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bounty hunter, Demon Lord, Wanderer....
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If I told you I'd have to kill ya...
I... breathe? O_O
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the amnesia ended. O.O
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Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, Gundam, and every anime left on this planet.
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drawing manga, listening to friends, and helping when possible.
drawing and dealing with psychos, er, friends...^^;
| bluedemonboy
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Friday, March 31, 2006
As the world continues to turn
Hey everyone! Contrary to popular believe I'm not dead ^^. I've been busy with class... so busy that I've been getting to bed around 2 or 3 am. Needless to say, I'm tired. ^^ But I'm in a good mood at least.
Now for the update on the soap opera that my life has become! ^-^
I gave the main girl her birthday present (a blanket with FMA on it and a FMA keychain)and she was psycho happy about it. ^^ She'll be 20 on the 7th, but the other two guys in the square are compeating to get her for that day.(I'm smart enough to not try to hog her all for myself :P)
The people I work with are planning a surprise for her on the 5th. The poor girl... she's had so many horrible birthdays in the past. Her parents have actually forgotten her birthday! But at least she has alot of friends here who care about her.
Remember the girl that might have a crush on me? Yeah... normally she is cynical and sarcastic, but today.. she was.. nice and happy O.O" She hugged me 5 times and gave me some bon bons.
And another one enters the mix! The first girl's roomate is rather.. interesting ^^". That's all I'll say on that one. lol My life is better than tv.
Now here is something kinda scary: the first girl and my last girlfriend have the same birthday O.O". Seriously, this couldn't get any weirder.
I'm going back home today so and have a paper to write. Have a great weekend everyone!
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Another person, Mosh pit, and a lot of books
Wow, after reading what you guys had to say, I definetly won't be leaving(so you can all cancel the death threats). My life is getting more and more interesting! ^-^
For starters, I went to a concert with two friends and saw Gretchen, The Showdown, and FallLeaf. They were all really cool and the show was a blast... until people started moshing. I got hit in the back and kicked. Now I'm not a violent person but I was getting ready to hit someone. Luckly the bouncers there earn their money and broke it up.
We stopped at a mall.. and now I'm broke. I bought Bleach 9-11, and Dramacon vol. 1. I also found a blanket with FMA on it for my friend's b-day in April.
The love situation has gotten a bit.. more crowded. This chart I drew should help! ^-^

Basically... my friend told me that a girl has a crush on me and that I've been too blind to see it. ^^" I'm just not the kind of guy who picks up on these things easily. Oh well, another one hopefully won't make my world tilt any worse. Take care everyone and have a great day!
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Friday, March 24, 2006
HEHEHEHEEE!! I went shopping with some friends and got alot of random food. So now I'm overly happy on carrots and Vault (strange combo ^-^) and now I have this really bad energy rush. ^-^
O.O The girl that I like was the one who drove us to the store. (was me, her, her bf/ex, my roomie for next year, and a new guy) I only got to talk to her by herself for a sec, but she told me that she is still being watched constantly. *sigh* A second after she said that, her bf/ex came around the corner in the store after her. Poor girl. She came to work today just to see me but I didn't get to talk to her much cause of a task that came up.
If anyone has myspace and feels like adding my sorry butt, just do a search for the email address:
I warn you though, on there I'm surrounded by very very perverted girls (seriously, I only have one male friend on there)so look me up at your own risk.
And another friend leaves MyO. Winged Youki is taking off. I'll miss ya on here! So many are just disappearing... I've even been considering it, but I'd miss some of ya too much.
Sorry the post is rather long but I've been so busy lately, and will be the rest of time this class lasts, that I never know when I'll get to update. Oh and thanks for everyone's advice about my crazy situation. I don't know what I'd do without all of you ^-^.
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Screw the Securtiy
Yeah, I know I've been gone for a while... again. Lets just leave it at things have been a bit interesting. Thanks for all the advice that everyone gave! I really appreciate it ^-^. Things are going pretty well between her and me, but after a little incident where she didn't tell anyone where she was going and actually went to one of the guys rooms to watch a movie (relax, it's just one from the love square and she's a good girl). Basically she is now under survalance 24/7 by her boyfriend/ex and gets calls every other hour by her parents asking her where, who, when, and so on. Needless to say, she is being driven crazy.
The poor girl. Her mom even went so far as to call her a whore, and someone else has called her a puppetmaster saying she has all the strings. She's a good kid (she's not a kid, she's 4 or 5 months older than me :P) but everyone seems to be thinking the worst of her lately. *sigh* I feel so sorry for the poor girl.
p.s.- After much proding, I've started back my Myspace account. I don't know if I should share my name.. cause most of my friends are rather perverted ^^" (and it's all girls! lol)
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
At a loss....
Well.. the drama continues. The girl that I like is rather unhappy at the moment. Her parents have been annoying her about the situation. They are now going to be calling her everyday to make sure she isn't with any boys besides the one she was going with. They have been telling her that she should go back with him and even have him keeping an eye on her so that they can tell that she has been telling them the truth. *sigh* I don't know what to do... She's so unhappy now because of them... and they won't be happy unless it's that guy with her. I've actually been thinking of ways to get her to hate me... so she would go back to him and maybe be happy...
I don't know. Heh, rather see her happy... Everytime that things start going right, something new pops up...
Heh my life has turned into a soap opera. *sigh* I'll just do what I can to help her. Take care everyone.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Fall before the power of love!!!

