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myOtaku.com: blue sage

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

So what to talk about ummm... yesterday right after school ended I was waiting by the front doors for Michelle (we ride the bus together) and some random boy comes up to me. I've never seen him before and he gets about 3 inches from my face and says loudly "hey thats cute, I realy like that, thats shits cool..." and he gos on and on. I'm standing here frozen with my mouth half open thinking what is with this guy and to surprised to say anything. I didn't relize even what he was talking about until I relized he was making handmotions and pointing too my hair and the streaks in it (look at my avi thats me execpt the die washed out so the front of my hairs white now.) He then just sudently continues on hes way and I heard one of his friends tell him that was random. I was still to surprised to do anything. Standing in front of the school waiting for Michelle is weird because so many people pass by and do the weirdess things. A few days ago a random girl came up to me and got like 3 inches from my face (alot of people get in my face while I'm waiting too) and says hey I know you you whent to my old school. I stand there a few secounds then remember her and say hi. Whenever Steph goes by I start laughing too cause I lent her two stephen king books and for the past few days every time I see her at the end of school she says something like I won't be able to sleep tonight, I can't eat anything because of that, or I don't like your stories anymore and then disapears. Speaking on Steph and King she gave me one of the books back today but hadn't read all the stories and I asked her to read one more Survivor Type. Witch if youve read it you now its rather disturbing I guess would be the word. I told her to waite until after lunch but she wouldn't listen. So about five minutes later she puts it down and oh my god, he, god I can't eat anything else and throws away her entire lunch. Witch of course made everyone else whant to read the story. Okay on to the next topic why does everyone think I'm goth? There is nothing wrong with being goth but I'm just not. I wear what I feel like. Several people told me when they first saw me they thought I was mean and goth (nother good question why are those words senonemous sence when does such things have to do with each other) because I wear black, read horror books and have died hair. Sence when does that make someone goth. Its not even like I do those things to a large extent. My hair is only partly died, I try not to read in school (to bissy doing last nights homework) and don't wear that much black. Another funny note on that a bunch of kids eat lunch near Michelles locker. She nows all of them and they are semi friends but sometimes at lunch it can be a little hard for her to get stuff cause she has to step over people. She said one of the random councelors who walk around during lunch heard her complaining and asked her what the people look like. She said the truth, they were the people in black and one has a trenchcoat and spiked hair ect. And then the councelor asked if she whant to transfor her locker away from those people. What? In our school you can eat lunch anywere but the library or one hallyway. Most people have someone or another sitting infront of there locker. I mean with the way some people act you'd think wearing black nail polish or dieing your hair ment you made regulary made ridulal humen sacrefices in your basement. Just an observation of how people veiw others. For those who actualy read my entire posts wow. Its alot longer then I ment it to be and thanks for listening to my rant. I think I'll ask a question now that has to do with the whole goth thing. Have you ever had an experiance like that, I mean you probably have and it would be interesting to here?
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