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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Omg I made this!!!
OMG! I'm at school. I don't want to be at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man school sucks. Since I only have like one more robotics meeting before the competition, I'm going to be so bored. I'll like make hundreds of greeting cards or something. Maybe some warned!! I might have Anthony teach me how to make icons too. Then I'll have uber cool icons!! Or I'll just have him make me one. Whatever is better for him. Yea and I have this like totally uber funny story.
(clock at my house reads 10:17 pm)
Anthony: Well I'm going to go since its 7 and I want to finish my homework before its 10.
Me:Hehe, Have fun with that...
Anthony: What time does your clock say?
Me: 10:17
Anthony:...My life is over.
Me: No its not! Well unless you are buried in homework...
Blahblahblah has signed off at 10:19.05pm
Yea we were on aim. And since I don't feel like giving his screen name to everyone I just used his name. Yea, I thought that it was funny.
So like anyways I'm uber bored and hungry......REALLY hungry. I might eat my pencil...but that would taste bad...and it would be unhealth.......I could burn that Charles Dickens book and roast a fish from biology over it....but I don't like seafood.....damn.......
Well I guess thats that was a long entry...
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Oh nooooooooooo
Well we ship the robot off tomorrow. I'm so sad, I'm going to miss going to robotics after school everyday, but at least I get some time to spend with my friends.
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Just call me Micheal Angello
I was painting in robotics again. Haha. They call me Micheal Angello. It's pretty funny because I'm always covered in paint. Hehe.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Hello beautiful.
We got the robot to work. I thought it was going to explodeat first because of the hanging wires. yea and I got videos. It was great!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
He makes my heart flutter...
Yesterday Anthony spent 4 hours at my house!!! I haven't spent that much time with him since last year! I was so happy. It's kinda sad though that I love him with every fiber in my being but he is only my best friend. I'm sure I'll get over that someday soon. I mean this has been like what the 3rd year that I have liked him? Damn thats a long time. So yea I guess that's it.
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Saturday, February 12, 2005
If this works you shall all see my pictures.
Ok now that i have fixed it, this should work

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Friday, February 11, 2005
The little lightbulb went off over my head!!!! Since I'm taking my camera to school I thought to take pictures of the robot! Smart eh? Well it is not my idea. It was maidensilverstar. Thank you! I'll take some pictures today and post them over the weekend. ^_^
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Why do i have to goto school sooooooooo early????? GAH!! Its 5:43am for crying out loud! I swear who ever thought to have school this early will pay!!! Well more later
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
OMG I cut my hand on a machine at robotics. I was working on building and arm for it and my hand slipped on the metal and i got cut. Its not fatal or anything. It will probably be gone in like 3 days. So anyways, we have 12 days left to finish the robot. So far the arm, the base, the electronics and drive system are done. Now we are working on the finishing touches...
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Monday, February 7, 2005
Well I guess I'll explain robotics to you all. After school I goto another school for an extracuricular(sp?) activity known as robotics. We build a robot and take it to competitions. It fun. But long. It's six weeks long and its everyday....which explains why I'm tired. I get up at 4am and get home at 6.30pm. Yup I guess thats it.
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