few I told you sos I gave him a little tutorial on how to use the remote. This is also after a few I told you sos on you don't need to put it on a specific channel like a vcr you need to push this button see. Now if only I could convince him to get something better than dial up for the internet. I think I'm being spoiled by all the electronics at my mom's house though cause she has such fast internet and such. I use to be fine with dial up, Its the realson I became so good at computer solitare : ). Honestly though both my parents are helpless around new tecnology. I mean thats something coming from me and my compleate ignoreness of everything tecnological. At least I try and reason things out. I figure this might work and try it. They don't. My mom still doesn't get how to work our dvd player. Each time she put in a movie she calls one of us over. We pretty much given up trying to explain that you just push enter or that the play button looks the same on the vcr and dvd players. So anyway, on saturday we whent to an art museum sence we live so close to washington dc (about 20 minutes drive not that we normaly drive the metro is so much easyer) my dad thinks there is no reason for us not to be cultured. Witch is fine I like art and how different people portray different things. I thought it was rather interesting. After that we whent to see the vilage. Ravis whanted to see the exsorcist begenings and I tryed to explain to him there is no reason why dad would ever take him to see a raded r movie and that yes I know he takes me, and thats why I'm older but he wouldn't listen. I thought the movie was okay and dad thought it was great though he turned to me 5 minutes into the movie and told me the ending. I knew he was right sence I looked it up on the internet awile ago sence I thought I wouldn't get to see it. I was happy though cause normaly the movies he likes I hate and vica versa so I'm glad we could both sit through the same thing. When we got out though he whent on and on about how great it was and didn't we think so huh huh. And how you couldn't trust comercials that made it out to be a teen slasher huh huh and how it was more sicoloical I tryed to say that no one thought it would be a slasher but him but he wouldn't listen. The next day was great cause I got to see a friend who I haven't seen in awile, Nicole. When I first walk in both her parents go your hair is orange (it faded from pink and I'm waiting till school is closer before I redie it) with I doen't know I thought was rather funny. Nicole is a huge anime fan and so we watched a few episodes of a few shows then did some stuff on the computer and I ate dinner with her family. On the computer Nicole was role playing with someone else and somehow in there world Kiba (nicole)was a dragon who had to brake up with Jouenoshi (other person), even though nicole didn't whant to cause she love Jou, because Jou was pregnet. She told me not to ask how. This is all happening if fudel Japan and Inyuasha and Shesomaru are there to. Her dad doesn't realy understand anime but he's semi knowledgable and doesn't mind her watching it. So, of course he poses the question of why its so cool. I think about and say its not realy cool, just interesting and such. So, Nicole is a huge shonen-ai fan and later in the conversation she asks me if I notice a trend with the best anime couples ever. One is always realy cool and the other is always a bi-polar idiet. She then goes on and names all her favorite couples and the next question her father asks is if there are any strait couples in anime. I say yeah and that most of the couples nicole just mentioned are and half the time I can't tell if who she is talking about realy are together in the series or just in her head. Witch makes her brother pipe up the american version of sailor moon promotes incest. I've never seen sailor moon (I know its realy hard to miss but I somehow have only seen one episode). So this was news to me as well as her father. Nicole explains and sorry if I get anything wrong but like I said I've only seen one episode I'm trying to paraphraise what she said from memory. Two of the sailor scouts (is that what there called) are a couple but seeing how in american cartoons its considered "wrong" to be lesbian they made up the exuse that they are cousens who hug and kiss alot and live in the same apartment and raise a child together. With as she says to anyone who know the series is realy realy funny. It was a great conversation, Nicoles the best I wish I could see her more often. So, when I left we made sure to scare my brother a bit and chase him around and such and his eyes were as big as golf balls when to scare him nicole said something i don't remeber all of it but included the words jim and tongue and I reminded her that travis was slightly younger than us and repeats everything he hears. When we got back in the car Ravy turned to me and asked me who jim was, I was tempted to say that he was a poor boy who whent to school with us and has been missing for some time now but instead told him the truth, that he was nicole's boyfriend. Like I said before nicole is a great friend. So, after I get home to my mom's house I find Jen got home from her first ever buisness trip and her arm looks like, well I'm not exactly sure. Lets put it this way. She spent an entire day in the florda everglades and wasn't alowed to put on any bug repelent at all cause she was doing a test with volentears on what works better. She was lucky on her face cause she was wearing someing over it. She had multiple layers everywere but that one arm that got eat alive sence her sleeve got pushed up. So, she spent all day in the everglades dressed as if she was a very very cold place. Doesn't sound like much fun. I don't feel to bad for seeing how she had four days down there and only one was needed for the study. I wouldn't mind being payed to sit in the middle of the ocean and take volentears to very expensive resturants and have what I ordered payed for. Wow, I didn't mean to write out what I did all weekend. Owell another realy long post.
