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Part-time worker, artist, yep.... that's about it
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Honor roll for 3 years straight... but being homeschooled kinda makes it hard to do anything else. ^^"
Anime Fan Since
.... I guess since I first saw Sailor Moon, not that I really cared for the storyline but the art was cool.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rave Master, Cyborg 009, Naruto, Fruits Basket, FMA, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ouran High School Host Club
To get a Bachelor's in Graphic Design, then hopefully Commercial Art. ^^d
drawing, writing, reading.... oh yeah, and making stuff
.... drawing, writing, and cooking
| briar rose90
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Mew Fanfic
~Mew Trillium's Story~
~Chapter 1- Intro~
Irene Whitmore- top student, intelligent, with a personality that the winter's snow could be envious of. Not that I was always like that, no- that was the part of myself that I showed to the world, keeping my real self buried.
I glanced around, the school was tolerable. The teachers were happy to meet a person who wanted to learn. A girl with brownish hair and a shy smile greeted me.
"Hello,my name is Cherri Nakijima!"
I glanced at her coldly, hoping that this might discourage her. "....... Hello, my name is Irene Whitmore." I then noticed her face start to fall, so I smiled a little.
She perked up at this and smiled back. "Nice to meet you."
I said nothing in reply and headed towards the gym. She followed. I tried to give her a slightly more cold treatment so that she would leave me alone. It didn't work.....
Finally, I gave up. I was not only a scholar, but a runner. Setting those skills to use, I ran. Not as quick as I could have, I didn't want to crash into anyone.
I found the class and walked in, ignoring the poster. I wasn't interested in girls playing at being heroines.
Later, Cherry Nakijima came in. She tried to get my attention and succeeded in irritating the teacher. I couldn't help but wonder why the girl was so persistent in talking to me. Maybe the novelty of being American attracted her, or maybe my platinum blond hair attracted her. Many people had dark hair, so I did stick out a little.
After the class she caught up with me.
"Irene-chan?where you from?"
"...I'm from the U.S.,I just came to japan to study" I responded, deciding to be a little more friendly.
She apologized for following me earlier. "Well, I got to go."
I smiled a little at her, "Bye, Cherri-chan."
"Byebye, Irene." she left.
I looked around at the unfamiliar streets. Taking a deep breath, I set off. Letting my curiosity guide me, I wandered away from the school.
I wondered if I would find anything of interest, there was a certain feeling in the air- I knew something would happen.
I crossed the street when I heard it. The sound of screeching tires and a man yelling. My eyes went wide with shock, then my world went dark.....
~Chapter 2- Accident~
I opened my eyes.... slowly.... painfully.... I closed them quickly, the light hurt.
I heard the faint murmur of low voices, I assumed that they were the doctors.
"It's a miracle she survived! And not a broken bone!!"
The other doctor agreed.
I ignored them after that, it wasn't worth listening to.
I knew very well how I had survived~ my powers had saved me. Earlier that week I had been exploring an old building when it happend. That beam of light that had hit me..... it felt like domeone had shot me... then it grew warm. I was surprised when I saw a snow leopard in front of me. Surprised, but not scared. I embraced the leopard and felt myself slipping away. I woke up later and ran out of the building. While I was changing from the dirt coated clothes that I had been wearing, I noticed a tatoo on my leg. I groaned, it was a heart shaped, bright pink tatoo. I couldn't even remember how I had gotten it.
I ignored the doctors' conversatrion. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. Sighing, I turned over on the bed. 'I need to know how to control my powers!' I thought. 'I need to find out what happened to me....' I knew that somewhere, I would find the answer, until then I would have to watch and wait.
Sleep overtook my exhausted mind, I would think about this later. I then went into a dreamless sleep despite the bright lights in the room.
~Chapter 3- Trying to Find an Answer~
I was released from the hospital the next day. I was grateful for that, now I was free to find out about that mysterious beam of light.
I wandered around, being more wary of streets. I was hoping to run into Cherri, since she probably knew this area very well.
Looking around, I decided to head back to the hotel I was staying at.
