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Member Since
Manga Illustrator/Busboy >__<
Real Name
Hamza Pecenkovic
Anime Fan Since
Oh man, since I saw my first anime; Leo the Jungle Emperor! I was like four...
Favorite Anime
Black Jack, Whisper Of The Heart, Cowboy Bebop, Grave Of Fireflies, Akira, Eureka 7, FLCL, FMA, Ghost In The Shell SAC 2nd Gig, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Transformers, and Last Exile.
One day become a payed Manga artist, travel the world, learn at least two more languages!
Drawing, reading, watching movies, walking around, listening to music, and watching soccer on the telie!
Drawing, I'm also pretty good at soccer.
My name is Hamza, and I'm an aspiring Mangaka. I go by many names on the internet, but Blue Marble seems to fit the best at the moment. Please visit my dA account and if you're interested in anything send me a PM!
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Institution Picked up?
Well, it's been real busy around here, me and my writer have been trying to churn out work while trying to level in World Of Warcraft. We've decided to pick up our old project Institution, but we're revamping it, the characters mostly but some plot devices will definately be changed.
It's really exciting because it's such a unique and interesting plot. I don't think this sort of thing has ever been done, not sure if there is even a category for it... Heh.
It will definately be different and deliver alot of crazy action while keeping you entertained. It's written very poetically, it's this study of human interaction in a restricted world. It's beautifuly written and I can't take any credit for the writing, it all goes to my co creator.
Any way, I don't want to give away too much at this point. I'm still working on Blue Marble so don't fret.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Character Sheet is Done.
After many trials and errors the character sheet is finally done! The character profiles are very rough and will be tweaked alot more in the near future. The script for pages one through nine is done, episode one will have twenty eight pages and will introduce most of the early characters.
So here is the character sheet and some brief rough descriptions.
Since the file is a bit big, I'm not direct linking it. :)
YOSHIO: Yoshio is a very curious young man. Being only seventeen he still acts like a child. His mind is in constant contact with nature and all things of beauty. He cares for everything, he knows pureness when he sees it and can tell evil with one look. Yoshio’s abilities are locked deep within him, though they are limitless. He may be eons old, but he is still a child.
TAKAMURA JIRO: Jiro is the second son of the very wealthy and famous family Takamura. He is the star baseball player at Shimamura Highschool, with a bright future in professional baseball up ahead. Because of this, his mind is set to one thing, baseball. His father and brothers want him running the family business and for that reason they have set out on a mission to put his baseball endevours to a hault. Jiro is a very neglegent person, he feels whatever doesn't intrest him is unimportant and needs to be ignored.
UTAGAWA ASUKA: Asuka leads the perfect life. Her parents love her, she has money, she is the highest ranked student in her class, and she’s dating Jiro. Okay, well that part isn’t so grand. Asuka is beautiful, though she is very modest, she usually keeps to her self and is very quiet. She loves to read, listen to music that inspires her to do and try things she’s never done. She longs for attention from Jiro.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Hi hi,
How is everyone? Good I hope, thanks for stopping by. This is an awesome site!
Okay, now to business. My name is Hamza Pecenkovic, I'm from eastern Europe, now I live in the States. By day I'm a busboy at a local cafe, but by night I'm a mangaka. Which brings me to my point, I'm working on a original concept. It's called Blue Marble, here is the first page layouts, tell me what you guys think!

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