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• a cardboard box frm hell
Member Since
• 2006-06-12
• hypnotizing ppl to become mindless emo zombies to conquer the world
Real Name
• alex
• basketball star, tennis chick
Anime Fan Since
• entire life
Favorite Anime
• naruto
• reading manga, drawing anime, listening to music, writing songs, and working on my dad's pit crew. messing with all my favorite anime bishies (and gogetta 19), organizing my slitting knives(lol, just jking)
• animeartist, math witch, instant poet
| blueeyesangel
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
beware of fire
as anarchy waltzed off the battle platform, taisen stood there lika an idiot. 'what does that mean you creepy emo girl?!' he screamed. she turned her head and cocked an eyebrow at him. 'my famous quote, maybe silver hair can figure it out.'
kai had payed close attention to the match. well to anarchy any way. and he notcied how her eyes were closed the entire time. 'something to do with sound vibrations' he thought.
next up for a battle was fire and max. 'knock em dead fire,' blade cheered. 'make them sorry for accepting our challenge' an hissed. fire nodded. 'take her out maz' taisen cheered.
so they started their battle. less the a minute into it, max started feeling dizzy. fire's blade was fast and had a weird pattern on it. he kept calling draseal to dodge, but in reality, it kept bashing into fire's blade. that was fire's skill, hypnotism eyes. when she's in a match of any kind and you see her eyes, it's like watching fire dance. it makes you dizzy.
she won the battle in less than two minutes. when she came back to her team, she had a smile on. 'you were right anarchy' she hissed. 'crushing them is fun.'
fire's special skil, and nxt is balde. but her match w/ ray is a draw so kai and an go at it. hope you like my fanfics and poems.
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