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Maryland, United States
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I can't pinpoint exactly when... is sort of crept up on me
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a list to long to write
to be able to draw/write better
draw, write, read, hang out with friendes, normal stuff
I'm sorta a jack of all trades
Thursday, September 9, 2004
Ever had friends who know a lot about something or are interested in something and you had no idea. In the past 2 days this has happened to me a bunch of times. Example A, stephanie. I need to get used to sudently finding out steph and i are into the same thing cause it happens ofter. Well to add on to manga, anime, fanfiction, metal specificaly mentalica and all that stephen king. Yesterday she was talking about how she did her summer reading on him. I mention I think he's a great author and we launch into an hour long discustion on how great various stories are. So, I just lent her two books that are colections of short stories of his. I pointed out some rather good one and just before i got on the bus she came up to me and said she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, witch I thinks a good thing cuase that means she got the full efect of the stories. She also said she had to stop reading the mangeler during english cause she was worried she might scream in class if someone startled her. Next friend, yesterday i was doing my chem homework and couldn't find something on the periodic table and i said so out loud. Michelle said oh its so and so. She did this with several more elements. She memorized the periodic table. I couldn't imagen doing that. Then in health today we did this activaty that involved are greatest fear and shaina had snakes. We started talking about it and she started spouting facts about snakes and I was sitting there like how do you know this. I knew she was interested in animals but... She said something about loving to learn about them so yeah. I had no idea she knew so much about snakes. Speaking of health today we had to draw pictures of what were best at, when were happyest, who means the most to us, what part of our personality are we most proud of, what we think will be doing in 10 years, and what our greatest fear is. Shaina thought it was funny that I chose my sister as the person I most cared about until I pointed out she chows herself. Then when she whent of to present it she was so nervous and didn't whant people to remeber her for saying me that she said of course the person I most care about is my family and friends even though the space had me written in huge letters. One guy said his greatest fear was clowns and aperently at least one person says that every semester. I have no idea what my greatest fear is so I finaly settled on the death of my friends and family. I also have no clue what I'm good at but drew me writting cause I do that alot. Ummm...the part of my personality I'm most proud of I also had a lota trouble on but everyone asked said I was to nice. I setteled on being abile to see both sides of the argument. As for what I'm going to do in 10 years, I have apsolutly no idea whatsoever so I drew myself in front of a computer and said I had a job.
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