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myOtaku.com: BoricuanAngel

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lmao for me anyway well tomorows valentines day and im single woooooo!!! happy to be single in pr u kno most boys is cute ^^ u kno me cant ignore a guy if he cute funny or smart lol but yea most are friends my new skool aint so new no more i have friends and wen teacher dont come we get dat period free!!!! i always hated subtituts teachers now i wont have to ever see them agen ^^

Well happy Friendship day, Valentines day, Single awarness day, Getting a man today day, Gonna get a girl day or wateva u call it ^w^

SENDING LOVE THRU TELEPHATY TO YOU GUYS!!!!! >.< man diz its hard lmao

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