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Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Deputy Black Belt in Tang Soo Do
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To become one of the best architechs in the world!
Writing, drawing, reading, watching anime, reading manga, and being a Kender!
Blowing a balloon with my nose
Sunday, October 16, 2005
10/16/05 2:55 p.m. Huh?
Whoa! It's been a long time since I've posted! At least I think it's been a long time... I can usually never keep track of dates and time and stuff... And my watch needs a new battery, but I haven't had any time to go get one, so I'm totally out of whack lately, as you can tell from the title. This is my most common expresion lately:
I wanted to post more of my synopsis type thingy of that thing I'm going to write, but I can't right now since I'm not on my own cumputer and can't remember any of it. I should really start writing the actual story, but I'm busy (even though I don't want to be) so what can you expect? I'm going to try my damnest to make it an awsome peice of litature to make you guys proud! *sniff* Even if no one reads it, I won't care! I really want to post more often, but I don't have a laptop, so its hard... No fair, but whatever! Hmm... I have nothing esle to really talk about... Well, there is the Retardos and the "Crack" going aroung in karate.
Let's see, on the note of the Retardos, it seems that I am indeed going to have a hard time getting certain members listening to my second in command and my third in command. I've working really hard, but I think that the Retardos should be able to go on without me by the end of the school year. There is this one guy in the Retardos that we have recently banned until further notice. His name is Ponsiano and we have banned him because he backstabbed us. He has to prove his worth and lay out his cards on the table before we let him back in. Other than that, I think there's not really much going on in the Retardos at the moment.
Now, about the crack going on in karate, there is a lot more to talk about. Let me begin with how it started. We all went to a karate tournement and did pretty well there. The tournement's location was close to South Parde Island, (Can't remember the name of the city at the moment...) so we decided to go for a mini vacation, since the tournement was on Saturday, and we had finished at around 1:00 p.m. with all of our compititions. We all met up at a hotel that was near a cemetary (which is very creepy. In fact, I spent the whole night looking out the window at the cemetary. I was convinced that something exciting might happen.) So we were all there; Myself, my parents, Zulma, Christopher, Nate, Nick, kimberly, and a few other people who decided to join us at the hotel. We went in the pool, we played and splashed and nearly drowned... twice! Which is a funny story, but I'll tell you some other time. Anyway, Nick and someother dude that was there went home, because the chlorine in the pool had really affected their eyes. (We had stayed in the pool for about four to five hours.) To cut down on the expenses of the hotel, my parents, myself, Zulma's family, and Nate shared a room. The next day, the rest of us that were left went out to eat and then went to the beach so that we could fish. We fished for awhile, and then we went to the beach, where we could actually swim. I can't swim, so I just splashed int the water with my family, since we were the only ones that got in. Then, Zulma (She's 13)and Nate (He's 28)(pay attention, because this is where the problems and rumours start) decided to go for a walk. They invited me and I went. We walked down the shore line for awhile talking about karate, splashing water at each other, and joking around. We headed back and then we talked with everyone esle for awhile. Eventually, Kimberly invited me ofr a walk, and Nate and Zulma went off on another walk by themselves. Kimberly (She's 13) and I walked, and the whole time Kimberly talked about how it looked wrong for Nate and Zulma to be together all the time because Nate is so much older than her. I agreed, especially sice they were not even reletaives, and Nate was always around Zulma AND had recently had a fifteen of sixteen year old girlfriend. Kimberly and I returened from our walk, but Nate and Zulma were still not there. We looked to see if we could see them, but they must have been far away, because we could not spot them. About thirty to forty-five minutes later, the came back. It was getting late in the day, so we all went home our sperate ways. We all lived about a two or three hour drive away from the Island. My uncle was visiting the Island, so we met up with him and got something to eat.
Sometimw later, we got home. We talked about what an exiting time we had and after some time, Kimberly called me. She said the someone had called our karate instructor, Ronnie AL, and had told him that Zulma and Nate were walking alone on the beach. She asked it if it was me, and I said no, because it hadn't been me. I asked her if it had been here, and she had said no. She said that she called everyone who had been there with us, including the two who had left the day before, and they had said it wasn't them. I didn't know who it was and neither did she, so we both said our good-byes and hung up.
The next day, on Monday, I talked to Nick at karate. He said the Kimberly had called him the day before, crying, that someone had told Ronnie AL about Nate and Zulma. He said that after much prying, he had gotten it out of her that she was the one who called and said everything. Kimberly had called Nick, crying and complaining, because she is in love with him, which makes her my rival for his love, although we are still good friends. With the truth revealed, we could stop the rumors, but the damage had been done and everyone knew and it had already escalated into something to big form just Nick and me to stop.
So, after that, things got really bad. Roonie Al was constantly on Zulma's case to stay away from Nate, although Zulma was sometimes never even close to him. Zulma's parents were complaing that it was not this place to be telling here what she can and can't do outside of karate. They said that he was not her father to be telling her who to stay away from. Dispite this, Ronnie Al continued what he was doing. Then he started getting over protevtive with the rest of us, which cause him to eye Nick evilly, because Nick and I have always be close. He seemed to be constantly mad at everyone for no reason. The problem with Zulma grew and grew, and eventually, one day at a tournement, Ronnie Al blew his top off.
I have to go now, so I'll edit this thing later and tell you everything about how the crack at karate happened. It's still going on and we're fighting as hard as we can to stop it, although no the reasons are diffrnent. Currently, the Nate and Zulma thing had been laid to rest. Right now it's a much bigger problem between Ronnie Al and Zulma's mom.
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