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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

So what to talk about ummm... yesterday right after school ended I was waiting by the front doors for Michelle (we ride the bus together) and some random boy comes up to me. I've never seen him before and he gets about 3 inches from my face and says loudly "hey thats cute, I realy like that, thats shits cool..." and he gos on and on. I'm standing here frozen with my mouth half open thinking what is with this guy and to surprised to say anything. I didn't relize even what he was talking about until I relized he was making handmotions and pointing too my hair and the streaks in it (look at my avi thats me execpt the die washed out so the front of my hairs white now.) He then just sudently continues on hes way and I heard one of his friends tell him that was random. I was still to surprised to do anything. Standing in front of the school waiting for Michelle is weird because so many people pass by and do the weirdess things. A few days ago a random girl came up to me and got like 3 inches from my face (alot of people get in my face while I'm waiting too) and says hey I know you you whent to my old school. I stand there a few secounds then remember her and say hi. Whenever Steph goes by I start laughing too cause I lent her two stephen king books and for the past few days every time I see her at the end of school she says something like I won't be able to sleep tonight, I can't eat anything because of that, or I don't like your stories anymore and then disapears. Speaking on Steph and King she gave me one of the books back today but hadn't read all the stories and I asked her to read one more Survivor Type. Witch if youve read it you now its rather disturbing I guess would be the word. I told her to waite until after lunch but she wouldn't listen. So about five minutes later she puts it down and oh my god, he, god I can't eat anything else and throws away her entire lunch. Witch of course made everyone else whant to read the story. Okay on to the next topic why does everyone think I'm goth? There is nothing wrong with being goth but I'm just not. I wear what I feel like. Several people told me when they first saw me they thought I was mean and goth (nother good question why are those words senonemous sence when does such things have to do with each other) because I wear black, read horror books and have died hair. Sence when does that make someone goth. Its not even like I do those things to a large extent. My hair is only partly died, I try not to read in school (to bissy doing last nights homework) and don't wear that much black. Another funny note on that a bunch of kids eat lunch near Michelles locker. She nows all of them and they are semi friends but sometimes at lunch it can be a little hard for her to get stuff cause she has to step over people. She said one of the random councelors who walk around during lunch heard her complaining and asked her what the people look like. She said the truth, they were the people in black and one has a trenchcoat and spiked hair ect. And then the councelor asked if she whant to transfor her locker away from those people. What? In our school you can eat lunch anywere but the library or one hallyway. Most people have someone or another sitting infront of there locker. I mean with the way some people act you'd think wearing black nail polish or dieing your hair ment you made regulary made ridulal humen sacrefices in your basement. Just an observation of how people veiw others. For those who actualy read my entire posts wow. Its alot longer then I ment it to be and thanks for listening to my rant. I think I'll ask a question now that has to do with the whole goth thing. Have you ever had an experiance like that, I mean you probably have and it would be interesting to here?
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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Arg, I can't get the hair right! I'm drawing a character and I have a specific way I whant her to look but have been trying to draw her for weeks and just can't get her hair how I whant it. Usualy I don't have this problem cuase I create a person's personality to go with there picture not the other way around and this is so annoying. I have pages of just pictures heads littered around my room with various hair styles and I still can't get it right. Owell, off to try and again. I guess I'll get it eventualy. It did take me 2 weeks to get her clothes semi how I whanted them and I'm still working on thoughs too.
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Shara didn't study for chem, and now Shara is dead. Because what she thought was H2O was realy H2SO4.

Ravy told me that and I thought is was funny (H2SO4 is sulfiric acid) especialy sence I'm taking chem and at the moment need to study how to name chemicals and memorize polyionic (waite I forget they are either called polyionic or polynomic, whatever doesn't matter) nomenclasiors. Saw Resident Evil Apoclolipse today and I thought it was pretty good. Compleaty and utterly set up for a sequal but then again its a horror movie and what one isn't. Ravy was rather mad he couldn't see it (its rated R and he's not allowed to see R movies in theaters)though he watched underworld with a friend instead. Why thats not worse, I have no clue. The movie even broke a few horror movie rules, so it wasn't overly predictable. Don't get me wrong it was predictable but not as much I expected. Basicaly what I'm trying to say in way to many words is its worth seeing.

