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The Middle Of Nowhere
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Student/Anime Otaku
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Just call me Emiko. It's easier.
Being able to read and comprehend, being a rabid, shameless Pendergast fangirl
Anime Fan Since
I saw the "Fukai Mori" ending to InuYasha
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, Gravitation, Excel Saga, FLCL
To become a novelist when I "grow up", to move to a big city (preferrably New York)
Reading, writing, blogging, listening to meh music, watching anime (of course)
Depends on what you mean by talents...
| broken faerie
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Monday, January 2, 2006
So I'm back. Once again, hope you guys had a happy new year. I suppose I did (my aunt and uncle came for Christmas yesterday, and I got a Barnes and Noble Gift card).
So, unfortunately, today is the last day of my glorious Christmas Break. It's been a fun ride, and it's been fantastic to be away from school for a while, but I suppose all good things must end. I don't think I have another big break until Spring Break. I'm not sure, I'll have to check. But the important thing is, this break is ending, and I can't stop it... *wipes away a tear*
Anyway, I suppose I'll go now. Mom is determined to make my last day of break a day of cleaning. :p
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
*confetti confetti*
That's right, according to my clock it is offcially January 1, 2006. It's been a fun, and quite eventful, year. Hope you guys have had as much fun as I did, and I hope I can get to know you better in the year to come! ^^
Now, I must go get drunk on Mountain Dew and Doritos. When it comes to New Year's, I party hard! lol
Happy New Year, guys!!! And later!!!
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
I suck at writing introductions. As a matter of fact, I hate them. Down with the introductions!!
Anyway, there's really no reason as to my posting right now. I'm only doing it because I've never posted this late. Or this early, I suppose I should say. That's right. According to MyOtaku, it's already December 31. According to my brother (who isn't very reliable and can't seem to tell time anyway), it's "a little after 12:30". So I suppose that both are right. In a sense.
Is it just me, or am I making no sense whatsoever? I swear I must be high on something. Perhaps it's those blasted Honey Buns. I normally don't eat them, but I had a craving for something sweet and it was the only thing we had (my beloved Poptarts have run out again). And perhaps it could also be the time, the fact that I have been left alone with my brother for close to seven hours, or maybe it's because I just came back from the Preston/Child Message Boards and was reading the "Things Pendergast Would Never Say" thread, as well as the "Pendergasms" thread. Alas, my innocent mind has been corrupted!! Well, maybe it wasn't so innocent to begin with. And if it's Pendergast doing the alleged corrupting, then by all means, corrupt away!! I am liking the word "corrupt" right now. That word, as well as the word "kinky" seem to have been branded in my mind. Sorry I sound like such a perv. I don't really feel like being my normal boring and serious self tonight. :p
Anywho, I'm also thinking of changing my layout yet again. Even though winter has, in a sense, only just begun, I feel the need to change out Hatori for something else. Even if he is a sexy beast (actually my personal fave out of the Mabudachi Trio would have to be Ayame. But don't tell him I said that. We wouldn't want him to go into super "I am so sexy" mode. Then again...).
Back to the layout (damn my wandering mind!). I was thinking of putting up a nice Gravitation one, seeing as I'm SO in a yaoi mood right now, and have been for the past week. I needs to find a sexy wallpaper, tho. And an avatar to match would be a sweet bonus too.
Okay, peeps. I think I shall leave you now, and let you deal with my craziness at some other time.
"Here, Viola, have an Altoid. Or two. Or three. Please."
I forget which board member said that, but I thank them for it. And I also thank the one who came up with the one about the Strip Twister. I was totally ROFLMFAO on that one!!! XD XD XD
Later, my pets!!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I find that I hardly ever have a subject to my posts. Maybe it's because there is no one subject title to pin down the various retarded and oftentimes boring things I choose to talk about. Perhaps. Perhaps, indeed. lol
Anyway, yesterday we went shopping (so I could buy some of the manga I didn't get; did I mention this in my last post? sorry if I did). I could only find ONE of the various manga that I was looking for. I mean, it was insane! The places that usually are packed with manga, had pretty much nothing! And not only that, the shelves were a disorganized mess, and the manga that was there was completely out of alphabetical order. Needless to say, it took me quite a long time to dig through the shelves to make sure the titles I wanted weren't there. And even then, I double-checked just to make sure. Oh well. Mom told me that we might be going again today, but I seriously doubt that, seeing as how late it's getting.
One last thing: I LOVE the song Sleepless Beauty!!! I have been listening to it practically non-stop since I downloaded it last night. I wonder what kind of reaction fans would have if Kappei sang it on InuYasha as well as Gravitation. Dorky thought. I think things like that. So there. lol I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
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Monday, December 26, 2005
OMG!!!!!!! (and Merry Chirstmas, too)
No snow. Damn.
Anyway, I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ON MYO!!!!!! Since Monday (or whenever it was that I last posted), my comp has not turned on. I haven't been able to get on the Internet in...well, for a while. I'm on my mom's laptop right now. Hopefully she'll keep it here until the regular comp is fixed. Which it better be, cuz I've got all my crap on there...
