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Earth (most of the time)
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bounty hunter, Demon Lord, Wanderer....
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If I told you I'd have to kill ya...
I... breathe? O_O
Anime Fan Since
the amnesia ended. O.O
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Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Cyborg 009, Gundam, and every anime left on this planet.
take over world, become an anime or manga artist. Become a teacher and corrupt the masses
drawing manga, listening to friends, and helping when possible.
drawing and dealing with psychos, er, friends...^^;
| bluedemonboy
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Kill me.....

Uhg.. I.. have run out of food and am left with nothing but ramen.
-_-" At least it comes in different flavors I guess.
It's another cold day and still no snow! I mean, the sun is out shining but it's freezing. *sigh* Why won't it snow already?
Halloween is almost here! ^-^ My favorite holiday, where we get to dress up as all sorts of strange and distgusting things. Heheh I can't wait!
*sigh* I can't believe how fast that this year has gone. It feels so strange to think that everyone I knew last year is gone even though it only feels like yesterday that they were here with me. Bah, enough with being gloomy. I'll see them again eventually ^-^.
I have a big test today and I really need to study. Hope you all are having a great day!

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
The people we work with....

Oy, it's freezing again but still no snow. At least I get to stay inside most of today. Bah! Crazy bloody co-workers.... time to go. I'll see you all around! ^-^ Later!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Not dead yet...

Hello all. *sigh* Sorry that I've been gone so long, but I've been busy with class and all the other insanity presented to me. It's so bloody cold today. I'm wearing two jackets just to feel chilly. -_-" Then again, I prefer the cold to heat.
Looks like I get to spend Halloween alone. All of the plans fell through on me. *sigh* So I don't get to see Serrafina after all. Heh, not really surprised though. Oh well, I'll just have to make do on my own.
Oh, just in case I don't make it back in time, Happy Halloween to all!
I almost forgot, I finally have 1,000 visits! ^-^ Hope you all are doing well, Later!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
work no fun..

Ello all. *sigh* Another strange week, but I don't have enough time to share it all. I have alot of work to do and barely enough time for it. Oh well. I'll visit you all when I can. Hope you're all well ^^.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Somewhat Normal

Well, yesterday was normal for the most part. Nothing really weird happened at least.
However, I did get some bad news. For Halloween, Serrafina was suposed to drive down and pick me up so that we could all have the big Halloween party. But now she is saying that she doesn't have enough money for gas and that her car may break down. *sigh* I have no idea why plans always go to crap. I don't know what to do yet, but I'll come up with something. Later.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Still a Crazy World
I'm starting to think that maybe I should just stay in my room all the time.
It all began when I went to a friends to return her anime dvd's. Her roomates were being crazy, so she was being funny and crazy with them. While we were talking, she grabbed my chest... then her eyes got wide. She looked at me and said" WTF? Your chest is hard?!".
So then her and her roomates were feeling of my chest, trying to get my shirt up to see, and telling me that I was built. All I was doing was backing away, holding down the shirt, and blushing furiously. Being surrounded by women who want to touch you is... odd. Well, at least I kept my shirt lol.
Wow... it's only Tuesday and my week is already weird.
I have a new love, Digi Charot!!
^-^ Especially Rabien Rose. Eep, time to get back to work. Later everyone! ^^
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Hello again!
Hey everyone! I found a way to get on. The connections on campus are still crap but get this, the old slow compys where I work.. are now going FASTER. So I can now post and visit while I'm at work. ^-^
Good news: a hobby store opened up and they have Prismacolor pencils! I now have a set. ^-^ No more one dollar boxes of pencils from now on lol.
I've been having a Tenchi kind of week. I've had one girl call me a perv, then she flirted with me and started talking about her porn collection. Another girl told me that she loved me and that she would give her life to ensure my happiness. Another girl asked if I wanted to watch her hentai dvd's.
*sigh* Apparently all the girls around her are attempting to drive me crazy. I think I'll just go and hide in my room with the Digi Karot dvd and hopefully... they won't find me.
I'll see you all some time or another! Later! And have a great day!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Darn it...
*sigh* Every time I say that I'm going to go visit everyone something comes up or the net goes down. So I've decided.. this will be the last update I do for awhile until the net gets fixed. I'll visit people when I can but I won't update because I feel kinda guilty that people come to me but I don't go to them. *sigh*
It's frustrating...
So until it's all fixed... I'll see ya around everyone.
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Darn it...
*sigh* Every time I say that I'm going to go visit everyone something comes up or the net goes down. So I've decided.. this will be the last update I do for awhile until the net gets finished. I'll visit people when I can but I won't update because I feel kinda guilty that people come to me but I don't go to them. *sigh*
It's frustrating...
So until it's all fixed... I'll see ya around everyone.
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Sunday, October 2, 2005

I could go for some ramen right now.
I'm tired... mentally tired. *sigh* To sum up everything in one word.. the week has been... strange.
Oh well... I need to meditate today. I'll try my best to get to everyone. ^^ I'll see ya around. Later.
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