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Okay remeber a few days ago when I described a few teachers I had last year cause I couldn't stop thinking about school. Well time for round 2. Lets start with my spanish teacher from last year Mr. Hanley. He was a rather old guy if I'd had to guess I'd say 70s. He had been working at Sherewood, my school, for over 40 years. He use to be a gym teacher but now spanish. One of his favorite things to say was I don't care. He'd get into these longwinded speaches about how all these stupid kids come to him with his problems and how he doesn't care. His class was dead serious. When oral exams came around witch was about every 2 weeks to a month with him you'd think someone died in the class. It was compleatly silent. No one said a word not even Mr. Hanely he used hand signals during orals. Then you'd have 2-5 minutes to speak depending on the day. If you stoped early you stood there for the rest of the time and the entire class would be staring at you with no sound. Then two people would ask a question. Hanely also gave the empression that everyone in the class was failing. He'd go into these long speaches (he was prone to speaches) about how worried he was for this class. He honestly made everyone think they were gettings es. Then he'd hand out your grade sheet and everyone has low As and Bs. You'd look around and the person who choked on there oral got a b plus on it. The guy who never turned in his homework has an a. Then there are 4 or 5 people who got es. But your wondering what he's talking about. He also like to make things due before school. He wouldn't except them during class, only before the morning bell. Hanely called me Michelle. I spent two months trying to figure out why he was never calling me when I relised he thought my name was Michelle. Witch also explained why she never answered. The thing was though that he was so annoying and rather intemadating in class but if you talked to him one on one before or after school he realy was a nice guy and very helpfull. I never got it. My other spanish teacher was ms...I forget her name right now but thats okay. I was switched into her class for the second semestr. She also called me by a different name but here it was just how'd you pronounce my name in spanish (what is it with teachers and changing my name, mr. nutter called me mykayla, another markalya, thats a whole story in itself, ect. ect., especialy spanish teachers two years ago i was carolina though that was cause everyeone got a new name. Is my name that hard to pronounce.) Anyway if you didn't have an a in her class something was wrong. I mean I think you had to actualy work to get a bad grade. She was also rather old and an extremly easy grader. The oral tests with Hanely, you couldn't have anything near you and on those days he took all the help full posters down. She let you wright everything down and take it up with you. If you didn't know what the question asked ment she'd tell you. After hanely i could come up with so much stuff on the spot it was amazing, I didn't need to in her class. But she I don't know had a motivation about her. One kid who I don't think showed up all of 3 days when we had hanely together volenteared to do an oral presentation first and give his answers for homework and stuff. I'm sitting here wondering how she does this sort of thing. Another kid who showed up even less in hanley's class would do all sorts of stuff for her. She had a way of conecting with the people in the class that surprised me. Likewig, that was her name, Ms. Likewig. Moving on to english and Mr. Harrison. The first semester I realy didn't like him that much but starting the secound semester he grew on me and I liked his class (of course that might have something to do with being suronded by a bunch of people I could actualy talk to.) First thing about him remeber nutter I talked about a few days ago I swear Harrison idalized the guy, mr.nutter idolized condelizza rice but again another story and the one other thing he idolized my class. My second summester class was his favorite and he didn't try to hide it. Witch also may be why I liked that class alot. It realy was a good one and rather interesting. But any way back to nutter, the two of them were friends and harrison sat in on several of nutter's classes. Nutter sat in only only one of harrisons, I think he stopped by once too cause a bunch of us in harrisons class were in nutters before including me. He said something about making sure we weren't to tramatized (jokingly to harrison). He'd just gone into one of his rages about how were all lazy. Another thing about Harrison is that he's younger then my sister. It doesn't mean much but i was sitting there thinking that he's just so young. For nutter being his idael he did grade easy, as long as you turn in all your work. He'd always give you a high grade but had so few it hurt you if you didn't. He also had the most random stuff worth the most. Except in the end of the year his grading on our essays suddently got a lot harder. Were, what use to of gotten you a perfect score from him would now