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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
La Dee Da
Today be a good day. I got to sleep in late, the building is quiet, and I feel good. *sigh* Tis good.
Friday was a lot of fun as it was the last day of my practicum. I had gotten gift bags for the kids (which made for a very good distraction during my getaway). They all signed a shirt and gave it to me. It was great ^^. I plan on wearing that shirt during the final exam on Thursday.
Got bored at work yesterday so I made this:

Since there was no need to be up early today, a friend and I stayed up and watched Flight Plan (ya know about the lady in the plane and her daughter goes missing and everyone thinks she's crazy). It was good but since it was midnight my friend was sitting there nodding off and almost fell out of her chair. The only problem was that my roomate came in and started snoring (not sure if he was asleep though cause everytime we whispeer and say something about his snoring, he would roll over and stop for a second or two...). Anyway it's been a good day.
I'll see you all later! Byes!
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Friday, January 27, 2006
The dreaded work....
Sorry guys but I'm going to be gone for the weekend. All of the work that I have for this class must be done by monday. That means write a research paper, work on group project, and do my reflective journals this weekend and deal with the psychos I call family and friends. *sigh* I guess I'll see everyone on Monday. Until then.. take care.
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Dance like it's the end of the world!!!

Today has been fun. The students found out that tomorrow is my last day with them and were pretty sad about it. They all ran up to hug me before I left today. I can't imagine how it'll be tomorrow ^^. Some of them begged me to stay and be the teacher hehehe. They said I was the only teacher who knew what the cartoons they were talking about are.
^-^ Time to grab a bite to eat and get some energy. Have to finish the group project today so I'll be very very busy. *sigh* Oh well. Take care everyone!!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Pretty Good Day
Like the title says today has been pretty good. One of my friends was looking for a job so I talked to some people and now she gets to work with me. The only problem is that one of my other friends is mad at me because of it. She says that I pay too much attention to my friend (the one I got hired) and not enough on her. -_-" It's annoying and after looking at it, she got more attention than my friend that I helped. *sigh* SOME girls are crazy (i said some, not all. so don't pelt me with rotten fruit).
Tomorrow will be interesting. There will be a sub at my practicum. o.O Have to wonder if the students will behave... ^^" They don't give me much trouble but I'm not very strict. Oh well, whatever happens.. happens.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Oy... my hurting cranium. All this school work is quickly becoming too much to handle. I have to get the group project done, get ten relevent articles so I can write a 7 page research paper, and finish up all of my reflective journals while still finding time to do praticum, workstudy, and every now and then SLEEP! *sigh*
There are so many depressed people lately.Does the world just suck that bad?
Heh.. my time is up and I need to head to practicum. Oh yeah, the reason it has been so short is that my college is on block scheduling so each class only lasts 18 days. Yep, all that work compressed into 18 days.
Stay happy everyone... or else I beat you with a pinata. Later!
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Monday, January 23, 2006
Off to school
It's a new week and a new day and I'm eating more cereal. Never the same but always changing... Oh well. This week will finish up my practicum and then I won't have to see the kids anymore. *sigh* I think I'm going to miss 'em. Heheh, it's amazing just how attached you can get to the little tykes in a short time. I plan on getting them each something.. if I can afford it. T-T
After this weekend, I think I should give up drinking permanently. Lets just say that I said somethings and now an entire floor of girls gives me funny looks. I don't think I should go into too much detail. *sigh*
Oh well, have a great day and all everyone! Later now.
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
"I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear you brain apart. Scared but you can follow me I'm too weird ta live but much too rare ta die"- Avenged Sevenfold, Bat Country
I'm not feeling well today. Well in the head that is. The grayness of the sky reflects my heart... or some kind of nonsense like that. I don't know, tomorrow I will more than likely be happy (or is it deluded?) and all will seem well. Heh, maybe I just need a vacation. Oh well. I'll see you all around and hope you're having a good day. Don't worry about me, I've just lost my mind lol. ^-^ Later.
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
GAH! The internet has been down all day! I've beening trying for 30 min. just to get here. On the bright side, I heard that the school is getting more bandwidth on the 28th so maybe that'll fix the problem. *sigh* Well I just got back from a run and workout so my legs are screaming now. Heh, and I have 4 papers to write. Oh well, looks like another allnighter. At least I managed to find a workout partner so I'll get off my butt a bit more lol. See you all later (if the net doesn't go to pot again...).
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm so happy today. ^-^ I got to teach class today and it was a blast! The kids were so cute.. I mean.. energetic ^^".
Serrafina has also returned so I'm estatic about that too. ^-^
I'm just sitting here watching my tape of inuyasha from last night. I'll see you all later!!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Oi.. so sleepy
*sigh* I'm beat. I finally managed to get in bed early yesterday but my roomate kept me up till one! *yawn* I was really wanting to work on an idea for a picture but I'm too sleepy.. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Later! ^-^
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