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the milkyway
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sophmore (highschool)
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Friday, June 2, 2006
you guys need to go to and watch end of ze world. its funny shit if you listen to what they say.
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okay softball update. i had a abye on tuseday so i had a practice. we won both of our games yesturday.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
hey guys it's like 1:20 in the morning here, and we got back from the drive-in 20minutes ago. we didn't see the movies that i wanted to, because we went to a different drive-in. he movies that we saw were Over the Hedg and Mission Impossible 3. im posting this 20minutes after because the bathrooms smelt like urin and somthing was all over the floor. it was so discusting and the funny thing is, is that i'm wide awake. now i know that for an energy drink to get jult. man that stuff tasts good. well i'm getting off now cause my dads bitching at me.(whats new)
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
hey i say Posidan yesturday and we might go to a drive-in tonight to. so if we stay for all three movies, we'll see MI:3, X-menIII, and Posidan. hoot, hoot!we'll i'll try to make up another little stupid poem while i'm gone. so read the poem that's after this...if you don't want to be laughing at it. j/k!
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
last 3 4 days of school this week. i have exams all week. question why do need an exam for ceramics? don't question my speeling on any of the things for today its 10:35pm right now. danm and snl's on. it kinda dmb but i like that show. well if you can answer my question then tell me please.
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What Gundam Wing Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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softball update (for any of you who care)
my game on tuseday (i tired so i don't care if i spelt that right) and my game on thurseday we lost 'cause the umpire wasn't realy whatching the game. oh and by the way i don't play for Cottage Grove any more instead we're "Gansta" grove x__x don't ask x__x.
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a pathetic atempt to make a poem about darkness
the darkness is to
great to contain.
for all the sorrow
all the pian
that i have
left in my wake,
i no longer have nothing
to give nor take.
as it swallows
it shall only
makes thing hallow.
never sleeping,
it only only
leaves others weaping.
those who find it,
may never come out.
it is, sadly,
forever eternal
it is as those
say it truly
is, darkness.
never let it swallow
you, or it will steal
what is trully
your heart.
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hey you guys can you tell me which code to use t oget pics. off of photobucket. thanks.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
hey you guys if you have a Final Fantacy Advant children backgrounds or for your little pictures please could you tell me were to get them and how to post htem as either my picture or as my background with out having anything get in the way of like a colored backround. Either comment on this or PM me. please could you tell me so i can do that thank you.
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