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the milkyway
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sophmore (highschool)
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to go to college
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Monday, November 20, 2006
im so happy that the school unblocked this site. so now i had to work a tournament on saturday. i had absolutly nothing to do. so me and my friend just sat by the consessions for 3 hours, waiting for her phone to charge up. i got so happy when i found out that the tootsie pop's, the normal size, was 5 for 25cents. that made me so happy!^^. well my birthday was on the 24th last month and i got the new evanescence and jojo cds. my parents had such a hard time trying to find the evanescence cd because it was sold out every where they looked. i also got 4 new shirts, a happy bunny sweatshirt, and 2 pairs of pajama pants that are really comfterbal. u know what if u think that i spell anything wrong dont tell me cause i really dont care if i do or not.
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Friday, November 17, 2006
wow this teacher that im with is the most stupidest person ever. i cant belive that i went to the school play last night. it was really corny. i had fun thogh making fun of every one in it with my friend. i got so happy because there was this kid that looked like a gay harry potter. so i have critical isues this trimester and were having the pretend draft today. yesterday the kid in that class who always makes fun of the teacher was gone so i steped up. im usualy the one that sits in the back of the room and never talks. so he was suprised that i did that. basketball started this week. my legs aren't killing me today so that makes me so happy. well this is about the only time that i can do this. i got the new final fantasy last week or when ever that came out. my mom has to be the first one to play it of course. so she wont get the new ps3 until next year when the new final fantasy comes out. she wont get it a litle earlyer because she dosnt aprove of any other games that are out before that. my friend moved on tuesday to mineapolis, but she skipped school today and is at the high school all day. well at least ill be able to see her when i go up there when school gets out. i have a pot-luck tonight at a nother junior high after basketball practice tonight. theyre letting us out early to go home and take a shower and get done there in time. a nother good thing about going to the playlast night was that i got to see my other friend who gos to a performing arts school there. she went with a couple of my other friends. well ill try to post sometime next week and sorry for getting off trak on somethings, so see yall later.
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
i having lots o fun this year. k on saterday im going to this thing with a bunch of my friends. and after all that two of them are staying at my house. and we watching movues. so gatta go bye.
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happy things
me back. only 2 months into school year and there has already been a major fight. it happened last week. 4 guys were involved. parker orn's the only name that i know of all of the guys that were in it. hess a big guy and they were shoving him into me with his crack hanging half out of his pants. well my friend had a halloween party last week. they all got scared of the grugd. was my first time seeing it and i wasn't scared at all. well gatta go bye.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
 You've made a yellow LightsaberYellow is the color of Honor and Loyalty. It symbolizes caution and foreboding in either direction of the blade, Meaning that the owner is relatively cautious...but also to be cautious of them. Since Yellow stands for both Honor and Cowardice, Once should always think twice before attacking someone with a Yellow Saber. Take this quiz!

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a never ending life
i think that there is really no eternal darkness, long sleep, or any other thing like that. i think that the second we die our soul moves to a different body, like we're just temperary host to the soul. that the only way our soul moves up to the heavens or down to the deepest depths of hell is if we take our own soul. to go to the heavens is if you are already dieing and there is nothing anyone can do to help, and take your life or live a life without killing someone. to get the prize of hell you must live a life committed to murder and then take your life. to get your soul from heaven you just have to be bored enough. to come up from hell you must disobey every command given to you by Saitan, but you can only get to heaven by doing that. then it just keeps on in a circle. you have your own belifes and i have mine. yours might be defferent or they might be similer.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
?? Which Natural Wonder Or Disaster Are You ??
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video games are boring?
im going through all of my ps2 games this summer. ive gon through 9 only beaten 8. i gave up on dark cloud. it got to boring for me. right now im playing shadowhearts and thats starting to get boring. i think that we should rename this season the season of perpetual boredom. what do you guys think it should be called?
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
my computer
my compers have been acting like litte shits latly! yuou can't do anything on them without having to try to go in for about a 1/2 hour. if that doesn't work then you're screwed! i hate my life.
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
my sancturary
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
I watch you fast asleep,
All I fear means nothing,
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me?
{So many ups and downs}
My heart's a battleground
{I need true emotions}
{I need more affection than you know}
{I need true emotions}
You show me how to see
That nothing is whole and nothing is broken,
In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
My fears, my lies..
Melt away
{I need more affection than you know}
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