get you a low b. He had an obbsesion with thesis statements. If we had a bcr worth 25 points 15 would be from the thesis statement. He'd always push back dedlines for papers and change the rubric when you were writting it so that it ended up nothing like he origenaly assigned. Buy hey it was in his class that i discovered the otaku doing resurch in the computer lab for stereotypes to wright a paper. Not that in the end we need resurch cuase he changed the paper. He was also a very hard teacher to get a hold of cause he didn't have a room. He traveled to different ones in the h hall, a very screwed up hall by the way. Were the rest of the school's halls a perpindicular lines h hall is shaped like a house. Once I had to make up a test that I missed. He was bissy during lunch for the majority of two months. The days he wasn't I couldn't find him. So eventualy 3 days before grades were due I told my self I had to make up this test and wondered around h hall for 25 minutes before I found him then had to travel to 3 classes before he found one I could take the test in. I should mention that I told him each day that I would look for him at lunch to take the test and still never found him. Well thats it for now.
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Stupid, stupid me. Hitting head against wall. I acentently deleated the file with one of my stories in it when I was getting rid of some old documents. I was sending it to myself via e-mail incase I did something like this but I havn't opened it in so long that I lost it. I didn't write much but I worked realy hard on it and had been promising myself I'd start working on it more. Now I'm going to have to start over. Continues to hit my head on the wall.
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Well just finished babysitting. Its not the funnist thing in the world but seeing how I'm 30 dollers richer in about 4 hours I'll get over it. Anthoney and Alex again. Okay about there house. First, its banna yellow, doesn't have to do with anything else I say but I thought I should mention it. I don't mean sorta yellow or just yellow in there room, the entire inside is painted banna yellow. Second, I honestly think the value of there tvs is equal to the value of there house. They have one in almost every room. There's a small one up stairs and a fairly large one in the kitchen. The one in the family room is about twice as big as the one in my family room (witch is a pretty good size), the one in the parents bedroom is about twice as big as that. Then there is the one downstairs, I've never seen them watch it and honestly I didn't know TVs came that big. Its litteraly the size of a twin bed, maybe bigger. I'm not exagerating at all, if anything I'm under the size. I have no idea were they got it from but the thing is huge. (Time for me to feel old with this next sentence) When I was growing up we didn't even have cable or rabbit ears for that matter. Everything was pretty much static and whent in and out basicaly we had a tv to watch movies, not that theres a problem with movies. When we got rabbit ears we spent our entire time ajusting them and we finaly got cable maybe 3, 4 at the most years ago. I have friends who still don't get any channels at home. We watched another Pokemon movie too. And again I had pokemon explained to me in exruciating detail. The movie didn't even make much sence. It was a colection of five episodes and I was sitting there thinking waite, how did they figure this out and what just happened. They've dummed this stuff down so far that is doesn't even make sence. This was after playing with there gameboys/game cube for awile, witch wasn't so bad. Though a funny part, Anthoney the 3 year old was trying to beat the elite four and doing a rather bad job of it. If the pokemon your battleing is level 46 you don't use your level 30 pokemon, you use your level 86 pokemon. This happened, Anothoney kept on putting his weakest ones against the elite four. His dad had gotten that far in the game for him by the way. So, I ask if I could try and he says "No Keala, to hard for you." Witch is realy funny. Lets see what else I learned a knew way to get kids to eat. It was before there mother left and she was trying to get Anthoney to eat his food so indstead of having it be an airplane or something she moved the fork around saying don't eat me don't eat me. And once he did eat she gave a little fake scream. I thought that was interesting. Anthoney kept on spitting out his food though. Whenever he had chicken in his mouth and ate something else he spit it out. Side note on Anthoney once I babysat him two days in a row. The first day he refused to be called anything but Mario and the second day nothing but Baby Mario. If there is one thing to rival there love of pokemon (well at least Anthoney) its Mario. Whenever we play anything, say with a tomas the train set. What is read is always Mario (did I mention red is his favorite color) and something else is alway Luigie, this case tomas the train, and something else is alway yoshi. If there is enough peaces there is also a baby mario and baby luigi.
