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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Well I'm back from my trip. Five hours up on saturday morning and five hours back on sunday. Ummm...I have a lot to say so this is going to be a long post. So, I'll break it up into sections so if you get bored with one you'll know when I am going to start talking about something else.
Florida is not having much luck right now is it. Jenny's (my sister) dad, helen (his wife), stevey, and mikey (there sons) all live down there. They were evacuated to tampa but I was with out tv or phone or internet for the last two days so I don't know how tampa is but I hear the huricane practicaly covered all of florida and james said a nother hurricane might be forming.
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Watched it on Friday and it was awsome. The only problem was the sound effects were so much louder then the dialuge. I had to constantly ajust the volume or the sound of say a train would hurt my ears and then I could hardly hear the dialuge. Margirete my dad's girlfriend came over and I had to stop it like three times to say hi to her but I didn't mind. Until she came down with dad and he told me to turn the movie off and say hi and she said I already did and i shouldn't have to do that. They whent on for about 10 minutes and then started talking about stuff in front of the tv. Then dad started asking me if i watch hentai again. In front of a confused marigrette while i started saying something about someday somebodies going to actualy know what he's talking about and he's going to get me in trouble and that that the most idiotic question but whatever. Then margeritte asked if she could watch it to but she whent back upstairs with dad. Its a small thing but talking through movies is one of my pet peeves. Though afterword I did have to explain the ending to Ravy who was watching it with me cause he didn't get it but I didn't mind.
A lot more fun then I expected. We met part of mom's side of the family in cooks forest a place about five hours from here and 1 1/2 from were they live in new york (no not that newyork, the state in a small place called jamestown with practicaly no jobs as the family mentions often.) I didn't relized there were so many small kids in the family. There was my cousins Dolores's two kids 2 and 1. Her boyfriends other 3 kids. My other cousens 9 month old and his girlfriends two kids who were 5 and 6 but acted just like kids. That was steven who I haven't seen for awile. I didn't even remeber what he looked like. When he got out of the car jen was like, oh god he looks just like brad (her old boyfriend) now cause he has his hair the same way. I stuck close to jen most of the time. But was realy tire so when to sleep at like 8 30 last night. Then while I was in bed apearently they found a bear and her cub in the dumster. This morning jen mom and I when on a hike though it wasn't that bad (mom's famous in the family for suckering various relatives for 12 mile hikes with 45 degree inclines and having to climb over boulders and the like. I of course never have a choice wether or not to come along) This wasn't bad though and was realy pretty. I didn't relize it but it was katlens 1 year birthday so we had a caked and such. Everything was spoongbob themed even the penada witch rachel (2) got realy upset when people starting hitting it. Jen likened it to a pagen ritual with us knocking out his gutts eating them, dancing around with them in are hands, and then burning him in the fire doug (one of my aunts boyfriend) made. Neither me or jen actualy did anything with the penada because by that time I think the only thing we were thinking about was sleep.
Family seems to be getting along well. Dolores seems realy happy and her and john are talking about getting married. I can't beleive how well behaived there children are. Johns a little weird but seems to be a great father. Stevey who until now I was thinking could be a product of my imagenation sence I never see him also seems happy and is thinking about getting married to his girlfriend. Jen was realy happy too see dolores (there very close and use to live together). I feel bad though cause I know its nun of my relatives faults but whenever I see them all I can think about is how I'm keeping something from jen and I realy hate doing it. Uncle carl (whoes not realy related to me but is married to one of my aunts) wasn't there. I think there getting divoreced with is good. It was also good he wasn't there. I'm not sure what I would do if he was.
Car Ride Back
Well on the car ride back trav was talking back to mom so mom was going after him and so I told them both to get over it, this was more directed to travis but not a good idea either way. So, mom gave a talk to trav then to me. About how she was 50 and didn't need her 15 year old daughter telling her what too do. So, I shut up. But then jen told mom that she wasn't exactly having a productive conversation with trav and saying she was 50 years old and has been around the block and ect was not helping. So they go on it about how mom didn't need her 24 year old daughter telling her what to do or doing such things in front of a a5 year old and a 12 year old (why are our ages so important anyway.) And how we were part of this and ect. Until jen said something about mom spending to much time with chip and needing to be with the family more and have him be with us. Something that had been bothering jenny for awile. Witch made mom shut up for about 20 minutes the car was dead silent. Until mom spoke again and I relized she was crying. So they when back and forth for awile I won't bore you with the details but they worked it out and then someone made a comment about us getting home in time just for james to see us all teary and red eyed (though mom was the only one crying) witch made everyone laugh and all was well in the car again.
Something I relized with dubbs I'm not going to go into the whole they suck ect ect thing but this hit me over the weakend. One of there problems is all the male voices are way to low. Guys who are supposed to be young or are slightly fimenen sound like...I'm not sure but they sound realy deep. Even narators have these deep voices that sound stupid and like the person is intentaly lowering there voice.
Love for Venous
Step lent the first volume of love for venous to me. She got it I singapore. I think she had a stop there while visiting family in india or something. It was very typical but cute. The main characters who's like 18 I swear looks about 8. The ending is cliche but still makes me wish she bought the secound volume too.
Shaina lent me volume 5 and 6 of ceres (all my friends are into romance) and is lending me 7 and 8 on tuesday. Its getting rather dark and disturbing but in a good way. Meaning its a realy good series. I've been putting my hands over my ears and saying don't talk about it whenever anyone mentions the series but I did accidently hear that 8 ends with aya having to make a major decesion and several of my friends are going back and forth on it. I don't think 9 is outh in the us though.
Very long post but I think thats it.
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