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Senior in High School
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maintain a A, A&B Honor...and i guess being born
Anime Fan Since
bacially since the day i was born...when was salior moon first come out?
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Salior Moon, Yugioh back in the day, Zatch Bell sorta, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, DBZ , Tenchi Muyo
Get accepted to college
Playing games and mostly Youtube =3
World Class Traveler if you ask me! =D
| boredteenager
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hi! i want to say sorry for updating since like forever!
i know all of you don't want to leave otaku and i'm not intending to but maybe since it's summer i'll be on more often...? well lets see nothin's much has change about me's over! ^.^ i got all 'A's this nine week....but i got an 'A and B' for the whole year! i'm doin better though! ^^ better then i use to make!
i'm going to move because daddy's getting a new farm and my mom want's her dream home! Xp but i gotta share the 2nd floor with my brother...*sigh* lol fun
i've made new viet friends! yay! haha i'm soo happy! cause i know a few! haha ^^;; but one of them got me boy crazy! *sigh* boys lol i blame her! haha but i guess i'm at that age where i have to start likin them! haha but i was like that along time ago i just never do i'm currently talkin to them right now on AIM haha she's like in love with my cousin(S) haha oh wells.
well during penticost sunday(last sunday in may) i had confirmation at my church and i was the only girl there! haha i'm not complaining really! haha my church is small and we had 3 in my class(including me) and a boy that did confirmation with us. we didn't know the other boy but the one in my class...we were childhood friends! ^^ i use to go to their house every weekend when i was little and it was only right that the last viets (besides my little brother) was to be confirmed together! it was a happy/sad moment. happy cause i hardly see them now and i get to be with them again. and sad that i might never get to see them as much again...and that our journey together is over T.T *sigh* oh well...
im gonna be in the 11th grade next year!! ^^ it's gonna be great! the only reason is because i get to plan prom!!! yay!! haha my mom said i can't ask a boy to prom and that it is not "lady-like" so i told my friends and they said that they will get me a guy! haha but me and my best guy friend was talkin and i was jokin around when i said that he should ask this girl in our class that we both dislike greatly out for prom! haha and he said
"nuh-huh! you are goin to be my prom date!" *blush* haha (i blush easily and everyone know that =T) i was like
"really now davis(my best guy friend)(i'll tell you about him more later)..? but you really like carrie(the girl we dislike notice i said dislike not hate..yet)dont you! she likes you! haha" i was kidding
"nuh-huh! you are goin to be my prom date!!!" haha
"boy davis! aren't we gettin a little possessive! haha"
"yep!" and that was it! haha i don't know if he is gonna take me or not...but i bet he will! Xp i mean it's not like i'm gonna take anyone weird and he told me that he will! haha that was fun to type! haha
davis is like my best guy friend who happen to be okay his tall (everyone's taller then me T.T) really dark (he have indian blood in him which makes him really tan) and handsom haha he works out alot! so he has a great body! six pack..i saw it myself! haha (it was at a friend's house we were suppose to watch To Kill a Mockingbird for a test that monday but we got bored so we just had a great time! they had 2 girls and the rest were boys XP i was one of those 2, danielle, davis, mj, nathan, david, jonathan, penny later durin the time, and i think that's all haha but it was borin until i came! haha i'm the life of the party! haha we played hide-and-go-seek! haha at night that was fun then we were goin to see corey (another classmate)(everyone live near eachother at that place) and they were goin home from eatin out so we talked to them on the road XP. we made a big racket haha then we were walkin back and mj and david was like in back of us(we were on the lawnmower XP) so and it was hard to fit all those people and i (nobody) didn't trusted the driver at that time, danielle, haha so i grab on to davis! xP haha he didn't mind cause he was grabbin onto me and something else haha. but anyways i turned around and i see mj 2/3 naked! only the pants and shirt (thank goodness they had boxers my innocent eyes couldn't handle that!) and all the other guys did the same and that's how i saw davis' abs/six pack. haha sorry for that long thing. but anyways i think i might like him more then a friend....*sigh* oh well i mean i really really like him alot....but i don't think he likes me more then a friend but our friendship is good enough for me i guess...=T...sometimes i feel like a love-sick puppy or something.....hahahah ^^;;
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