Shattered Peices (01/02/08)
hey kid =]
I’m just skipping around and found myself at your site..
nether less, here I am signing your guestbook..
be proud. be very, very proud!
I ♥ you site, very cute =]
feel free to pm me. but if you don’t mind, I would like these to be followed, not to be rude.
1. Don't ask me "What should we talk about" since if I even had a clue, chances are we'd be talking about it.
2. Don’t ask me "Want to be friends?" cause if we're pming, chances are we're friends anyways.
3. Don’t pm me over and over if I don’t reply or if you have something else to say. i have many pms, and if you do that, i get over crowded, and stressed.
please and thanksyou. x]