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..... my own world
Member Since
Part-time worker, artist, yep.... that's about it
Real Name
Honor roll for 3 years straight... but being homeschooled kinda makes it hard to do anything else. ^^"
Anime Fan Since
.... I guess since I first saw Sailor Moon, not that I really cared for the storyline but the art was cool.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rave Master, Cyborg 009, Naruto, Fruits Basket, FMA, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ouran High School Host Club
To get a Bachelor's in Graphic Design, then hopefully Commercial Art. ^^d
drawing, writing, reading.... oh yeah, and making stuff
.... drawing, writing, and cooking
| briar rose90
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
My new pic is up! I tried drawing Kakashi, anyways, please tell me what you think. ^^
I'm so sorry everyone!!!!! Between school and a ton of other things I just don't have more than a few hours to call my own *sob*. -_-"
But I'm going to try to catch up on everything and try to spend more time online. I hope you all are doing well. ^^
Oh! My birthday was the fourth, so I'm 16 now! ^^ I'm happy about it 'cause I'm closer to getting my license. Also I got my ears double-pierced and a cartilage piercing. The cartilage one is on my right ear, I'm going to be so happy when it heals because it hurts like crazy when it gets snagged on stuff. Also I have been losing sleep because the earings like to snag on the pillows.... trying to work around it, but it's still a pain.
Also, my parents had no clue what to get me for my birthday, but knew I liked games so they bought me this limited edition mario nintendo ds kit. I'm hoping to buy Lost in Blue as it looks like an interesting game for it. Has anyone played it? Should take me longer to get through than the mario racing game, lol.
One more thing before I go, the teen group from church is going to a paintball park. ^^" I'm thinking I'm going to go, it sounds like fun and goodness knows it would be fun to see if I can still aim well. Laser tag I guess wouldn't help me with this, but it's a nice thought. Apparently mom doesn't want my sis and me to go seeing as how the paintballs hurt. Well, duh! It's going to hurt, you're getting shot with a paintball! How's it not going to hurt?
Moving on-
Anyways, if I go, wish me luck, lol.
Also, *I lied when I said one more thing* I made an account on, I should be able to post stuff there soon, so I'll post a link here if I get a decent story up. I do have a fictionpress account- Eventide Rose. Look me up if you're bored. ^^
Hmmm... two more things and then I'll really stop- I've got a ton of new fanart that I need to post... like my requests, heh... ^^" gomen nasai!!!! I should have some up tomorrow.... if my scanner works right anyways.
And here's a funny quote I found. ^^v
"Most people learn by observation, and there are the few who learn by experimentation. And then there are those who actually TOUCH the fire to see if it's really hot." -Anonymous
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