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Simple Graphics Maker
Anime Fan Since
1999, but more like when Sailor Moon started being shown on Toonami
Favorite Anime
FullMetal Alchemist/Ghost in the Shell/Cowboy Bebop/Inuyasha/Wolf's Rain/Gundum Wing/ Fooly Cooly(FLCL)/Trigun/etc.
To be able to draw something well!
Watching Anime/Trying to draw/playing games(I'm usually good at any game if you let me learn how to play for about 5- 30 minutes)
Making Graphics........
My japanese name is ?? Nakamura (center of the village) ? Ayumi (walk, deeper meaning: walk your own way). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
I'm sorry I didn't update about Saturday yesterday but I couldn't find the time. And of course I can't do it today because my mom wants the computer, but I ABSOLUTELY needed to put a link to this thing my mom found earlier. The song this guy is lip synching{sp?} to is a song that Eric Dunn brought back from Switzerland and played for us. I love it! There are a whole bunch of different languages and english is one of them. Click here to see the funny fat guy!! And something that's even odder then that(I know, odder then that? Impossible) is when I went to ElvesAteMyRamens site, she had a GIF of Tohru or something yelling at Kyo but it matched up perfectly with what that fat guy is lip synching!! It was amazing!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Nooooo! I bet my weekend was better then you'res...
Darn it! I had such a long post and my dog pushes the mouse and deleted everything! Well how was everyone weekend? I know mine was awsome! Lemmie see if I can make you people jealous. ^^
First day: I can't remember much about this day but I will try. Fir we met a guy named Eric Dunn. He's a part of I.F.Y.E(Internation Forign Youth Exchange. Pronounced Iffy).
Ok, now we played games(muhahahaha!!!) The first game(sort'uv a game) Eric said to pass around a roll of toilet paper and take as much as we needed to last us the week(Yeah right!) after everyone had toilet paper in hand, he said to count how many pieces we had. After that was done, Eric said we had to stand up, say our name, say how many peices we had and then to say as many things about ourself as we hand pieces. I had about 6 pieces actually, but I ripped pieces off and stuffed them in my pocket until I had 1 piece left ^^ I stood up and said my favorite show is FullMetal Alchemist, and to my surprise someone else said he watches that show! He made an account on TheOtaku and his name is Iron Reaver and it would be wonderful if you could go visit him when you have time. Ok after that we played a game called Zinger I believe. We made a circle of benches and all the kids stood in the center and closed their eyes. While everyones eyes were closed Eric said he was going to walk around and touch someone on the shoulder which would make them the "Zinger". After touched on the shoulder that person had to make their hands into a gun shape (I'm sure you know. Put you're hands together and put you're middle and fore fingers together to make a "Gun" shape) Then the Zinger has to walk around, while everyones eyes are still closed including the Zingers eyes and touch someone with the tip of their gun and make the sound "bzzzzzt". The person touched is out of the game but would help the adults who didn't play keep people from crashing into the benches. The last person to avoid being "bzzzzzted" would win. Now we got put into groups.
Cats, Dogs, Roosters and one that I never heard the name of or I can't remember it now. We all lined up and Eric started music up(the sound system was incredible, as was the music!! The music was music from Switzerland because that is where Eric dunn went to since he is a part of I.F.Y.E. The person at the front of the line did a move and everyone behind them had to do the same move. Like Simon Says. I will tell you about Saturday(Second day) tomorrow. Later! I am also going to get rid of the "Spike VS Vash picture because I hate having to scroll ^^;
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Friday, April 22, 2005
Howdy people! How ya'll doing? I really should be packing for a 3 day weekend, but damn, finding something to talk about is much more fun! Now if I could only find something to talk about...
Ah well, heres some pictures for you!
Sorry about the side scrolling on this one for some of you.

And just something that I made for Sakuracon that will probably never be put up.

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Friday, April 15, 2005
How is everyone? I'm going to be completely up-in-TheOtakus-face about the site they picked to show everyone the trailer. That site sucks Otaku, I'm sorry, but it does. If anyone doesn't already know about this great site with the storyline, characters and links to a site with good trailers heres the link for ya:
Well theres my ramble about that now a completely different subject. If you could Cosplay as a person with an easy outfit and one with a very complicated outfit, who are the two people you would Cosplay as? I'm tied between the easy outfits, but here are my ideas:
Easy Outfit(tied)
Tifa --- Final Fantasy:Advent Children
Rikku --- Final Fantasy X
Complicated outfit
Nightmare --- Soul Calibur 2 (GameCube)
Have a great weeked everyone!
And here's one of the most kick-ass pictures of Vincent I have ever seen:

It's probably from the new FF game. Dirge of Cerberus I believe.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
How ya'll doin'???? On todays episode of Big Shot....
Hello! How's everyone doing this fine day? The 10th already, time does fly. On the 22 I'm going away for 3 days to a retreat but lemmie see if I can find something to entertain you with. Here are a few quizzes that'll have to fill in.
 Category XIII - The Schmuck
How appropriate that you get the number 13. You're an ass. A jerk. People tolerate you A) Because they have to for some reason or B) You're too dim to realize that you should GO AWAY. Time to get a clue...
What Type of Social Entity are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Spirit of Disbelief. You are highly suspicious of anything that is new and are not willing to go with change. You could have many friends if you weren't so cautious. You simply cannot beleive that there are people who are genuinely good and nice. Open up more and you will be the centre of attention. A partner would be hard for you to find unless they prove that they are worthy of your trust.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Hang on a sec! You're not an angel! You're a goddess! Always the leader in your group of friends you are the one to go to in a crisis, your advice is valuable if you give it out, which is only if you feel people deserve it. Go you!
Which natural angel are you? (awe-inspiring pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Who are you in the Hagaren world? brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's my post for probably about 5 days. Later
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