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myOtaku.com: Br0ken Angel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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animemkaku16 (05/17/05)

cool site! ED RULES ALL!!! i love you ed pictures on your site! I was wondering were did you adopt the Chibi Edward? just wondering?

J TaG (05/10/05)

sup nice site i love ur avi well if u get da chance come visit my site sumtime and i ll make sure 2 save u as a friend again i hope u do da same ~bye~

inusamurai (05/04/05)

hey thanks for signing my guest book agian. im going to add you as a friend, see ya.

MoonRainGodess (05/01/05)



KenusukeHirameshi (04/29/05)

Hello there, Br0ken Angel. I used to have a site here, but I deleted it. In case you don't know who I am, you created a Urameshi wallpaper that I requested.

nausicaa0 (04/29/05)

Hiyas Azana! Thanks so much for taking the time to sign my GB again, I missed you! I was wondering what happened to you & your old site...^_^; Anyways, I'm very glad you've decided to stay on MyO and start over, yep, I'm definitely re-adding you as a friend! Well, I wish you the best & *GOOD LUCK* with your new account!!

Love, Nausicaa :D

marz (04/28/05)

hey there^^ im glad that you got an account that works. so ill make sure to add this one on to my buddy list!! laterz

msyugioh123 (04/27/05)

hey you have a nice site

Ruriruri (04/06/05)

Hi.Sorry about the other thing. I really wished it didnt happen. Well Im addin you as a friend and hope you do the same even tho It makes no diferent cause im your friend already.

SsaiyanShinobi (04/05/05)

heyyy im glad to sign ur new gb..and friend this user name.. ya gotta admit its kinda fun getting a new name.. ^_^ lol.. well sorry bout everything that happened to ya, i wish u the best of luck with the future!! come & stop by my site, sign the GB and friend me.. hehe, see ya around!


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