Well, all that aside, Merry Belated Christmas!!! I hope you guys had a good one. As for me, I'd like to think that I did. For example, I got all the Gravitation DVDs as well as a sexy iPod. lol I'm listening to some Kotani Kinya right now (yay for The Rage Beat!!!). There was some manga that I didn't get, but we're going shopping tomorrow, so it'll be a good time to use the Barnes and Noble gift card I got from my aunt.
Oh yeah. I was gonna send you all some pretty bad X-mas cards that I made in Paint, but since the comp went kaput before I could get them sent out...yeah, you guys didn't get them. Although, it was probably a blessing in disguise. I'm sure to people who are used to seeing magnificent web graphics, they would look pretty sucky. Oh well.
Well, I must fly! Hafta make up for lost time, you know!!!
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
It snowed a bunch this morning. Huzzah! It probably won't last, tho.
Let's see. I've been gone for a while, I know. I haven't felt like posting lately, so I figured I'd just take a break. I'm back now, tho, and I probably will be all through Xmas Break. I get out early on Thursday, so if I'm not around here before, you can expect me then.
My glasses have disappeared on me again. My eyes are hurting really bad, even though I just got on the comp. Grr. I'm gonna go look for them again once I'm done here.
I was so tired earlier this morning. I stayed up until a little after two in the morning, I think. Dad said that since everything was crowded at the stores (we went shopping early yesterday), that we were gonna go to Wal-Mart that night at midnight. I thought it sounded like fun, so I waited and waited, only to find out that Dad had gone to bed hours ago. T.T Nice.
Speaking of last night, I enjoyed both Fullmetal Alchemist and Samurai Champloo. It sucks that Marta (sp?) had to die. I knew I never liked the Furor... Interesting, tho, how Lust tied in with Scar. I never would've thought of that. Just goes to show you what a ditz I am! lol
Hmm. I think I'll end this post by showing you guys the awesome Xmas card I got from SessLover18. It's the first ever card I've received here at MyO. Thankies SessLover!!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hey. Just a quick post to ask you guys what you think of the new layout. I did it because it's Christmas time (or holiday time, for those of you that would be offended if I said Merry Christmas). Anyway, I know it doesn't look very Christmasy, but it does have Hatori-san on it, and I associate Hatori with winter, so therefore it's my winter layout!! Hope you guys like it!
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Monday, December 12, 2005
It's supposed to snow on Wednesday, I think...
Anyway, this is probably gonna be a short post. I was supposed to go to a Choir concert tonight, but I got out of it by saying that my mouth hurt. And it really does! I just went to the dentist and had that stupid woman scraping and injuring my poor teeth! Oh well. I guess it was worth it. I really didn't want to go tonight.
Let's see. Mom's baking cookies right now. They're pretty good, actually. Little bro's sick (or so he claims), so naturally all I'm hearing from him is "whine, whine, complain, moan, etc." Bleh.
Well, hafta go. Talk to you guys later!
Farewell! (Ha! You thought I was gonna say later!!)
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
There is no more snow anymore. Just puddles.
Sorry I didn't come back on Friday, or Saturday for that matter. I'll try to catch you guys up on events since then.
Let's see. Band concert on Friday was good. My shoes were kinda rubbing blisters on my feet, tho. Speaking of shoes, my friend Amber's shoes were awesome!!! Every time we got a chance to talk, I was like, "Your shoes are so cool!" And she was like, "Shut up!" Anyway, it was pretty fun. I got to talk to some of Amber's friends that I never had before. I was surprised at how nice they were. Okay, that didn't make any sense.
On Saturday, we went shopping. I managed to get some stuff for my friends. It's easy buying things for my friends that are into anime and manga. It's the ones that don't like that are hard to buy for. Especially when they don't tell me what they want. *sigh* Oh well. If they don't like it, hopefully they can take it back... I also bought some stuff for me (of course)! I got another copy of the manga that I lost on Black Friday, as well as some others. In other words, I got volumes 1-4 of Fullmoon wo Sagashite. I really like them.
That had to be the shortest shopping spree I had ever been on. We only stayed at the mall for an hour. This was because things were so incredibly CRAZY!! I mean, they were even worse than when we went on the day after Thanksgiving! Needless to say, I was ready to get out of there...
Hmm. Well, this has been one of the longest posts I've posted in a while. I think I'll end it here.
Later, guys!!
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Friday, December 9, 2005
It snowed last night, but it's melting now...
This is gonna be a short post because I have a band concert that I need to be getting ready for. I might come back and post again when I have more time, but most likely I'll just come back and comment on your guys' sites.
I've been thinking about changing my layout for the holiday season. I was digging through my folders and found a pretty Hatori/wintery wallpaper, and some icons that can go with it. I think I probably will change it. Dunno when, tho...
Sorry this is so short, but I really hafta get ready!!
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