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..... my own world
Member Since
Part-time worker, artist, yep.... that's about it
Real Name
Honor roll for 3 years straight... but being homeschooled kinda makes it hard to do anything else. ^^"
Anime Fan Since
.... I guess since I first saw Sailor Moon, not that I really cared for the storyline but the art was cool.
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rave Master, Cyborg 009, Naruto, Fruits Basket, FMA, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ouran High School Host Club
To get a Bachelor's in Graphic Design, then hopefully Commercial Art. ^^d
drawing, writing, reading.... oh yeah, and making stuff
.... drawing, writing, and cooking
| briar rose90
Saturday, December 30, 2006
♫ New car ♫
Well... (melancholy music plays in the bg) it has been decided.
My parents have determined that it would be a better investment to purchase a new (used) car instead of shelling out the cash to fix up the other.
I'm a little sad at that, but it's better in the long run. :3 We checked out the lemon lot on post, and they had this gorgeous blue cadillac!! Hmmm... I guess the color is somewhere between a periwinkle blue and a sky blue, if that makes any sense. XD Dad'll probably get another car to get to work. I'm not at all happy with the one he was looking at for that though, because it has a stick. I have minor troubles with the automatic shift, forget the other!!! (but he'll make me learn if he gets it...)
On a brighter note:
I just watched Step Up, The Devil Wears Prada, and Mission Impossible III. All of which were totally awesome movies!!! XD
... We also watched Click, but I HATE that movie. I knew it was a bad idea to watch it, but I stuck around anyways... XP It's completely stupid, no actual storyline, and the end didn't even really redeem itself. Just a lot of language and crass humor. Sorry if any of ya'll like it, but I can't deal with that level of humor.
Moving on...
I've been re-watching Ouran High School Host Club episodes on YouTube. XD Sooooooooo funny!!! If you haven't seen it, you have to!! I'm working on a New Year's pic featuring them. At least, I have Kaoru, Hikaru, Hunny, and Haruhi on it so far. I'm trying to squeeze in the other three without making it look hideous, lol.
Also, I bought another Fruits Basket and DNAngel manga, respectively. :P I love those series to death!! I should post more fan art for them...
Speaking of fan art: my mom's right (for once). I haven't been posting much of my 'good stuff'. Probably because I usually give them away as I get too lazy to post stuff, lol. XD I shall try harder to get better pics on here though!!
I'm done ranting for now, lol. See ya!
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