I talked with the girl that I like and... she really really likes me too!! ^-^ Heheh Yeah so I feel great. But it is still a love square (yeah a square), so I still have two other guys to worry about. I'm worried about her though, cause she still can't decide on who she wants and it's driving her crazy. The other two guys keep doing things that make her cry.. So all I can do is be there for her. Even if she doesn't chose me, I still want to be friends with her... she just makes me very happy ^///^
Eh, before I get so mushy that my brain turns to mush, I'm taken off. Take care everyone!
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Lament of the heart....
Sorry I disappeared again. The class I have is harder than I expected.
The love square has gotten to be too much. I'm so very confused about it now. Its driving me crazy because the greater my feelings for her become, the more I fear that I'm just going to end up without her (it is a love square after all. So the odds are not very good...). I end up fearing it so much that I do things to push her away. But then I feel bad for doing such a thing. *sigh* A never ending circle of selfdestruction.
Because of this and the class... it looks like I need another break from everything for a while. I plan on doing nothing but staying to myself for the next little while. Just until I can sort all of my feelings out. Love certainly is the most beautiful and painful thing.
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Back from the break!
Well I'm back from my spring break. Things certainly got interesting ^-^. Lets say that things are progressing with the girl from the love square. ^-^ From what she said, I stand a better chance than the other two in the square. Either way, this should be interesting lol. Who knows how this will go ^^.
Oh well, time to go see whoelse is back. Take care everyone!
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
It twas me evil twin!!
Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. Twas due to the evil people in the comp dept. They blocked MyO for a day! <>.<> Even highjacked my mouse in the compy lab and x-ed all my windows... *sigh* But it's working now ^^. (but now my Aim doesn't work...)
And the soap opera continues!! Went to the movies (Date movie!!)with "the girl". Somehow... even with 7 people.. I got stuck on the end next to her. She kept giving me food ^-^. I really don't know what to do about her... And like some of you noticed, I'm sorta cautious about acting on this. I was warned that this could all be just for the attention she gets from me, but this was said by the OTHER crazy girl. *sigh* Heh, I don't want to be hurt but like the 2nd crazy girl told me," you don't need to be alone forever".
IMPORTANT!!! Spring break is starting tomorrow and I have to go home. I don't have internet at home so I won't be back on here till the 12th. Sorry but there isn't much I can do. Hope you all have a groovy time without me!! (how old does that make me sound lol) Take care everyone!
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
And the Soap Opera Begins

Let me start by saying Elves... you were right, it has turned into a soap opera. Heh, it started at work. Me and the girl from the love triangle were sitting there when a guy we barely know comes up and asks if we are dating. We both blush and tell him no, then he starts in asking her why she isn't.
After that, I was talking to her online.. and she got rather flirtatous...
Now just that couldn't make a soap... which is why there is more insanity!
I ended up having a two hour conversation with another girl (who is my best friend) that finally ended at midnight. Lets just say that she was rather flirtatous as well. *sigh* I swear, life sure gets crazy in a hurry. Like the saying goes, "when it rains, it pours".
The girl from the love triangle has also invited me to the movies on Wed. Who knows how this could turn out? Heh, I think before this soap gets weirder, we should cut to a commercial. Take care everyone!!
Just remember: if your life becomes a soap.. change the channel!!
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