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myOtaku.com: bowlinggeeks

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Hi my name is Sophia. I love drawing pictures of band members. I joined this site because my sister got her own page and she didn't like me using hers. Soo i thought i could draw different band members like: Gerard Way, Casey Calvert, Pete Wentz and many more. Please comment and rate all the pics u like. Maybe even sign my guest book and be my friend. Thanks, Sophia

Saturday, February 23, 2008

   Hey Whats Up?
Hey everyone. Today i played my first in door softball game it was a lot of fun. Except all the rules are a lot different then playing outside. Its actually really screwy!! Like when the pitcher pitches the ball if the catcher doesn't catch it and it falls in the net all runners advance. And of course there are lots more rules. The grass sucks!!! :( Its artifical grass but it has little rubber pieces in it and the pieces end up in your shoes when the game is over. So my brand NEW shoes have all that gross rubber in it and the rubber is suposidly on the turf to make the ground softer. What a crock of BULL!!!

Well we lost 8 to 7 which really sucks but the game was just walks from the pitcher and that stupid rule!! Well i have to go.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

   Whaz up!!!
Hey whats up everyone. Today im at fire flower house. im sooo bored. im always bored!! LOL thats all i want to type!!! bye!

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hey everyone i haven't been on for a while so here is another blog. YEAH! Hope everyone's valentine's day was awsome. Hope u got a lot of yummy candy and maybe a secret admirer!! (OHHH) I won't tell. LOL!! Comment back and tell me what yummy things u got!!

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