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Monday, February 27, 2006

Well, the presentation evaluation was today (only 10 minutes ago). *sigh* The person said it was good at first but after the teacher got angry and said that he had to write more... ;_; The person said that my story was boring... I think it was more of a personal taste thing cause three other people really liked it. *sigh* Bloody perfectionism is rough lol.
Remember the girl that I said I was helping with her relationship trouble? She is in a love triangle and all. Well... here is where things get crazy. Her friends have started telling her that maybe she should go with me. O///O Yeah so the love triangle suddenly grows a leg. I like the girl and all, but I think that I am not what she needs. *sigh* Oh well, either way she is one of my most valued friends. She invited me to go with her and some other friends to Dollywood. ^-^ Sounds like fun to me.
Take care everyone, I have some people to yell at. Later!
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Burning Desire!!
MWHAHAHAHAA! I searched the internet and found out how our anime club can show movies. Heheh I have it all set up to present to the woman over all the clubs. Life... is good.
Also spent some time coming up with ideas for things that the club can do. Since someone already suggested a cosplay day, maybe creating a live action anime could be done. After all, our president is in the media dept., I'm sure we could do something. ^-^ If you guys have any suggestions, they would be appreciated!
FMA is about to come on so... LATER!!
P.S.- does major Armstrong scare anyone besides me? o.o
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Black Boots and a Need to Kick Something
The pic is from the story I'm working on for class.
Grr.. rather annoyed. The anime club president and I have been looking for ways to show the anime without breaking copyright laws but the people in charge have no idea about anything. They tell us that we can't show it, but won't tell us how we go about getting permission to do so! *sigh* I need a way to cool off... but right now I'm in class. I swear, this classroom is the only place on campus that has decent internet. Heh, the club pres started swearing yesterday and his words were "HOW AM I SUPOSSED TO RUN A **** CLUB IF THE INTERNET WON'T WORK!?!?!". He.. obviously wasn't happy ^^".
So my weekend is going to be spent on my project (the one with the pic above) and trying to contact other college anime clubs to see what they know about the copyright stuff. Heh, wish me luck. Take care everyone and I hope you all have a great weekend!
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Holy freakin riot!
Last night was our first anime club meeting. It was a blast! ^-^ It lasted two hours and we got the basics out of the way, electing officers. We watched the first ep. of Trigun and the first ep. of a subtitled Wolf's Rain. The subtitles were so horrible that some of us almost fell out of our seats laughing! The only problem.... we still have no club funds. The morons won't give our club money until we have a list of everything we need money for. Another thing... we didn't quite have permission to show anything. So we all have to pull a Fight Club. If anyone asks, we talked. That is all. We had suggestions of doing a club cosplay day!! ^-^ That means going to class dressed up too lol. It's going to be so crazy once it gets fully going. Take care everyone, I'm off to cause craziness!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Dum de dum....
Has anyone else noticed that the total members thing on the backroom is maxed at 45,000?
I'm tired... very tired. My friends asked me to work out with them last night at 11. I think I over did it ^^".
I'm happy about my class now. Since I'm the only one who is making a story for the class, the teacher said that I get to do whatever I want with it! ^-^ It's like putting me in a Gundam cockpit and telling me to have at it!! Hehehe what mayhem can I create?? *plots*
Tonight is the first meeting of the anime club. Let's hope it goes well. At least my position as webmaster is secure. The founder is worried that he may be voted out as president. ^^ I don't know though.
Take care everyone! Later.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Geez... yesterday was weird. For starters, I headed to work a few.. hours early. For those of you who don't know, I'm a workstudy for the switchboard on campus. There is suposed to be someone there at the phone at all times... but when I got there no one was there! The main operator was at the doctors and a workstudy was suposed to be there but the moron had just up and left without telling anyone! So I took over and worked a few hours till a female workstudy got there. I took off (I'm only allowed 8 hours a week and already had three for this week.) and she was suposed to be on the switchboard. Instead she sat there and talked on her cell phone and played on the computer. She actually made one of the security workstudys answer it! After she left (without ever touching the bloody switchboard!!) I took over for another two hours. Lets just say that hell will be breaking loose for all the slacker workstudys today. <>.<> I got stuck there for five bloody hours! They are going to pay.
