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Earth (most of the time)
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bounty hunter, Demon Lord, Wanderer....
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If I told you I'd have to kill ya...
I... breathe? O_O
Anime Fan Since
the amnesia ended. O.O
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, Gundam, and every anime left on this planet.
take over world, become an anime or manga artist. Become a teacher and corrupt the masses
drawing manga, listening to friends, and helping when possible.
drawing and dealing with psychos, er, friends...^^;
| bluedemonboy
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Long day again...
Short post before I go to class. I have a group project due tomorrow and a huge exam the day after that. I should be worried but I'm calm strangely enough. Oh well. I started feeling sick yesterday but it went away but I really should take better care of my body(or at least that is what everyone tells me) Time to go. Later everyone.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
I have a lot of work to do in three short days. *sigh* I wonder why I always end up being a peacemaker... History repeats itself so given enough time you will encounter the same situation. Deja vu is hard to explain to someone who has not experienced it. I feel it all the time, but apparently others have never felt it at all... To quote Spike: "I'm just watching a dream I never wakeup from" *grins* Later space cowboys and cowgirls.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
*sigh* Well...I'm back... I managed to get the important paper done on time (even though there were a few complications) and went home for the weekend. I got back today and went over to a friends. Her roomate was having a breakdown and wanted to go to IHOP, so I went with her. She started crying at the IHOP, and that was disturbing. She is one of the strongested willed girls I have ever met and to see her crying was... unatural. Oh well, she is better now at least... Later.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Still sleepy...
Just a short post before I go home for the weekend. Haven't started on my paper and only have a few hours left ^^; Oh well.... I hope you all have a fun (and safe) weekend! Later.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Hey folks, just a short post as i'm pulling an all nighter... I have a paper due tomorrow... big paper... I've only made one crane so far... -_-; I'll have to try hard to make more this weekend.. well back to work... later.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Testing 1,2,3....

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Nothing to report. Leaving to make paper cranes. Later.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Just another update
Hello everyone. Bad news, one of my friends has the flu and went to the hospital. She is out now but will have to miss class. The problem is that all of us that were around her are at a high risk of getting sick. It gets worse... I think I may have caught it too. The day she was supposed to have got it was the same day we both ate at this one place and started feeling awful at the same time. I'll spare you the details but my stomach hasn't been feeling well, but my friend gave me some vitamins and stuff to help fight it off. One last thing, everyone please visit destinyssweetman's site and read the post about the sick girl. Please help out. Thanks.
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Things are busy in the world so my posting may be.... limited. A lot of homework and a lot of.... stuff going on. Nothing bad... just time consuming. I'll still visit everyones sites. I just may not be able to update mine as often. (then again, like anything worth telling happens to me ^^)
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Hello people. It's really cold today so I'm staying inside today. Last night was interesting. I was at my two female friends apartment and was watching movies with one of them. We could hear people partying in one of the other apartments. At first they were just loud then they started breaking beer bottles outside. My friend got a cut on her foot from the glass. The security here isn't worth anything so my friend complained to some people higher up in the chain of comand. The problem is that one of the RA's let the drunk people know who called them. So now we have to be careful of people wanting revenge. Oh well... ^^ either way. Whatever happens, happens. Later.
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