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myOtaku.com: bluedemonboy

Sunday, October 8, 2006

   Back Again with Burning Passion!!!
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YO! I'm back again! ^-^ Things are looking up for me. I've... got.. a girlfriend!!! ^-^ We're in love and all that other mushy stuff. We make each other very happy.. *sigh* Life is good.
Well there is one catch. In usual soap opera fashion, there is... a love triangle! My best friend (yep, my bf is a girl) told me that she was in love with me.. after I started going out with my girlfriend. =_=" Why do I never learn these things when I'm single? She's been having a hard time dealing.. and has been a bit depressed. She runs away from my gf and my gf feels bad because of it. Her friendship means a lot to me... and that's why I'm trying my damn-est to work all this out. With the power of love on my side, I cannot lose! ^-^ heheh I'm silly when I'm in love. Take care everyone!

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