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Earth (most of the time)
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bounty hunter, Demon Lord, Wanderer....
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If I told you I'd have to kill ya...
I... breathe? O_O
Anime Fan Since
the amnesia ended. O.O
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, Gundam, and every anime left on this planet.
take over world, become an anime or manga artist. Become a teacher and corrupt the masses
drawing manga, listening to friends, and helping when possible.
drawing and dealing with psychos, er, friends...^^;
| bluedemonboy
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Push it till ya break it! ^-^
I've been listening to some heavy tunes so I'm in a good mood! Can't think of much to say so I'll just post some pics of the drawings I'm working on.
My symbol ^-^

A girl in dress. What more can I say?

A head.. er..

An Ed chibi!! ^-^ I was bored at work today hehe.

A demon arm doodle. ^-^ I dunno, maybe I'll draw a demon out of it...

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Sunday, January 15, 2006
How is everyone today? ^-^ I'm pretty mellow today and just exercising while going around the net. Lets see... question of the day!! What kinda of job do you want? I obviously want to be a teacher ^-^. So let me know! Later!
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Friday, January 13, 2006

What's Your Cowboy Bebop Song?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Hehehe even though it's friday the 13th, I've been having a blast. When I got to the school, all the kids were happy to see me and one of them came up a gave me a hug. ^_^ I got hugged at least 3 times today by them lol. It's a lot of fun playing teacher.
I barely got any sleep last night but when you're around the kids it's hard to be anything but happy. ^-^ Well I hope that you all are having a great friday the 13th and havn't had any bad luck. I'll see you around everyone. And off to class I go. Later!
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
My day
I just got back from doing my practicum. I've got a second grade class that I help with. It's a lot of fun and the kids are hilarious. The only problem is that the practicum and everything else is eating all my time up. *sigh* Even now I have to hurry and go to class. I'll see you all later (hopefully)! Later and I hope you are all having great days!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Guess what I got!

I bought Animal Crossing for the DS and have been playing it for a while. It's really fun but.. it eats up my time!! T-T
My time is going to get shorter now too. The new class I have involves practicum (practicum is where a student goes to the schools and tries being a teacher for a while ... to put it simply). Praticum plus class and trying to find time to do my work/study so I have money... I'm going to be very very tired. *sigh* Oh well, like they say "sleep when yer dead".
Time to head off to class now. Hope you all are having a cool day! Later! ^-^
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Monday, January 9, 2006
The Beast is Back!
Hello everyone! I'm finally back from my month long vacation from school (and the net *sniffle*). I start a new class today and I still don't even know where it is! ^-^ Guess I'm starting the year off right lol. I only got back to my dorm yesterday afternoon and spent the whole day cleaning the mold that grew in my fridge (took an hour to get rid of it eww...), and unpacking my new compy (which in a desktop beast ^^).
I got Avenged Sevenfold's cd that has Bat Country on it. ^-^ I wonder how I can set it as my music for here? Hmm...
Oh well, time to go get breakfast and search for class. (oh and did I mention that the phones aren't working either now? just gotta love this place lol ^-^)
Later everyone!! And yes I will try to be on as much as possible from now on. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Out of the blue update!! ^^

Hello everyone! Well, I have my final tomorrow then I go home for a month for Christmas break. That means that I definetely won't be here during that time so I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! ^^
Let's see.. I bought Hellsing vol.1, Demon Diary vol.2, Beet vol.2, Bleach vol.5, and DiGiCharat vol1. After all that... I'm broke. ^^ Good thing I bought Christmas presents ahead of time lol.
*munches on pocky* Oh and I found pocky at the Wal-mart here, so I'm very happy ^^.
Before I forget: *throws snowball at everyone* HA! LiquidSilver started a snowball fight and want's to see how far it can go so toss one at people in your post if ya want. ^^ I thought it sounded like fun.
Oh well, I have to head to class now (cpr class yay ^^) but I hope you all have a blast this Christmas. I'll see you all around happy people! Later! ^^
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Monday, November 14, 2005
My apologies
Sorry that I've been gone so long. To simplify everything: the school has exceeded it's bandwidth and it's nearly impossible to get a connection. Too many people have been downloading movies, music, and using facebook (apparently that drains it like no other *shrug*). I can't even check my email half the time so... until this gets settled (i have no idea how they'll settle it. i think bandwidth resets at some time or something.) I guess this is something of a vaction from MyO for me. *sigh* I really miss you guys. Heh, I'll be back as soon as they get this problem fixed but until then... Goodbye for now.
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Another live lesson

*falls over* ow... I'm hungover...
I had been wondering why I had been getting so tipsy all weekend and I finally found out. My friend who was mixing the drinks was putting in more vodka and that 151 crap that I thought. So instead of getting a weak drink, I was getting 60% vodka and 40% fruit punch. All the shots couldn't have helped either. Listen children, don't drink. The headache isn't worth it. I also got flashed by two of my drunk friends (both were girls but.. *shudder*). When they started making out with two guys that had come over, I decided to leave. Seriously, don't drink. It's bad for you.
It's finally Halloween! ^-^ I hope you all have a great time and get lots of candy!
p.s.- I'm still looking for people who took pics of me in my costume. So far.. no luck. Later!
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Dude looks like a lady!!

I have a very interesting weekend to share ^-^.
First off, I have a new found love for vodka. Very good stuff. Only problem is that I'm just a bit hungover right now. -_-" My small body doesn't handle shots well.
Secondly.. There was a Halloween dance here at the school. I went.. as a hooker. I had my legs shaved, a short skirt on, and even a bra. The scary thing is that I was being checked out by a lot of guys until one of the girls I was with went and took off my wig. ^^" All the guys ran away pretty quickly lol. Also some of the girls that let me borrow clothes (such as the bra) were a bit... annoyed, because the clothes fit me a bit better ^^". Alot of girls and a few guys got their picture taken with me. Maybe I'll put one of the pics on here... maybe. ^^"
Oh well, hope you all got a good laugh out of it. Later. ^-^
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