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Los Angeles, CA
Member Since
i'm a weirdo *cackles* jk
nm ^_^U
Anime Fan Since
erm 4th grade ((yes, it all goes back to Pokemon ))
Favorite Anime
.hack//UdeDen ((Legend of the Twilight))/samurai champloo/cowboy bebop/NGE
to improve my drawing & go to as many anime conventions i can! cosplay cosplay cosplay! XD
cosplay! drawing, meeting people @ conventions, fixing my site, myspace
cosplay and drawing! ^^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
.hack//infection!! finally haha! XD
you see me my mom and my aunt went to the mall and went to game stop and i took 1 old rurouni kenshin dvd, a .hack//sign dvd, and the inuyasha game that i was tired of and turned them in for store credit, which ended up being $17 ^_^U ((heheheh..)) that was enough to get it, so i did! I'M SOOOOOO FRICKIN HAPPY!CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY IT! i can't play it til monday tho cuz my nephew (yes, my nephew lol) has my ps2 so he has to bring it over so i can play my love ^//^ CAN'T WAIT! KITE IS SOOO KAWAII! XD *squee!*
 You're Elk! You're introverted and gentle, and you can be incredibly whiny. Even so, you're too adorable for anybody to hate you.
Which male .hack Infection Expansion character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
i'm elk! how kawaii! XD erm, there was only one for male characters, so what the heck ^^ i'm elk ^^U
 You are Sakura! The panicking girl whos realizations brings her to bloom. Your infactuation with one person brings you to ignore others even when they are in trouble. Seeing how your actions affect everyone will let you blossom.
What Naruto character are you? brought to you by Quizilla i've never seen naruto T^T *cries* hopefully they'll bring it to CTN very soon XD
 Green Tea...
You are Green Tea!
Strong and very smart you prefer peace to violence and very rarely take action if it involves confrontation. But you make up for this with your keen insight and understanding of the world and people around you, you have a very mysterious nature. Many people see you as laid back and that may be true but you are very intelligent and make good decisions.
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla a quiz on tea, how about that? well, i'm green tea! ^^ haha! yum ^//^
weeeells um ttyl! <333
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
 Your ideal mate is Toboe! Young, innocent and compassionate, this pup will shower you with love and admiration. Even though he can be a little too sensitive and a tad bit naive, he's true to his feelings and deeply devoted to those he loves. Just one look into those big, brown puppy eyes and you're on the way to statutory-ville!!
Who is your Wolf's Rain Mate? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
hey everyone! nothing much to say, but this quiz! XD do you see this? i love toboe and he loves me ((i wish! haha so sad =_=U)) we are to be married! (in my dreams) he's a year younger but it's okay lol ^^ <3
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Monday, August 8, 2005
umm hey everyone! how're you all? ^-^ um nothing new w/ me except for baka summer reading. baka baka baka books! i'm thinking the ppl in R.O.D. would probably light their torches and burn down the door of my house by now XD *lmfao* umm i hate reading, except for mangas and harry potter! oh yeah! i also changed the little midi thingie here and now it's "duvet" the opening song from serial experiments lain. i guess mp3's don't work here? that midi is kinda butchering the song T^T ((lol)) weeell i just randomly decided to post the lyrics to it, so here they are heehee!
And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man
And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear
And you know what they say might hurt you
And you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing
I am falling, I am fading
I have lost it all
And you don't seem the lying kind
A shame then I can read your mind
And all the things that I read there
Candle lit smile that we both share
and you know I don't mean to hurt you
But you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing
I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning
Help me to breathe
I am hurting, I have lost it all
I am losing
Help me to breathe
i also think lain is an aaaawesome character! she's really mysterious and that's really cool! xD

aww the final days of summer. with loved ones, they are sweeter than most... ((Kite & Blackrose <333 KaWaIi!!! ^//^))
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Charlie & the chocolate factory! booyah! XD

aaah he's so cute! ^//^
from the side ^^
oh ppl quick update! ^-^ i'm so sleepy T-T i just had to update! two nights ago i went to see charlie and the choco. factory w/ my mommy and my grandma ^^ it was soooooooo GOOD! i give it TWO THUMBS way UP! heehehee! the reason is that i kinda fell in love w/ willy wonka and i don't mean johnny depp i mean the character he plays, a.k.a. willy wonka lol ^^ he's so cute somehow ^^ but he's all mine! yeah i'm a frekk but then again who isn't sometimes? heheh

