AIM Sensless Night E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger
Birthday 1992-02-06 Gender
Female Location In hell Member Since 2005-06-09 Occupation Angel Assasinator Real Name Ryna (Rin)
Achievements Final Attack: Final Heaven Anime Fan Since 2003 Favorite Anime Hellsing, Samuari Champloo, Wolf's Rain, and Full Metal Alchemist Goals To kill all angels Hobbies HorseBack Riding and killing Talents Drawing and killing angels. (No fallens)
I am going to be gone for the week. I am going to Texas to see my brother. He is finally graduating bootcamp for the airforce. Anyways, the video thing, yeah..I just like it and it reminds me of how I feel about my ex..yep, I'm sad to love him still.
-Happy Holidays!-
Hey people..sigh,it's like 3 in the morning at my place right now. lol I'm depressed and all that crap cause of my old boyfriend's fault! *twitch* Anyways, I'm here just to check up on things, just leave a comment of comfort if you could, I want to cry right not.
Happy Belated Turkey day! Mine was so boring. All I did was eat, sleep, and sit around. My family never socializes with me, so I just hung around pretty much by myself. There is no one my age in my family either, their either younger (Which I can't stand little kids for a long period of time) or there adults.
You are the Fighter wolf... You are proud and strong, and will fight to the death for what you belive in. You despise humans, and would kill one if given a chance. You are a loner, and prefer to keep away from other wolves, kindred and enemy alike. You have no pack, you don't need one, and you are of the fire element. To you, life is just one dangerous game...
You feel anger. You've been holding back all your life.. after all it's all their fault anyway. Right? Well I have something to tell you, there is someone out there who loves you. You just need to find them first. Lady fate has been very cruel to you, and it has scarred your heart deeply. You are far beyond sadness for you have already gone into an all out rage against the world. Those who barely know you probably think you're just a rogue rebel, but then the people who knew/know you are actually afraid to be around you because you can have extreme mood swings. Sometimes this anger that curses your heart can cause you to even feel disgusted at your own existance, which would maybe lead to self mutilation. You need a vent or some sort of remedy. To calm you and comfort you. So you don't feel like the whole world is turning on you. You'll find it. Don't give up.
Element: Fire
Color: Blood red
Quote: If you stop being an asshole, then I'll become a worse one than you.
Expression: A death glare and an irritated frown.
Symbol: A steaming gun/bloody sword/flame
What Type Of Faerie Are You? (8 detailed answers + anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla Cloudy
You are a dumb blonde! Well not really you just get confused easy or your a daydreamer! And you're a kind of a girly girl. You might be preppy too. You like fantasy and may have a pretty good outlook on life.
Quiz Results You're an Autum. You're much more laid back then most and you're very comfortable in new situations. You rather let things go with the flow than try to change them. You have a lot of close friends who love you because you can help them with their problems. You're a very patient person and it take a lot to get you rattled. (If you can't see the pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty, right?