Hiya! I am 17 years old anyhoot I have blonde hair and green eyes and an OUTGOING personality ...

Monday, March 7, 2005
So it has been a while but any hoot ... yeah I am reading the Scarlet Letter because well I have to .. it is a pretty good book I suppose but I guess the one thing that I really like that seems to take up alot of my time now is the most wonderful game DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION ULTRA MIX 2
Is that like not the most greatest game I don't know but it is awsome if you haven't played i sujest that ddr is on the list of must plays lol g2g love ya'll
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
So here I sit pondering questions that come in to my mind ... that seems to happen all the time but anyhow ... like what is the true meaning of life and where the sun hides during the night, even though I know that answer, how far is to far and how close is the closest star... and most of all what is the true meaning of love?? well I don't know I guess that happens to everyone you just start wondering things and you can't stop because your mind is going a thousand+ miles an hour but whatever I suppose I will stop going on and on well I am out of here I'll ramble again soon much love to all
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
HI all
Hey all i know it has been a while but I thought I would drop a line lol any hoot life is great just to be living is a miracle but maybe it is just me well rambling on will get me no where better go much love to all
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