Nothing of interest attracted me on this street. I thought about the accident.
*I jumped to avoid most of the car, the top of it grazed me as I rolled over in midair over it. I forgot about landing though, hitting my head on the road as I fell caused me to black out.*
I shook my head, I didn't want to think about that again- I just wanted answers.
Wandering around, I tried to remember which street the hotel had been on. I didn't pay attention to where I was going and bumped into a girl, accidentally knocking her down.
~Chapter 4- New Acquaintance~
I apologized, then I looked closely at her.... I seemed to remember her, but where could I have met her before? It suddenly clicked into place. The girl who had seen me being hit by that car. I had forgotten her by the time I woke up in the hospital.
“Wait? Aren’t you that girl that went to the hospital?” I said.
“Yes, I was released today.” I told her.
“Well, okay! Konichi-wa! My name is Ichino Momomyia!” she seemed to be friendly, so I dropped a little of my iciness.
“Well... uh, hi. I’m Irene Whitmore” I started to walk away when I realized that I still didn't know my way back to the hotel. “Do you know where my hotel is? I don’t know the town very well yet...”
She nodded and started walking. I followed.
She bid me good bye at the hotel. I was relieved to be back. Going up to my room, I dropped onto the bed and sank with a contented sigh into the pillows. Life here was going to be far more interesting than I had thought.
~Chapter 5- Curious Happenings~
I was curious about the neighborhood still so I looked up Ichino's phone number. I called her and asked if she wouldn't mind me showing me around a little.
"Of course I wouldn't mind! I'll stop by your hotel in a few minutes."
A little while later Ichino and I were hailed by Cherri.
"Hello,I'm Cherri Nakijima!" she smiled.
"I'm Ichino Momomiya!" she smiled in return.
I then noticed Cherri's eyes grow wide as she surveyed my numerous bruises.
"Hi Irene!Oh gosh!Your brused!How did that happen?"
I explained about the car, and my mysterious powers. "I was released from the hospital yesterday."
Cherri was staring wierdly at Ichino.
"Um....Ichino?Why do you have a TAIL?" she asked.
Ichino looked back and saw her striped tail. The two of them screamed, I gazed with mild interest at her extra appendage.
"H-how do I have a tail?!"Ichigo yells.
"I,I think its gone,"Ichino said faintly.
Cherri took one look at Ichino's head and fainted. I looked to see why- out of her hair were two white tiger's ears. I smiled slightly, apparantly I had found myself in a curious situation.
I walked over to the unconscious Cherri.
Ichino and I dragged Cherri to the grass. In her worry over Cherri, Ichino's tail and ears disappeared. I gingerly touched the top of my head to make sure that I didn't have similar things happening to me. I sighed with relief when I didn't feel anything furry.
"You hit your head hard on the pavement.." I told her, seeing the questioning look in her eyes.
"Ichinoand I, moved you to the grass."
"Ichino had tiger ears!And a striped tail!" she yelled, apparently she had not forgotten.
"What?!" I replied- trying to see how much she remembered, "She had no ears and tail while a walked up!" she seemed to have ignored this test.
"OMIGOSH,CHERRI!"Ichino exclaimed.
Cherri appeared startled when she yelled.
"YOU HAVE BIG FUZZY,WOLF EARS!"Ichino gazed at Cherri's new ears.
She put her hands on the top of her head and felt her new wolf ears.
"What in the world is going on!?" she shouted, looking a little panicked as she touched her new ears again. She then smiled and looked like she was imagining something "I'm like MewZakuro on tv!"
"I'm not interested in the MewMews" I replied a little icily, I wasn't fond of those girls that acted like heroine-wanna-be's.
"I watch them on TV,sometimes." Ichino shrugs.
"Heehee,my ears are gone! Hey,Irene! How 'come you don't have ears?" she asked, staring at the top of my head as if I was the unnormal one.
I chose to not reply.
Ichino giggles and I saw a mischivious glint in her eye, "We're gonna help you get your ears then!"