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Yesterday I whent to ben's house and hung out with him, nicole, keven, and ben's girlfriend. It was great cause I haven't seen them in so long. Kevin looked alot like he used to just as skinny as ever (he's skin streached over bones I don't even think he weighs 100 pounds and hes about 5 8). Though he was a bit talller and looked older. But Ben looked so different! He used to be shorter than me. Now I was looking at him and...man he's tall now. He also used to have alot of babyfat but now just doesn't. Still has a little but a lot less and his hairs long enough to put in a short poneytail. Both he and kevin looked so old. Also met ben's girlfriend for the first time. She was pretty cool. Though I never thought I'd see the day nicole was openly jelous of anyone but it has arrived. She said she missed it being just us for and feels like samantha is butting in. Though she knows we'll never be replaced it doesn't change what she feels. She made a few comments toward samantha but after awile things smoothed over. I can understand how nicole feels. It didn't realy bother me, ben still talked and did stuff with us but he was all over sam so yeah. I learned that ben is going to try and turn the story kevin wrote with characters based of us into a movie. Witch is cool. I lik ben's house alot. He has three brothers and sisters so people are always in and out but it still feels very much like you could say go down into the basement and people would leave you alone. So, basicaly I spent most of yesterday being beaten in video games, I suck at video games, by everyone (though I did beat ben once only to be beaten by kevin but then again no one can beat kevin), playing pool witch I also suck at (it was more of nicole giving me pointers I havn't played in something like 8 years), and doing stuff like that. I couldn't stay late though cause I had to go to margerite's house.
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Friday, September 10, 2004

I couldn't realy sleep last night cause I spent the entire time thinking about katie (my dog). The vets going to be gone monday and mom's gone this weekend so she took kates in today. She said she took her for a very long nice walk and gave her a bunch of treats before taking her to the vets and I whent on a long walk with her last night. If your ever a pet (can't imagen why you would be but if you are) then you should start getting susbisuse when everyone is extra nice to you and doesn't complain about having to walk you and gives you about 10 treats. I know its for the best but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I didn't realy cry, though my eyes started to get watery at random times, but all day at school I felt weird. Like I wasn't suposed to be there, my stomic kept on doing flip flops and I just kinda felt like I wasn't there. I also kept glancing at my watch wondering if mom had taken kate in yet. I also acted different. I'm surprised no one noticed maybe they did and just didn;t say anything but I just couln't stand everyones fights and bickering today and sparred a bit with Shaina then walked away. I don't think she noticed but it was diferent for me. I hardly ever get in fights with my friends and it wasn't even realy a fight but I acted rather...I don't know... put out. Just didn't do the stuff I normaly do. Though they did make me smile a few times. I didn't say anything about katy cause honestly I didn't know how. I just got 2 e-mails from my sisters friends saying they were sorry and such. That almost did make me cry. There Jen's close friends but I've known them sence I was very young so there more like cousens to me and I guess you could call them my friends to in a weird way. The e-mails worn't sent to everyone either. They both took there time to say something specificaly to me and one to me and my brother. Shara (one of them) is in vet school and she talked about how it wasn't our fault, that we must were very loving from what she saw and who much katie trusted us, how these things happened and such and it was the best thing and how she had seen this many times and we were very coragous and loving to deside to put kates down. While val gave me an e-hug and said she'd make sure to give me several real ones next time she saw me. At school I kept on being reminded of her by the most random things. Shaina talking about her dog, or even just fruits basket that I lent her cause someone in it turns into a dog. I don't realy whant to talk about it anymore so I'm going to move on to a new topic. Jen and James are going to visit shara this weekend like I said shes at vet school and mom is with chip in pennyvaina so nuben and chrisie (jen and james bosten terriors) are staying with us at dads. I just don't seem to be able to get away from the topic of dogs can I. Nicole called me last night panting saying you got to come to my game tommarow. So, I asked when it was and she said this weekend so i asked her again and she said saturday and then I asked when it was more specificaly and she said morning and i asked her one more time and she said 10 30 so I'll try to go tommarow. Turns out she was calling right after practice with is why she was panting. She goes to rockville (not my school) and is on the football team. Yes nicole is a girl. Yes she is on the football team. No to my knowledge rockville does not have a girls team and if they do she's not on it. And yes the rest of her team is boys. When she told me she made the team I wasn't surpriesed cause nicole is nicole and she does what she whants without thinking of what could be considered "normal" but you should see the expressions on some peoples faces when I say that nicoles on the foot ball team. Mentioned it to margerite last night cause her son goes to the school she's playing saturday. Margerite's eyes got realy big and she looked confused and said does he play football. Me, nicole she's a girl. Her, realy. Me, realy. Margerite looking more confused, I didn't know they have a girls team. Me, they doen't. Margerite know with a very funny expression, but how does she play. Is she big. Me, no actualy she's quite petite. Margerite, but how... Generaly how the conversation goes when I just mention it passingly cause can't discuss nicole and football without it being a surprising thing for some reason. Oh, something to add to my great day. We got done early in english so we had 15 minutes to do nothing. I don't know anyone in my english class and didn't feel like talking so I just sat there. The guy infront of me and his friend spent the entire time making fun of his autistic brother and talking about how he set him up to look like he was screaming for no reason when the guy was actualy making fun of him and stuff. The guy kept on calling him a fat pig. I mean I don't have an autistic brother but god thats harsh. Alot of things that happened to day made me think of peoples character and morals but this post is getting kinda long and I'm sick of typing so I'll save that rant for another time.
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Thursday, September 9, 2004

