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myOtaku.com: BlueAngel4

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

hey everyone... How has everyones day been today... Mine wuz alright, we have finally gotten the electricity fixed... YAY **does happy dance but soon getz dizzie and sitz back down**

I am still extremely sick and now my back is all broken so it hurtz when I cough and when I bend over oh god it hurtz, but I managed to shovel the front stairz this morning along with a nice path down the walkway...

But I am going to sitez when I leave here and I will be so happy to get to sitez today without having to worry about the power going out... I will be posting the hotties hopefully ASAP... Hope everyone has a great day and Ill talk to ya lataz...

Quote of the day: ~Random~
~I would do anything just to feel ur sweet touch one more time~

Word of the day:
***There is no word for today cuz I posted so late so tomorrow Ill do a word***

Have a Happy... ^.^

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