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• bluedemonboy01
• 1986-09-01
• Earth (most of the time)
Member Since
• 2004-10-28
• bounty hunter, Demon Lord, Wanderer....
Real Name
• If I told you I'd have to kill ya...
• I... breathe? O_O
Anime Fan Since
• the amnesia ended. O.O
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, Gundam, and every anime left on this planet.
• take over world, become an anime or manga artist. Become a teacher and corrupt the masses
• drawing manga, listening to friends, and helping when possible.
• drawing and dealing with psychos, er, friends...^^;
| bluedemonboy
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Spike_Bebop sent me a message and told me to check this out. I ask the same of whoever sees this.
Dear Quiztakers:
>>PLEASE send this poem to everybody you know.
>>It is the request of a special little girl who
>>will soon leave this world as she has cancer.
>>Please send this to everyone you know or don't know.
>>This little girl has 6 months left to live, and as her dying wish,
>>She wanted to send a letter telling everyone to live
>>their life to the fullest, since she never will.
>>She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high
>>school, or get married and have a family of her
>>By you sending this to as many people as possible,
>>you can give her and her family a little hope,
>>because with every name that this is sent to,
>>The American Cancer Society
>>will donate 3 cents per name to her treatment and recovery plan.
>>One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know that we can
>>send it to at least 5 or 6..........................
Just think it could be you one day. It's not even your money, just your time!
Please Help...Take this Quiz...It can help save a life! brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 14, 2005
One more post...
One last post before I go. I've been trying to help my little sister but I seem to be useless. I want to be able to help, but... Things are never simple when they need to be. She is going all out toward her new goal without any thought of the consequences. It's all on me. No one else knows about it and I promiced her I would keep the detail secret. And then she toys with me.... *sigh* Whatever. I at least have the whole weekend to think up a plan. Well... whatever happens... happens. Later.
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My horoscope for today...
As a Virgo, you may have a tendency to apologize for the fact you even exist, as if there was really no good reason for to have been born! Yet, often a little dose of spirituality could make you think twice about that. There is a certain astrological philosophy that says that if you are here in the world among us, it's because the world needs you. It's a good day to think about this idea.
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My brain is on strike....
First off is my sincere apologlies to those that I rather rudely ended IM conversations with yesterday. I had finally got in contact with someone that I had been trying to talk to all week. That someone is my bestfriend. She has been acting... really odd as of late and I was concerned and wanted to make sure everything was alright. I know that doesn't really make up for it but I just wanted to explain.
I can't think of anything else to write right now. Sorry. I hope you all have a great weekend.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Subject?!? I don't need no stinken' subject! ^_^
Thanks to everyone who commented below. ^_^ Don't worry, I feel better now. I saw the girl in class and my memories of her (and her smile) made me rethink a few things. I decided that I can not force her to change, but I will stick by her no matter what. *sigh* Geez, I'm such a pushover when it comes to her. But I don't care ^.^ . I'm going home for the weekend so I probably won't be able to post after tomorrow until monday. I need to find a way to get my newest work on here too. I also drew a new avatar. Hopefully it won't be all blurry this time.
Now to you people:
Cooly Fooly- Me deep? Wow, that's a first.
destinyssweetman- Thanks a lot. ^.^
forsakenlove- Yeah, I feel the same way. Alone but not alone. Thanks.
smoothlady15- Thanks. It's good to know that there are people to talk to.(who will actually listen ^.^)
Kitsune Foxfire- Was better by 3pm so you were right. O_o Are you....psychic?? ^.^
Okay, that's probably enough of my insanity for one day so... until tomorrow. Later. ^.^
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It will rain soon....
*sigh* Woke up on the depressed side. I've lost most of faith in humanity. When you see just how much the world corrupts some people.... it's maddening. Friends who defined innosence now... the innosence is gone. The sky is cloudy and it will rain soon. The rain always helps me to mellow out. It brings back the memories of better times. *sigh* Oh well, I guess I'll see if there is a way to change her back. The sad thing is that this... is probably my fault. It looks like we rubbed off on each other. She has lost her shyness and innosence, and become what I was before she helped me. Well if she wants to be selfdestructive.... *smirk* I guess it's time to return the favor. One more time....
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Um... new post??
*out of breath* Geez it takes a long time to look at everyone's sites. No one went bowling cause we all had homework. Ok now to answer my own questions.
1) I would be... Spike from Cowboy Bebop. I've been compared to him a few times and the series is my favorite.
2) All the Zelda games and Golden Sun for the GBA.
3) This ^.^, talking to my friends, and video games.
4) Hmm... "The Paper" and The Paper Sisters ^.^
5) *predicts that Serena is chasing Luna and moves just in time to avoid being flattened by Serena* Talking cat chasing a talking hamster.... no more soda for me.
Oops, I accidently messed up on question 4. Was trying to get that underlined. ^.^;
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Hehe. Even with all of the insanity in my life right now, I managed to wake up in a good mood. This is the first time since.... well a really long time! ^.^ I gets to go bowling today! I'm not good at it, but who cares? You're suposed to have fun.(you should also have pie too ^.^).... Wow I'm...(can't think of the word)today. Gah, lost my train of thought... Ooookay, then how about a few questions:
1) Who(or what) would you be from anime? and why?
2) Favorite video game or game series?
3) How do you spend your free time?
4) Which anime character do you think is (u)too(/u) cute?
5) You see Luna from Salior Moon chasing Hamtaro. What do you do?
^.^ I'll answer them later. Later.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I'm a little freaked out right now. My friend was looking for a pic on her computer and I accidently saw a pic of her.... naked. O_O Let me just say that there was not much I didn't see. (for the record: she is a beutiful girl, it's just strange to see something like that out of the blue) Later....
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Love for all the people!
Can't think of anything so... questions!
1) What is the weirdest thing you've seen/done this week?
2)What animal would you be?
3) If you could do one thing and get away with it, what would it be?(keep it clean!)
4) What is more annoying? a drunken hippie or a punk rock popstar who can't sing?
Sorry. I'll have better questions later. -_-;
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