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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Hello again.

Well.. I'm temporary back. I found an open compy in the library and it looks like I'll get to visit some of you ^^.
A friend shared her anime collection with me, so now I've actually seen the complete Neon Genesis Evangelion series. Even the movie, End of Evangelion. It really does live up to what they say. It's one heck of a mind trip. Especially at 1am.
Well, I better start getting to everyone. After all, I can't stay on here forever. Take care everyone.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
*sigh* Sorry I've been gone so long. THe internet connection has gotten worse and visiting everyone has become a near impossibility. Looks like I have to take a forced holiday from here until the morons get the connection up to speed. Sayonara everyone. I'll see ya around sometime or another.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
Time for a break
Yo! Well, I feel better now. It took a lot of rest and alot of pills but I think I'm over the crud. Even the compy seems to be working a bit better. After a few doses of virus scans, defrags, and exercisms, it has at least sped up a little.
I'm going home today for some rest, so I won't be able to see many of your sites. I'll be back on sunday though.
Question of the day: If you could have something from an anime (be it a person, place, or thing. ANYTHING), what would it be?
I would want a tachikoma! ^^ They're hilarious and can help in those assassination missions. Oh well, Later. ^^
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Geez... I feel like crap. I started feeling sick yesterday after I posted. One of friends who works in the cafeteria came up and was talking and asked if I had gotten a drink from the coke dispencers. Apparently, the water had started turning brown last night and they had to shut the drink machines down. I had got there early and already had a drink... Yeah, so everyone who got a drink is sick now. Even though I was sick, they still made me work yesterday!
*sigh* So I still feel like crap, have to go to work today as well, and I have a midterm too. Someone shoot me, I'll buy the bullets for you.
I have no idea what is wrong with my compy. I've done everything to it at least three times. *sigh* Oh well...
Oh, just so you know, I'm going home this weekend so I won't be able to get to anyone's sites on saterday. I'll be back by sunday though and will (if this comp will let me) try to get to everyone. I'll see ya later!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I saw we burn it...
*sigh* I don't know what's wrong with my compy. I followed everyone's advice; did a virus,ad-ware, and spy-ware scan; deleted all my cookies, history, and everything else, and it still is really slow. I don't get it. It was working fine a few days ago. *sigh* Also the comp's in the rest of the school seem to be fine (most of them at least). Oh well...
I've gotten lucky today... sorta. I have to sit here and answer phones for three hours but I get to use this compy. ^^ So I can at least some of you.
And now for a quote:
"Evil beware. We have waffles."-Raven, Teen Titans.
(I would have made it an anime quote but all my stuff is in my room ^^')
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Darn it. I don't know if it's my compy or the connection but it's getting harder to get anywhere on here. I ran all the scans for viruses and what not, and there was alot but it still runs slow. *sigh* By the time I got running the scans it was midnight. Oh and I'm so sorry ElvesAteMyRamen, I didn't make it in time to that guy's site to vote for you. -_-' CRAP! I hate this... and I still have to find alot of info on a country for my geography class.
It's 12:32am and I think I got to everyone yesterday. If I didn't then I apologize. *sigh* This is so annoying... I better get some sleep, have to get up early after all. Later.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Botan?? O.O
Don't tell me that Botan and Trey (Horohoro) are the only blue haired characters in existance?! *sigh* Hmm... maybe I could just die it green and go as Sven Vollfied from Black Cat. ^^ After all he has a eyepatch and is a gentleman. I don't know ^^'.
And now for a quote:
(A fifty story building made of paper collapes)
Mr. Joker- Heavens... I feel sorry for the person cleaning up for us...
That's from Read or Die Vol.1 ch.1
Oh well, not much else happening today. I'll see you around (if the bloody internet connection doesn't get any worse...). Later! ^^ Have a great day!!
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Dye me ^^

Ello! ^^ Sorry I'm kinda late, but the service over here is awful (took 3 minutes just to load this page). First off, Serrafina and M. Niqui agreed to help dye my hair blue for halloween. Since my hair is going to be blue (and I've still not decided what to be), I decided that I would cosplay this halloween. The problem is that I can't think of any blue haired anime characters. ^^ Do you guys have any suggestions?
Now since I'm outta idea's, a quote I found from Fruits Basket (it's during the Cinderella play):
Yuki(as Fairy Godmother)-Take heart... gentle Cinderella. I shall grant any wish you may have tonight.
Hanajima (as Cinderella)-My. That's wonderful... Burn the ballroom util it's no more than ash.
Yuki- That's a crime... please wish for something a little softer and innocent.
Hanajima- Grilled meat. I want to eat...
^^ I like Hana-chan (cause she scares the Yuki fan club ^^). Oh well. Have fun folks. Later.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Yo! I decided to show you guys what I've been working on. It's not much but so what. ^^ As long as I enjoy it.
I almost had a heart attack today. I was talking to Serrafina today (she been very busy moving) when she let me know that someone had let her in on something. Basically a while back when I wasn't feeling well, I had taken alot of medicine and was feeling rather.. funny. I had been talking with M. Niqui when I made a.. lewd comment about Serrafina. Niqui thought it was hilarious. Problem is that she got caught up in the moment when she was with Serrafina and accidently let it slip.
When Serrafina let me know.. I almost fell over from embarassment. She didn't act like she minded (and she laughed about it too) but I feel bad about it. I need to find a way to make it up to her.
The lesson of the day is... never say ANYTHING to ANYONE when medicated.
*sigh* I just hope she doesn't have anything planned for revenge... Oh well. Stay well everyone. (and listen to my advice!)
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
A midnight run

Yo! It's almost 1am and I'm still going. Wow, watching the news is depressing. Everything focuses on death and saddness. That's why I stick to the anime and sci-fi.
I just felt like showing the pic of Lord Sesshomaru cause it looks cool. ^^
I can't wait to see the new Naruto eps.(even though I know what will happen becuase I subscribe to Shonen Jump). It's amazing just how much gets changed in the transition from manga to anime. I just can't wait for Kakashi's grand entrance either. ^^
Ok enough babeling, time for sleep. Later!
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