isn't this rena chan sooo kawaii? ^-^
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
omg it's soooooo hot over here! right now i reeeeeeeally reeeeeeeeeeeeally miss winter. aaaaaaah! *dumps a bucket of ice water on head* haha! ((i wish! XD)) lol um so yeeeeeah how's everyone doing? ^-^
i'm so mad because there was supposed to be a naruto con. in Pasadena, CA and i wanted to go, but they cancelled it! can you believe that?! ugh! stinky. they said there wasn't enough pre regs or something. it's sooo sad! ppl that can go to anime cons regularly are so lucky! i was thinking about trying to make my own cosplay all alone w/out help just for the heck of it. it could be fun, right? ^^ um i think i'll go swimming now or something to try and beat the heat =_=U oh yes, and i got a few more friends! i love you all, thank you for being my friends ^___^ mwah! ((lol XD)) well um, bae bae!
:<3//((Love))->The I.N.S.A.N.E (dot/)Hack Frekk! XD
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Friday, July 22, 2005
cosplay updated -^_^-
hahahaaa! yes! the last day of summer school! and i got a new friendie! yay! *hugs* happy bday! ^_~ sorry i haven't updated for awhile heheh ^_^U it's great to be back here! and i finally added my cosplay to the .hack// section so check it out ^^ yep and i got the last dvd of .hack and then it's over! 12 episodes! i almost keeled over when i saw the ending! like cursing at the t.v.! no way! no more balmung?!!! arrrrghhhh!!! *jumps on the bed & cries, kicking & screaming* awwwwwww man!!! and the cell phone is working out very well, so i'm happy. my friends and i are supposed to go to the mall today, i hope we will after all! yay! XD i wanna get the red hot chili peppers cd because i love them ^^ heheehehee! well i guess that'll be it for all. besides i wanna boyfriend...*cries* where are you, balmung? *cries* ((lol XD))
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Monday, July 11, 2005

((who says you can't get a buzz offa a virtual drink? ^^ lol XD))
yay! how's everyone? i haven't been here for a few days but i'm glad i have two new good friends! i'm so happy thank you guys so much! XD i feel the love! haha! XD *jumps around* andjya guess what?!! yesterday my mommy bought me a cell phone! i've never had one, so i'm so so sosososososoooo happy! yay! *bounces off the walls* i have the cutest little ringtone ^^ it's called "cat's dance" and it's just meowing and a catchy jingle teehehee! cute cute! um yeah and i had summerschool...i have one week left! yayz! meowza! XD my grandma picked me up along w/ my cuz and we ate @ mimi's cafe and saw a movie right after. we saw bewitched! it was so cute! nicole kidman is so purdy! i'm jealous...wah T_T lol but i can't wait to see willy wonka and the chocolate factory! also i need to put up some fanart here! it's really hard because i dun have a scanner. maybe i can use my aunt's soon? hm..i hope so..cuz i have tons! i wish to share w/ you all ^__^ but for now..i gotsta go! ttyl! take care yas!
<333 ^^
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Omg! you know what? i really dun like Kamui! she sux! i think lord balmung is much better off with rena-chan ^//^ <3 they make the cutest couple. he's like her knight in shining armor ^^ heheh can only wonder..who's right for shugo? probably not ouka..she's too old..maybe mireille chan would be cute with shugo! maybe ouka would be a good couple with sanjuro? reki that little betraying snake. how could he backstab lord balmung and get him removed from CC corporation staff? that little worm..*steaming* >..<+++ my friend says she likes his voice alot but i just don't see it O.O lol *blinks*
 Rena, with a cute voice XD
Which dot hack dusk - legend of the twilight braclet character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
<<<--- now this i can agree with -^-^-
_~_ Which 'One Piece' Boy matches with you? _~_ ( Has pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
<<--sanji is my fav! he's so cute! ^//^
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Anime Expo
I just went to the anime expo in Anaheim CA yesterday! it was so awesome! i went as rena kunisaki from .hack! i couldn't believe how popular i was, not to gloat. i saw three shugos, a kite, two tsukasas, a mimiru, a hotaru, an ouhka, and even a mireille! it was sooo exciting! i'm just happy i got to see my oniichan shugo! XD
perhaps i shall post pic soon...look out for my cosplay here @ theotaku under .hack too ^-^

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
idk about this...i think i'm more of a mimiru! XD

oh balmung is soooo cute! ^//^
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