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Friday, September 16, 2005
I'm ready for the weekend.I can't wait to relax!
I recieved a call this morning that was funny and annoying at the same time. Apparently in my home town some moron held up a CVS pharmacy and held some people hostage. Then the idiot took a lot of the meds there and knocked himself out. All the police had to do was walk in and drag him out. *sigh* Who sent all the village idiots to my town?
On the news today: mice infected with plague go missing, experts say that health risk is small. Small... they have the bloody plague!! Yeah the health risk is small, they are mice afterall. They said that there should be no worry because the mice should die soon from it. Um... correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the original plague start from animals eating other dead animals? click here to read it
^^ Even if the world goes to pot just be glad that you got to see the coolest apocalypse ever. Have a great day everyone!
The link doesn't work for some reason so just c&p this:
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
No worries
Hey, don't worry. I've cheered up since posting this morning. Still have a headache, but I'm still calm. ^^ I was looking at and saw an article that you may like. here
It talks about anime in video games. Pretty interesting and another score for otaku. ^^ *laughs evily* oh well. Later!
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I'm so Sorry
Sorry I didn't get to many sites yesterday. Something of a personal problem has come up and it's driving me out of my mind. Don't worry though I do have some sanity left ^^ (i think).
*sigh* I didn't get much sleep last night. Strange dreams woke me up every hour and then my roomate came in somewhere between three or four and turned on the light. So this morning I'm really tired, my head is throbbing, and I have to head to work soon. Just pity anyone who tries to be too cheerful today.
I'm going to take some medicine and see how many of you I can visit before I have to go. Later.
P.S- never... NEVER, have caffine before bed. You WILL regret it.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Everyone happy today? Rather mellow day for me, but its not bad at least. I'm working on a pic of a girl with bunny ears for someone that likes bunnies. Only problem is when I work on it in public it always gets compared to... certain other bunnies. *sigh* It makes working on it hard. Stupid people make life difficult. Oh well ^^.
Not much besides that. Stay happy! Later.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Another Strange day!! ^^
It's unbelievable how weird things snowball. It all started yesterday with a strange package in the mail. I got.. a Zombie Jesus action figure! It has glowing hands and red eyes O_O. It's a present from a friend is all I can say. Later in class, the teacher was introducing himself then all of a sudden goes off on a rant on how he doesn't trust technology! After class I got a phone call from a friend (the one who sent the... toy). She was telling me stuff that was truly insane and all of a sudden just says,"You know, you should really f*** my ex-girlfriend". My friend is a girl for the record. After that little waltz through Crazyland I just relaxed in my room. I wasn't safe there either. The phone rang and I jumped up to get it. As I stood, my foot hit my desk chair and the chair rolled over my toe. I finally get to the phone and I'm standing on one leg with blood dripping off my toe where I smashed it good, and the phone call... was just some idiot wanting to know where he was calling from. I asked him "HOW SHOULD I KNOW??", and he just sorta mumbled.
I really hope that today is just a normal day. *sigh* Hope you all have a good day too! ^^
PS- Hide from the crazies!!!
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Monday, September 12, 2005

Hey! Sorry I didn't get on here yesterday even though I got back. Lets just say that something came up. I start a new class today so I have to go buy the books soon. My new class is in the afternoon so I get to sleep later! ^^
Question of the day: Of the new shows that will be on Cartoon Network, which are you looking forward to?
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
I found out a little too late that today is the start of the break. So I have to get my laundry done, and get my work done today as fast as I can. That leaves a grand total of... jack to visit everyone.... CRAP!!! Sorry, everone. *sigh* I've got to head to work now.. If I get lucky and get off early I'll visit as many as I can. Later. Have a great weekend!
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Crappy internet
Geez, the internet at school went down today and I have no idea how many peoples sites I didn't get to cause of it. I had just gotten back from work and tried to get on the net when it went down. I couldn't do anything so I went and took a nap... until 9pm. ^^' I'm not sure when it came back on but I had to finish my internet homework. Oh well.
I only have to tough it out for three more days then I get a break from school. I can't wait for a good home cooked meal. The worst part is that I only have enough food left in my room for two days. Geez, I know how Spike and the Bebop crew feel. Ramen is good.... for the first two weeks. ^^ Heh, bountyheads beware, I need cash. *sets off into the sunset whistling*
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Monday, September 5, 2005
IT'S HERE!!! ^-^
I finally got the thing that Serrafina sent me for my birthday. It's a copy of Evil Dead 2 signed by Bruce Cambell!! ^^
I'm watching it now! ^^ Yay!
*stares intently at screen* o.o
Mm... *mumble* movie ....good...
See... you.. later......
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
How are all of you? ^^
Hey! How's it going? Thanks for all the happy b-day comments ^^. I feel so loved lol.
I'm just sitting here at 12:14am watching the Cowboy Bebop movie on CN. Got the laptop on the, er, lap (geez it heats up fast). My roomy is starting to annoy me. The guy was gone all day. When he got back he asked again if he could make a copy of my project. I declined again. After he left again, some friends of his came by looking for him and revealed that he had gone to the clubs! If the lazy jerk has enough time to party, then he has enough time to do his homework. Lazy jerk. *sigh*
Heh, I feel really good now though. I was talking to Serrafina's little sis (so cute ^^) and having fun when she said that I was sorta like a big brother. ^^ Nothing melts the heart quicker. Heh, I don't know what it is but for some reason that makes me want to be a better person. ^^ I rather like this feeling. If only this kind of happiness could last forever... oh well, I guess that would get boring ^_~. I'll stop bothering you now. Hope you all have a great day!
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