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Monday, December 6, 2004
It's morning...
Well it's morning and it's raining. I'm not complaining though. I was up last night doing homework (the below tells why) at 12:30 and I decided that instead of changing the channel that I would give the Super Milk-chan show another chance. That was stupid of me. I don't know what has happened. It was promised to be a great show but... it blows. *sigh* Who knows? I only have four days left at school then we are forced to go home for a full month. That sounds good but I don't have a computer so I won't be able to see anyones site. T-T I had to get a friend to go and play my outwar account over the break or all my stuff would disappear. I have a plan working though... Crap, time for class. Later, space cowboys and cowgirls!
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
A question...
Here is a situation I want all of your opinions on. A girl in your class asks to borrow your book and you had heard her say that she has been having money trouble and she doesn't have a book of her own. You let her borrow it all week and need it so you go to get it at the last minute with only four hours left to get all the work done that you had to do (that you couldn't do cause she had the bloody book) and when you get it back its cover is torn! She also said"I'm not done yet but I guess you can borrow it." Tell me, do I have any right to be angry? (not to mention that I almost lost my friends because she used something I said on accident against one of my friends)
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Achen' head
My head (obviously) hurts. Just got done celebrating my friend's 20th birthday. Alot of people were to come but only 4 that were invited showed (and I'm counting myself in that) I think that there will be a lot of butt kissing tomorrow. I think I may have gotten SpikeBebop addicted to outwar -_-; oops.
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Another crazy quiz....
 Apathetic. You my apathetic friend, you should care more about your life, right?
..:What's your psychological problem?:.. ( Anime Pictures ) brought to you by Quizilla
I don't need a quiz to tell me I'm crazy. >.O
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Killing time
*sigh* Finally done checking everyone's sites. I woke up late so I missed most of the anime I was going to watch. So now I'm just killing time playing Outwar and messing with the otaku until more anime comes on tonight. We had a dance last night and everyone got drunk. -_-; There is vomit outside on the sidewalk. And on that happy note, its time to go back to outwar. (if anyone plays it plz don't attack me -_-;)
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Well... everything is starting to go back to normal. I've been yelled at and will probably be hit before the day is over. Oh well. Looking forward to watching cartoons all day tomorrow! ^.^ Nothing is more fun than being a slacker. Time to look at crap on the net all day now. Later.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Horizontal, not vertical...
I'm going crazy. My friends are still fighting. Apparently one of them got mad at someone for doing drugs then she did some last night. I was told this and was like: O.O no way. Maybe I should be more careful with who my friends are. Then I went to check on my sick friend. We were talking when the people she has to share a bathroom with started having(loud) sex in the shower.(and an hour later they did it again) I don't know how she can stand it. Then again... we were sitting there and a show came on that talked about positions for a certain act. She was feeling better by this time but thank goodness I had got a severe headache. The lust between us will be my downfall. -_-; It would really mess up our friendship if something ever happened. She's my best friend and I don't want to do anything to hurt her or lose her. Just have to go with the breathing techniques and cold showers. -_-; It doesn't help that one girl has been messing with me. This other girl has done everything from biting my neck and leaving marks to grabbing me by the... you can guess. It is getting to be too much. I need a rest from the world. Sorry I've ranted so long. Later.
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What tha?
I think my total visits thing is broke. I know people have shown up(cause of comments)but it hasn't gone up. Maybe I just need to hit it... *it shatters* O.o; um, no one saw that. *runs off to hide the evidence* Later.
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The post below...
Sorry 'bout the post below this one. It was just a rough day. My friends are fighting (again!), another friend hasn't eaten lunch in five days and is sick right now, I got a lecture from one girl about something I havn't done yet, and to top it off I think I have a cold. My hands are numb and I have about forty minutes before I have to leave on a field trip to a solid wastes management facility. T-T I don't mean for it to sound like I'm whining. Lady Luck just isn't smiling on me today. Later.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Wow. There hasn't been many people to my site in the past few days. Did I do something to tick everyone off? T-T sorry if I have offended anyone.
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