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myOtaku.com: bonitachika792

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week two.
Okay ive been dying to say this but kakashi and saukure couple is so nasty! EWW! He is like 30 with a girl half his age thats just gross! especially since kakashi is way better then that haha! So basically i stay up till midnight uh oh and I was chattin on some site with people and making them laugh about stupid stuff some naruto chat thing.

Ok school today. English Stupid assignments to do. Spanish Did my quiz i thought it was easy but who knows. math my teacher is so annoying she acts way to much to be cool and have us accept her she acts intimidated by us or something she needs to chill she says ok every sentence. Journalism I actually didnt pay attention I have my frist story due this friday and I just looked in the year books from 2 years ago.. not a great day for learning. Bio sub worksheets enough said. Lunch time my most hated time of the day. No I dont hate eating I love it but its such a drag deciding where to sit. its suck when no ones there waiting for you so you can go to lunch or when the finally want you itsfor some dumb reason so they arent alone in the lunch line. Freakin losers dont try to use me. I dont fit in with the people I sorta fit in with last year.the preps. Im not a prep im not like omg and I dont say like every sentence. Im just not them or any of them. Thats what makes me different from them. They are nothing like me and I doubt they will ever be. Id rather just sit alone but then I dont like it cuz i feel like everyone is staring at me (paranoid) or I feel like theres something on my face or i eat weird. Yup many things cross my mind. I usually just make people laugh but inside its just so I feel better i guess. So i feel less alone. It just sucks being like the only kind of group at your school.

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