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myOtaku.com: blueeyesangel

Monday, January 29, 2007

   blood lust
suicide walked through her hate filled city, the place she was forced to call home.
she walked with slitted eyes, her gaze set in disgust.
everyone in this dark, horrible, haunted place was angry, disturbed, and alone.
all of their souls she wanted to crush.
then, her chance to kill someone comes around.
four men coming out od a diamong shop, thieves no doubt.
old man store owner lying dead on the ground.
it's time that the robbers' blood fell out.
stading in front of them, her eyes so cold.
they said move or she would die.
didn't do what she was told.
pulled out a black note book and began to write.
'count to five' her icy voice whispered.
they did and fell to the ground with a thud.
death by coughin up blood occured.
dipping her fingers in a small pool, licking them with joy, she tasted pure fresh blood.

ok, i kno, some of u prob say eeww, she likes human blood. well part of her is a death spirit. enjoy suicide's bizarre way of being happy.

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