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Yeay, almost done. Only one more speach and about 20% of my math packet left...I'm going to go sleep now. I have algebraic formulas running through my head, ahhhh.
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The secound pet I've adopted.
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Time for me to complain again, I'm not sure if this is going to turn into a rant or not...depends on how worked up I get. This is about my dad, if you haven't noticed yet most of the greif in my life (well at least until school starts) is. Its not realy a big thing just something I've been thinking about for the past few hours (I spend alot of time thinking). Dad came over for dinner tonight, part of my parents we need to act civil in front of the kids campain, well its more of my mom's campain but you get the idea. So, the conversation was going around talking about everyones various days, me trying to explain that there is a major difference in the democratic and republican parties, that she neaded to vote if not for her than for me, ect. ect. So, the conversation finaly came around to everyones health and dad mentions that he just lost about 10 pounds and hes on a diet. This gets my brother upset because my dad's defention of a diet is I'm not going to eat unless the kid's are around and I have to make food anyway to feed them. I tell him Ravy's right and that thats not the way to loose weight (ever feel like your the parent). So, dad goes on and on that when you get to his age that exercise realy doesn't help you loose weight and that you have to eat less. That his such and such is too high and loosing weight is the only way to lower it. I say thats true but it doesn't mean you just stop eating. So to move the spotlight of him he points to me and says that I never eat witch makes me burst out laughing, I should mention that I'm eating cerial as I wright this. I tell thats not true I just never eat around him. Its not my fault I'm not hungery when he whants to eat dinner at 4 30 and I ate lunch at 3 30. Did I mention that despite starving himself my dads a doctor, not practicing but still a doctor. Also, I swear I didn't sound this preachy in the actual conversation. Just an interesting reversal of roles, me being the teenage girl and him being my wise old doctor father. In other news but the same conversation. This is directed toward my brother's school conselor. My brother told my dad a story that was taken out of contex by him and he told my mom but that not what I whant to talk about. This happened awile ago. Last year my brother intered middle school, it was a different school then all his friends but Ravy being the socail butterfly he is, it didn't bother him. So, anyway Travis "acts out" or needs to run around the building a couple of times so he can sit still. So, this consolor takes this over seriously and has all the confernces with mom and dad then tell them he needs to go on meds for adhd. She doesn't even tell them this in person she just calls them up. So, mom and dad take Ravy to the doctor, I could of told them it was a waste of time cause I have friends with adhd and I've seen them of there meds and Ravis does not act like that. So this councilor keeps on bothering and bothering him. The story he told my dad was that he had a friend thats parents had split and the councilor had bothered her so much to join a group to discuss it that her mom had to eventualy call the councallor up and tell her to leave her daughter alone. Now that I wright it down it doesn't seem that bad but at the time it infuriated me. Oh, another thing no one told my brother they were considering putting him on meds. Not the councilor, not my parents, not the doctor. He didn't find out for months, I knew before him. Well thats it for now, allways nice to get my thoughts out there.
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