Something funny also happened. I was talking with two of my friends when we heard a loud pop. None of up knew what it was and was looking around. I started hearing a bubbling and oozing noise close by and got to thinking. I checked my mp3 player that was around my neck and find it out, the battery had started leaking!! The acid was coming out of the end and got on the chair too. Hope my player still works ^^". We had a good laugh about it.
There is always more to say but I've got to go. Have fun today everyone!!
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Everything goes haywire...
MyO is acting strange today... it says that some people updated but it's yesterday's post. Who knows *shrug*.
I about died laughing today in class. We got our papers back that we had written over a week ago. The teacher told us that we had all done well... but hadn't quite understood the instructions. I was a little confused about what she meant until I got my paper and read her comments on the back page. I had written my paper on the wrong subject!! And still got an A cause I wrote it so well!! XD She even came over and told me that I had an eloquent way with words lol. ^^" I guess if you're going to mess up, go all out for it.
The new assingment for the class has me hyper. We either get to create a lesson on PowerPoint... or write our own story and illistrate it. ^-^ I want to write a children's story... with a mouse as the main character! Heheheh I only have a week to do it, but I think I can!!
Hope you all are having a great day! See you all around.
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Not Groovy.
I swear... I'm an idiot magnet. I got back to my dorm room today and was unloading my stuff while my roomy was messing around fixing some food (which has funked the room up *gag*). Well the moron put something in the microwave and walked out of the room. I walked past the microwave and noticed sparks and a flame! The freaking idiot had put a METAL can in the microwave! The plastic spoon that was also in there had caught on fire. If I hadn't opened it (it had only been in there 4 seconds and already was on fire) then my microwave would have caught fire. Considering that the microwave sits on top of my dresser full of very flamable clothes... next to my very flamable bed.... I'm sure you can imagine what would have happened if I hadn't been there.
*sigh* I want to move out NOW. I can't deal with such stupid people anymore!! >.<
Eh.. on a brighter note, when I was at a Dollar Store, I found a lot of anime dvds for only $3!! I got the first vol of SD Gundam, G Gundam, .Hack/Legend of the Twilight, and Big O 2. I love good deals!! ^-^ I don't know why the store has the real deal for so cheap but I don't mind. At least the anime club will have more to show now.
Take care everyone! Hope none of you have to deal with idiots!!
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Friday, February 17, 2006
Rain drains to the pain in my brain!
It's a rainy day and it's dark. I LOVE IT!! ^-^ Heheheh I love rainy days, even though I have a headache. The net went down AGAIN yesterday. *sigh* Had nothing to do most of yesterday, although I did hang out for a while with one of my bestfriends, so I'm happy. It's strange that the net is down in the dorm rooms, but it works in my class... Yep, that means I'm not paying attention ^^. Eep, the teacher just said that she was going to take pics of us for the webpage we're making.... hmm... maybe I'll upload it here.. or maybe not ^^".
My friend who had the break up was really sad yesterday. To put it simply there was a love triangle thing going on where she liked this other guy a little, he flirted back, and the relationship with the bf was going nowhere. Well, she told the guy that had been the other part of the triangle what happened and... he said that "she was just a week fling, no wait, she was nothing" (his words). She was heartbroken. I sat and listened to her. *sigh* I hate seeing her sad...
Erg.. I'm rambling. I'll see everyone later! (net connection permitting ^^") Take care!
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Long Egde and The Narrow Way

Hey everyone, sorry I wasn't here yesterday. Alot of things happened yesterday... It was a mess. First off, the net was down.. again. Second, I had a paper to write... but didn't get done last night cause of all the other craziness.
The main reason everything is hectic... one of my best friend... her boyfriend broke up with her. She came over crying yesterday around 11pm and I listened to her. I had expected it but... seeing her cry... *sigh*
Besides that happening, the girl I got the roses for (my crush =^-^= yay!!) kept calling me. She told me that she wrote me a message on yahoo...but it never came through and now she won't tell me what it said. Everytime she says she doesn't remember what it says, she has this big smile on her face. Think she'll come out with it eventually.
With all this going on, I was up past two am. so I'm... rather burned out (specially with worrying about my friend too). *sigh* Heh, I have a plan though to call one of my friends and see if she won't let me crash in her room for an hour or two and take a nap. I know that if I stay in my room, then everyone will bother me. Take care everyone, and the net willing, I'll see you all later!
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