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Hate to break it to you but I live in your House. You just don't know it
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Lean to draw,
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I wached salior moon when I was 5
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| Blue WingedDragon
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This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/25/07:
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
You have Butterfly Eyes! Positive Traits: Thoughtful, Intelligent, Humble, Clever, Open Minded Negative Traits: Elitist, Conceited, Apathetic, Cold, Sarcastic Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/07:
What is your greatest desire?
 You most want to slip away into the darkness and hide. You dont want people to see you. Seeing you means acknowledging your existence and you dont want to exist. You dont want to die because you are so unsure of what awaits you. Being alive has cursed you with a family who loves you, and because of this, dying would only hurt them. You are so confused about what you want to happen. You wait for people to tell you what to do to make sure you dont make mistakes. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/25/07:
You Are Romanticism
You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is.
You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of.
For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero.
You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals.
Result Posted on 11/25/07:
You Are 41% Peaceful
In general, you think the world's a pretty great place - and you're happy to be a part of it.
Sometimes you struggle with life, but who doesn't?
You are quite level headed, though you have more inner angst than you'd like.
Result Posted on 11/25/07:
What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]
 The pessimist - The whiner People in this category usually have a very gloomy outlook on thing in general, trapped within a dark mind. Most of the times, it is past events that has made them pessimistic. Most likely they lived through a few unfortunate events and/or hardships that made quite a large impact on them. Now they seem to believe they have been cursed with bad luck, for nothing ever do go their way. Positive scenarios they gladly live through, but later proclaim them as a coincidence or shrug them off. Positive things never leaves them a great, lasting impression, and they tend to hold onto events which went badly. Pessimists are seen as "party poopers" if they were to voice out their opinion. It is not that they want to live life this way, but they found that life will be unfair whether they want it to or not. Therefore they have adjusted, albeit reluctantly. They want things to be better, but seldom do anything about it. Most Pessimists are passive aggressive, and never really want to try new things. Those will probably only disappoint them anyway, they think. Many things in their lives are a disappointment to them already. They stick to what's safe and tried, for they know where they have it. Pessimists are truly negative, and may be prone to develop depression. They often feel life is hopeless and have little to no faith in both things and people. Pessimists usually stick to "their own kind", so to speak, and prefer solitude or the company of a selected few. As a safety precaution, they never expect much. That way they won't be hurt. Pessimists are usually seen as life's victim. But even so, they are not trying to change it either way. Quote:"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out." -Anton Chekhov
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Result Posted on 07/09/07:
Well at least it was kinda accuat.
Result Posted on 01/25/06:
Result Posted on 12/22/05:
I Like bows an arrows.=^-^=
Result Posted on 12/22/05:
I do?Wow
Result Posted on 12/19/05:
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