"TICKLE WAR" the two yelled and pounced on me.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
I've been really busy.... so sorry bout not posting anything in a while ^_^".
I've read the new Harry Potter book.... it was good, not what I expected, but it made sense.
Also, I have all the RuroKen manga that they have out so far. Can't wait for the next one, lol. Wonder if Watsuki-san is going to introduce a little bit more romance between Kenshin and Kaoru.... not that I'm big on romance. But this series is my fav so far. Action, adventure, swords..... ^_^ what else could you want, lol.

You are a Samurai. You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.
Main weapon: Sword Quote: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain Facial expression: Small smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, July 15, 2005
I haven't posted anything in ages..... oh, well.....
Anyway, I just got my RuroKen books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Soooooooo happy, lol.
I'm not crazy, honest. ^_^ I just get a little overly happy when I get new books...... o_o" Maybe I am wierd...... -_-"
Well, I did finish a lot of things on the club site, and I wouldn't have been able to do a lot of it without Cherryshock. She did a bunch of things. ^_^
I'm going to try to figure out enough html stuff to post some of my pics on this site, without having to submit it. ^_^" Maybe... if I have enough time...
I might try to draw a few RuroKen characters, for a change of pace... I'm starting to get a little tired of drawing nothing but TMM stuff, ya know? ^_^" After I get everything done... I might try a Battousai's glare pic.. that looks so cool!! ..... and hard. ^_^" I'll try it though.. he is a cool character, and maybe I'll take another stab at drawing Kaoru... her bangs are horrible to do though.. -_-"

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
new stuff
.... sooo busy @_@!!! I'm going to go out of my mind!!!! Not really, lol. But I'm tired out and I'm so happy the site's about done. ^_^
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I've been sooooooooo busy.... ^_^
I've almost completed the site.... still working on it though..... anyway, I put in a kawaii new pic of Mew Ichigo and Masaya for DiceMaster. ^_^ I think it looks nice anyway, the colors turned out pretty well, and hopefully they'll post it soon. ^_^ If people like it, I might do another couple shot... though Masaya is so hard to do.. *_*
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Thanks for helping me with the codes Cherryshock!! ^_^ My friend list, I need to make a ton more.....
You should wield the Shikon no Tama!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.

What Color Link Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Okay, please do not be offended if I do not get to your pm's immediately. I have limited time on the computer.... so I'm trying. Thanks. ^_^
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Sorry, but we cannot take any more new members at the moment. If you do want to be a member, pm DiceMaster and she'll get you on the list.
Thanks. *briar rose90*
~We will need two or three days afterward to make sure that we have everything... so please do not be mad at us. We are trying our best.~
I forgot to put this up yesterday....
I will get all your mews done ~to the people whom I promised I would do them~ but please be patient..... I will get them done as soon as we get this site up and running. So, please do not be mad at me..... I'm trying my best to get everything done.
Thank you.
*briar rose90*
 Your anime expression is determined!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (6) |
I love her new background!!
 You are a fire angel!! You are brave and a leader! GO YOU!! but you can be very hot headed at times! But u kno how to make ppl feel better and defintly kno how to have fun!
What kind of elemental angel are you?*anime pics* girls only plz brought to you by Quizilla
 Dao! The chinese Kung-Fu Sword! This attack weapon is wild and powerful. Used by the soldiers in the old chinese Army. the Dao is often compared with a furious tiger.
What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
My wallpaper has done a disappearing act, the link for it is gone.... wierd. I would really like to know what happened to it, o_O. Hopefully that hasn't messed with my other pics...
 You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either lost somebody you love or somebody broke you heart so bad that you can't pick up the shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You think nobody can heal your wounds but don't stop looking because you never know who loves you enough to try the one special guy could be right infront of your eyes and you don't even know it.You also love to day dream because it seems like the only place that makes you happy.But little do you know that people all around you are trying to make you happy and you won't let them in fearing you'll get another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just try and if things go wrong just brush it off and try again.It never hurts to try.One more thing never let that lost love one leave you heart keep them in forever and keep their memory alive.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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