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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Well spent most of the day looking up political articles. Only need five more vocab words, the 5 pages of algebra, 1 more book speach, making my other one presentable and I'm home free...I have so much to do! Arg stupid stupid summer school work with no point and like I said earlyer makes me very mad at politics and feel helpless. Lets see...I was so bored last night. 10 Things I Hate About You was on tv so I watched it and doodled a bit. I know everyone is talking about how unrealistic teen movies are but this is the first one I've seen sence I actualy have bean in highschool and they realy are. I was sitting there like waite this girl is suposed to be a sophmore, in a week and a half I'll be a sophmore and she looks at least 28. By far the funniest thing though was that the things the dude did that made him suposed to be scarry was nothing. I was sitting there wondering what exactly was so bad. Oh, my god he had a lighter and a drill its so terrible.
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Arg reading articles on us politics for summer NSL prodject. They make me so mad! Make me wish I could do something or at least vote. Owell, at least I managed to convince my mom and sister to register for the first time and have been ordering/begging for them to vote this year sence I can't.
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Yay, I think I'm turning my sister into an otaku. She read pet shop of horrors cause she realy thought the art work looked cool. So, yesterday she left for a trip to Florida for work. Her first ever buissness trip. Shes going to be testing insect repelent on volentears against moskitos. ITs great to cause the test only takes one day and shes going to be there for 4 so she's going to do all this stuff but thats getting of topic so anyway. The night she was leaving I got the 6th volume of pet shop of horrors and would not stop bothering me until she got it. When she asked if there was anything else she could read I brought down an arm full of manga and spent 10 minutes going I think you'll like that, thats cool, check out this one, ect. So now she's going to read the 7th volume of pet shop of horrors, 1st of Trigun, and 2nd (I don't have the first I barrowed it from a friend) of Real Bout High School. So, yeah realy happy about that.
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Just got back from going to dinner with my dad, he was on a buissness trip for the past two weeks. I swear he knows the most random people all over the place. Ummm...on his trip at one of his random friends parties he met the women who did the coreography for a dance seen in Shakespeare in Love and Troy. What else? I got the sixth volume of pet shop of horrors today too. I'm so happy about that.
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Yay, just finished most of my speech on Carl Sagan for when school starts again. Just got to add a little more on why his contributions were so great and write five quotes from his biography and explain why there important. I didn't actualy read the entire biography just looked stuff up on the internet but the teacher doesn't need to know that. So, that means tommarow I'll finish it, find 2 or three articles on important us events this summer, start writting a list of vocab words from the articles that I don't know (meaning are long enough that I can pretend not to know them and have something to write) and then next week I can make my speach on one other person. Just in time for school to start.
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Yesterday was funny. Me, my mom, her boyfriend Chip, her friend Gwen, my sister Jen, and her husband James were all eating dinner outside cause it was a nice day. When Jenny starts humming a Ween song (I don't know if anyone knows the band?) and my mom was kinda going what is that. So I start singing along and go from song to song. Mom's giving us her weird is this what kids do today look and asks Jenny (kinda joking way, its an inside joke that I'll probably explain when I get realy mad at some point) "Is this how your crupting my kids now" Half way through Happy Colored Marbles we both point to James and say he did it. Sence, he introduced Jen to the band and she introduced me. So, we are talking about various bands and Gwyen, Chip, and Mom are looking at us crazy with the ocasionel comment of waite they have a band called Modest Mouse, and Its all greek to me. We both point out that Gwyen realy can't complain about our musical taste because a relation of hers, maybe her nephew, I'm not sure places in a band called Lamb of God. They were at ozz fest witch is realy cool I wonder if anyone heard of them. So, anyway we both go inside and Jen brings in a Ween cd for Mom and chip to listen to, Gwen just left. She fast forwards through almost all the songs she thinks mom wouldn't like, code for explicite lyrics. Shes giving us the weird look again and were back to discussing music again. I'm telling Jen a story about how my gym teacher was compleatly freaked out cause Nicole brought in a Nirvana tape to listen to in gym, we always listened to music in gym but I couldn't remeber the song title. Finaly I do remember it the song Rape Me and mom sitting there saying waite there's a song called rape me. Jen goes into a long speach about how its symbolic then mom asks who sings it again. I say nirvana you no. She nods her head she doesn't know. Started grunge, killed hair bands forever, brought in flannel aka the most confortable fashion trend ever, ect. ect. Then mom says waite wasn't Courtney Love in that. We both try to explain she was not part of nirvana just married to Kurt covain. So, were going on and on. Mom's listening to the lyrics of the songs with aren't all apropriate for young ears. So, yah she says something about this being what Jen's exposing us to (again kinda joking she trusts my sister) and says she and chip are going for a walk and asks us what were going to do. From with we replie watch Kill Bill Volume 2 and she fakes horror (she already knew we got the dvd earlyer and like I said she might not know alot about music but she trusts my sister) It, was funny at the time. Sorry if I was kinda rambling but another shining example of an age gap.
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
I was just thinking about all the anime I own. Its all adventure and such because all my friends are obsessed with romance. Theres no reason to buy any cause they have everything. I think I only have one volume of a romance manga and thats Fruit Basket. I bought because I had 3 friends who had it and not one of them would let me take it out of there site, they thought it was that good. Just a thought.
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Something funny. The friend I was talking about yesterday who gave me Gravitation forever ago and loves to talk about. Today she imed me and was said, You gotta come over and watch the gravitation anime with me. I wasn't joking when I said she loves it.
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