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myOtaku.com: BlueStormSword

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

   Today's Post: YAY I'M ALIVE!!!...although I'm not sure why?
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Okay just to let you guys know that I'm still alive and I don't even remember the last time I updated but anywayz gomenasai. Okay this week sucks ass. Yesterday I had to present my group project ALONE because my teacher said the other didn't do anything so they got Es and I admit they didn't really do anything. And this project caused me to snap at my friends. But anywayz I got a new cellphone okay it's not really new but it's better then my old one it can take pictures. I also got three new DVDs DN Angel 2, Peacemaker Kurogane 3, and Chrono Crusade 3 YAY!! I got two new mangas Peacemaker 2 and Gravitation 12 and Anime Insider Magazine and get this they actually have an interview with my favoritest voice actor Greg Ayres along with Kira Vincent Davis so yay. Anywayz today I had to take the friggin PSAT and that was painful I was so bored. But anywayz GOOD NEWS PEOPLE NEW STORIES!!! Just in time for Halloween. The first on is Halloween Nightmare and if you probably haven't guessed it Aya the hell-raiser is in this one as well and the other story is called the Phantom Theives and this takes place in the 1920s and Hakkai and Gojyo are theives and Sanzo and Goku are detectives and Kougaji and co make a brief appearence as well as the Merciful Goddess. Well now I have to work on a things that can help my grade and what not so yeah... Sayonara!!

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