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Wednesday, July 5, 2006



i'm dealing with it.

sorry for the NO posting at all.

But i'm healing.

Deal with it.

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Monday, June 26, 2006

   I'm back.
I'm feeling out of sorts more often than none.

I'm often angry and frustrated at something, or someone, and I'm passionate about my beliefs and I can get defensive when someone tries to change me.

When people assume they know me.


I hate...that. I'm sick of people who are unaccepting. If I'm the freak, why do they all look alike? Why do they speak alike? Is it something I cant understand?
Maybe it is. Maybe that's why I'm a freak.

But I don't want to belong.

So why are they so intent on changing me?!

Can't they accept difference?
You know what, I'm just ranting and I'm just extremly tired so I'm just ranting...


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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Save this poor girl.
Help save this poor girl from death penalty.Sign the petition and visit her pages. [link]
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Saturday, May 13, 2006

   Sarcasm for the blind.
I'm in a starnge mood today. I helped with the cleaning of my room, and I discovered that I HAVE A FLOOR. I was so happy. ^^

For the past few days, my hours spent have just been a blur. I don't remember much. I've begun to realize that I wasn't so emotionally stunted as I thought. No, stunted is not the right word...more like...heartless. Or seemingly cold. Yeah, that's it. Hrummpt.

I feel so weird...I hate the fact that I simply cannot find a guy for me to like. (yes, I'm being an adolescence ranting about her dead-end 'love' life) Maybe It's because I'm too picky. Hm. That's it. Somebody shoot me...*whines*

Fuck it.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Am feeling extremly ecstatic now. Still. Watched Mission Impossible 111 with Iza, Mysha and Danial today. Was fun. Iza stuffed popcorn down my shirt! -_-; Dumbass. They treated me- sho happie!

Have put on some unwanted weight :p. Have got to lose it...soon. I hate tummy flab. Bleargh. Will eventually change the background. EVENTUALLY.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A long awaited comeback...

This site is closed for now, simply beacuse I couldn't be bothered to be updating and even though i have a scanner, I've been either too busy to updated or draw. But it will however remain active because I'll be going around people sites and commenting whenever i feel like it.

Reasons being besides those listed above, I cannot possibly updated both my DeviantArt journal and Blogger and MyO at the same time. To me, that is possitively boring and over-zealious.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

HITOMISAMA IS BACK!!!!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!ahem.Mindless insanity aside.Kay..what can i update you guys on...oh right!My exams are almost over..but i have a taekwondo grading on sat..hopefully my sensei will allow me to go for it..bleah.Had another boy..a black belt mind you,but he wanted to break it off because he was so tired of the constant teasing.Well,it was only for like 4 days,i'm good.Then,came along Vincent,Mr Confusion.He's 3 years older then me and is ...about 5 belts below me.He is oh-so cute..only one problem :EXAMS.How i hated exams.I had to wait.But, a few days ago,he SMSed,saying that he couldn't be a two-timer so he broke it off with me.I was devastated for a while,but sucked it up a few hours later.Though i still couln't look at the mirror for about 2 days,i was fine with it.It's nice to know some guys have hearts.

BUMBUMBUM here's another problem:He wants to break up with his current girlfriend.He asked me how'd he go about doing that,cuz his girlfriend's a tad suicidal.Dunnoe how that story'll turn out.

One thing i noticed is that my last 2 boyfriends were involved with some sort of martial art.My first one was a silat boy..though i don't know what belt he is..the second was a taekwondo black belt.Haha..weird.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

   Back from the *yawn* dead...
Hey guys...*yaaaawn...*been a really long time since i even last visited myO...been busy..doing requests and crap.Now at school,i could turn my hobby into a buisness.My classmates are prepared to pay about 20 big ones for 4 coloured pictures of the favourite Ms characteres.I did one for my friend Arif (a mage),which was the first time i ever did an MS drawing..i still have the card,forgot to give it back to him just now.Changing the background to...not sure..Ha.
news update: Hitomi Yukio sama(you shall all bow down to me!!!kidding...) have dumped her dumb-ass "boyfriend"!!!but seriously folks,this happened a good 1 month or something ago..so it's stale news,but just thought it might clear somethig up to my friend out there..(no,it's none of myO users...)

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Monday, July 11, 2005

first time i've used that cruddy heart-thing..could anyone give me advice?Me and my um...stead or..uh..boyfriend,Daniel..(kay i am still not used to saying that..)are like having problems so..

okay,back to the bright side!Has anyone got the Killes hot fuss yet?in my opinion they rule alright,although i like Mr brightside,Smile like you mean it and Somebody told me.Maybe they're like MCR,you have to listen to it constantly to like it.

One of these days i'm gonna post something,i've forced my friend to help me scan it and email it to me.(yay,i have blackmail material on him..)mostly stuff for Friendster,myO and bleah..Expect losta side profiles.I suppose i'm good at them.

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Friday, July 1, 2005

a week after summer break and i am suffering..I'm so used to being the first to answer my science,english teacher's questions it was wierd when a friend of mine managed to answer it first.Jeeze i'm almost like a teacher's pet..damn..i don't understand my science..i hate school in general.I am,by nature,a loner,and by being one i should not have friends,aqquatances probably,not friends.Uh,i think i'm just saying that to hide the fact that i hate my school and school life.The only thing i'm waiting for is the Good Charlotte "Noise to the world" Concert!!w00t!!ah and the release of Harry potter and the half-blood prince.other than that,i'm just dragging myself along.Wishing i was dead.Normality seems foreign to me.Damn my life.
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