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myOtaku.com: Br0ken Angel

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

ok now that I now you all didn't disown me for my appearance..I can relax somewhat n_n One of my older friends is opening a salon and guess what?! she wants me to design her logo and website!!! *giggles* I'm so excited and have SOOO many ideas..i don't know whether to make it pastel or some blues, blacks, and silvers.. I have to make a pic with Cy put into the picture somehow. And the best part yet...I can use anime.. so that expands my horizons ten fold.. hehehe I'll show you all what I've got so far tomorrow since I just got the assignment today. I only have 2 weeks to do it but I'm getting paid so it's all good. Well yeah that was my post for myself..how are you all?? This week is going by soo slowly for me.. OMG!! I almost forgot.. a while ago I said I made an FMA tshrit and I was going to show it to you all but I didn't know what the hell I was doing so I forgot about it for awhile but now I got the pics uploaded!! This shirt took me a whole week to finish and yes the pics are blurry but you get the idea..
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Yeah and on the sleeves it's a transmutation circle and on the other it's Al facing sideways.. yep yep well that's all for now n_n Adios!!

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