We have to put my dog down.
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Ever had friends who know a lot about something or are interested in something and you had no idea. In the past 2 days this has happened to me a bunch of times. Example A, stephanie. I need to get used to sudently finding out steph and i are into the same thing cause it happens ofter. Well to add on to manga, anime, fanfiction, metal specificaly mentalica and all that stephen king. Yesterday she was talking about how she did her summer reading on him. I mention I think he's a great author and we launch into an hour long discustion on how great various stories are. So, I just lent her two books that are colections of short stories of his. I pointed out some rather good one and just before i got on the bus she came up to me and said she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, witch I thinks a good thing cuase that means she got the full efect of the stories. She also said she had to stop reading the mangeler during english cause she was worried she might scream in class if someone startled her. Next friend, yesterday i was doing my chem homework and couldn't find something on the periodic table and i said so out loud. Michelle said oh its so and so. She did this with several more elements. She memorized the periodic table. I couldn't imagen doing that. Then in health today we did this activaty that involved are greatest fear and shaina had snakes. We started talking about it and she started spouting facts about snakes and I was sitting there like how do you know this. I knew she was interested in animals but... She said something about loving to learn about them so yeah. I had no idea she knew so much about snakes. Speaking of health today we had to draw pictures of what were best at, when were happyest, who means the most to us, what part of our personality are we most proud of, what we think will be doing in 10 years, and what our greatest fear is. Shaina thought it was funny that I chose my sister as the person I most cared about until I pointed out she chows herself. Then when she whent of to present it she was so nervous and didn't whant people to remeber her for saying me that she said of course the person I most care about is my family and friends even though the space had me written in huge letters. One guy said his greatest fear was clowns and aperently at least one person says that every semester. I have no idea what my greatest fear is so I finaly settled on the death of my friends and family. I also have no clue what I'm good at but drew me writting cause I do that alot. Ummm...the part of my personality I'm most proud of I also had a lota trouble on but everyone asked said I was to nice. I setteled on being abile to see both sides of the argument. As for what I'm going to do in 10 years, I have apsolutly no idea whatsoever so I drew myself in front of a computer and said I had a job.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Well all is well with the weather again. Michelle must be disapontied. She spent the last week on the bus talking about how we never have anything dangerous or violent happen were we live. I mentioned the dc sniper who was realy realy close to my old school and the ice storm we had in 99 (though granted she was in hollend then) and 96 (even if she was only six or seven) ect. ect. but she had various reasons why they didn't count. She says she wishes life was like her books and sence she doughts that it will be a romance book (she is obessed with romance) she would like the next best thing aka violence. Michelle is funny because all the books she reads are the same. The guy is tall dark and handsome. With curly brown hair and no facial hair exept for a 5 oclock shadow at somepoint. He has a tradjic mysteries past. Doesn't whant to get close to anyone. Is usualy a bodygarud policmen, or something that has to do with law informent or used to. And thats just the main guy I can explain far more. Jen just said her dad's house lost a bunch of shingles and part of his fence and a palm tree but thats it. He lives in florida. Well back to subject. Ummm...I had time to think about ceres that I read yesterday. It takes me time to think about things I read or watch before I can talk about them. Umm...I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to say but if you don't whant to here parts of ceres tis best you skip the rest of my post. Just a warning. I think volume 8 pretty much put the last nail in the coffen for anyone who whanted Aya to get with Yui. In the colums were the creator can write whatever she kept on talking about how hard she was working to get the different dialects correct. I feel kinda bad such things are lost in english. It was interesting though how obvious it was Toya was a different person even the way he was drawn. I think its because his eyes and mouth changed. I can't waite for 9 to come out in the US. I wonder when it does.
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Its raining...alot. There's also a tronado warning for my area. Just thought to mention that. Arg, I have a lot of homework tonight.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

"I'm not blunt I just say what I'm thinking and not afraid to admit it." That was Shaina at lunch. I'm officaly done with summer reading, cheers. I presented my speech on Bogart today. I don't remeber a single thing I said and right now I don't care. Gotta go do my homework so I'll have time to read ceres before babysitting so bye.
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