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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!
Heheh I feel... so happy and at peace right now. One of my friends decorated the roses for me. She put glitter all over them and put them in a vase too. She was going to deliver them for me (so I wouldn't have to be there and blush and stuff) but some things were off today... so I was there putting the card on the roses when the girl they were for showed up. ^^"
She really did like the roses. She looked happier than I've seen her in a long time. *sigh* She knows that they're from me but I guess I can live with that lol.
I hope that all of you are having a great Valentine's Day! Take care now everyone.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Paint paint everywhere!! ^^
Hehehehe I finished my painting and submitted it. Dunno when it will show up but the last one I did has been up...*cough-please vote-cough-I beg you-cough* ^^"
Today has been pretty good. A bit cold.. but that's ok. I've got to figure out how to set my plans into motion... gotta get a ride and get flowers... ^^ YAY!! I'm hyper so I'm going to go and see what everyone else is doing. Later!!
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Burn the snowmen!! lol
Oy... it's 5am. I should sleep... nah.
Spent half the day painting till I got a call from my friends. We ended up playing in the snow around ten pm and having snowball fights. We even got in the back of a truck and drove around throwing snowballs at random people. It was all fun lets put it in story mode:
*friend tosses a snowball at me while we're in the back of the truck*
me- Hey!! *tosses one back*(we were 6 inches from each other, hard to miss)
Her-where did the snowball go? (the snowball had landed in my lap..)
*she reaches between my legs and...searches for it*
her- Hey... what's this?
Me- *blush* that... isn't the snowball.
This was all followed by me having a freakout. Remember kids, don't have snowball fights... cause you just might get groped lol.
Bah.... me sleepy.. *yawn* I think... I go bed now... *falls over and starts drooling*
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Freezin Me tushy Off!!!
Brr... I'm freezen'!! It be very cold here in the dorm room. The snow isn't deep... yet. *sigh* I wanna build a snowman.. Erg, I think the cold has affected my thought process O.O.
I've got a friend who has a love problem. I've been trying to help cause I do have experience in this area.. *cough-love triangle-cough*. Basically she liky a guy but already has a boyfriend. ^^" *sigh* Who knows?
I'm also working on a new painting! Not a chibi this time. Heheheh I won't show it till I get done. Later everyone!!
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Bad Hollow!!!!

Ello everyone! ^-^ Heheheh, I'm in a pretty good mood today. Lets see... I'm officially the webmaster for the anime club, we have the club constitution done, and all we need now is... a mascot! ^^ Some of the other artist in the group and I are suposed to meet and throw some ideas around. Who know how it will turn out? ^^ (i want it to have cat ears!!!)
I... have a plan.... for Valentine's Day. I plan on sort of... ambushing one of my friends with something. ^^" I remember hearing somewhere about this story of a guy giving a girl a dozen roses and one fake rose. Apparently he says that he will love her until the last rose dies. I liked that so... I plan on using that I guess. *blush* ^-^
Er, um... I'll see you all around and hope you all have a great weekend! Later!
P.S.- I *heart* Bleach!!! LoL
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Ello little kiddies
How is everyone? Today was rather interesting. Got severely bored in my new "Computer in the Classroom", so I started working on the website for our anime club. Oops, forgot to mention that the leader guy appointed me the webmaster ^-^. Well class was so boring that I got the site started ( ^^) and still had time to about die of boredom. *sigh* Didn't get to get on MyO cause the net went down again in the afternoon. Bloody lousy service here.
I made a livejournal account because it was the only was I could annoy, I mean.. comment on one of my friend's sites. ( ^^)
The anime club's constitution should be done by the end of the week. Also if any of you people happen to have any html tricks, useful anime pics, or just advice for the club, it would be MUCH appreciated ^-^. Thanks if ya do! Later!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Yay for paint! ^-^

I already submitted it but I don't much like waiting the 48 hours to show it off. It's on a 2x3 inch canvas with acrylic paint. Don't complain about the color choice... cause I only have six bottles of paint and two of those are black and white. ^^"
Oh well, the anime club was given a go and we can have it as long as we write up a consitution for it. Now on to finding memebers! ^^
I talked to some people about getting out of this dump of a dorm and found out about the service house. Basically a house without an RA, and it's actually cheaper to live their than this dump! Even closer to my classes to boot. Only thing is that you must do so much volunteer work to live there. I would shovel poop just to get out of this ****hole! ^^ Can't move there till next semester though. *sigh* At least it guarantees no more of this place and I may even get a single room! *dances* XD
Oh well, time to go... I dunno... eat? Later! ^-^
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Ello Again...
*yawn* No class today but I got up at a resonable time anyway. My weekend wasn't too bad. I got two new Bleach manga, vol. 6 & 7! ^-^
I've made up my mind to start working on the details of moving (from my dorm room). I came back this weekend and found stuff that I had in the very back of my closet on my bed... In other words... My roomate had gone through my stuff. That really ticks me off. <>.<> So I want out of this room before I get any angrier.
Oh on a brighter note, I painted a Hiei chibi. ^-^ Painting is something I don't do very often but I guess it turned out ok. Maybe I'll find time today to scan it.
Time to take off. Later!
ps.- Baka me.. I forgot that one of my friends is getting an anime club started for the college! That means we could go to the cons and not have to pay as much and go as a group cosplay thing. (like the cast of Trigun)
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
The internet went down again yesterday. *sigh* Useless school.
Today I have my final exam in my EDU-200 class. Nothing but five essay questions... I thought I'd wear the shirt the kids signed for good luck but it's a bit too big lol. Oh well. The block break starts today too so I'll be home for some r&r till sunday. Until then, I hope you all take care now. Later!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
I'm such a slacker....
*sigh* Burning the midnight oil tonight. It's 2:47am and I'm working on a paper. Simply put, I was suposed to write a long research paper but since I worked on the group project (and made sure my group didn't look like a bunch of slack jawed idiots in from of class ^^), I only managed to write a paper that was.... two pages long. The teacher went over the papers today with each indivdual student and he told me that he knew I could do alot better and told me to add more to it. My grade on it wasn't too bad... just 10/20 points (considering I only had two of seven required pages, and only four out of ten required references). So that's where I've been today. *sigh* Good thing there is no class today (we are eating at the prof's house ^-^ yummy).
Don't know how well I'll operate on *checks clock* about four hours of sleep. Oh well, sleep when I'm dead lol.
Since I'm tired and need something random... DANCE!!! ^-^ (I swear I'm not losing it... not all of it)
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