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Monday, November 26, 2007
You Mostly Have Your Emotions in Check | 
Sometimes your emotions get out of control, but you usually are a pretty stable person.
You can find a lot to be happy about, as long as things are going your way.
But if a few bad things happen to you, you tend to go in a bit of a downward spiral.
Luckily, you usually come out of it okay and no worse for the wear. |
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Your Social Anxiety Level: 36%

You have low social anxiety.
Of course very unfamiliar or strange situations make you uncomfortable.
But you can pull through and handle almost any social occasion with grace.
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What Should You Be This Halloween?
 You go by many names and are related to humble and much adored wolf. Savage by nature you are a wild animal whose true form and hunger unleashes itself on the night of the full moon. You enjoy the hunt and should show your true form on halloween when you go out as a WEREWOLF! Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Which Mystical creature are you bound to? (cool pictures!Finished!!!)
 You are a gargoyle. You are powerful and tough. You can turn into stone to fool your foes and you are often used to guard places such as Cathedrals and Parliment buildings. You keep out evil with your strength, though you tend to be alone. Not many people take the time to get to know you, and they fear your prescence. You are often seen as respectable and courageous. People rely on you to protect them and you are feared and respected by many. Good job! Take this quiz!

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What makes you sad? w\ beautiful anime pics!
 Seeing others suffer makes you sad. You hate seeing pain or sadness of any sort, especially when it's in someone helpless like a lost child or an abandoned pet. Your heart reaches out to them and you yearn to right the wrongs you see in the lives of others. Your friends love you for your gentle spirit, and you, of course, love them back. One of your greatest fears is seeing harm come to the ones you care about. You deal with your sadness by releasing it. You know that crying just makes you feel better, so you'll cry your eyes out if you need to. When others are down, they know you'll be sympathetic and do your best to make them feel better. Take this quiz!

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Dude i so bored again...
i really don't like this class that im in because im basicaly done with every thing almost and its only 2 weeks into the term...
i only took this class because its an easy A...
other than this class i have a good scedul and i may be getting a job soon if my dad gets off his lazyass and helps me fill out the rest of my application... i love my energy drinks... MONSTER!!
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What's Your Personality Quirk?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
hey wut up people! im way bord right now cause im waiting for my practice to start...i really have nothing to do other than this. i tryed to get myself power on my computer and that totally failed me so im sad.
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Friday, October 26, 2007
my birthday was a cuople days ago and i might not even have a party
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