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myOtaku.com: brokenandinlove

Thursday, February 24, 2005


I made this too!!!

Time for another long post! Well tonight is the high school band concert. I'm going and its going to be so much fun. I get to watch my friends play music. See, most of my friends are BAND GEEKS(GO BAND GEEKS w00t!!!!!1!!111!). I used to be one but I got excepted into a school for advanced individuals. :( Not like its a bad thing, but it takes up 3 hours of my day so I never get to see my friends.

Yea so anyways, I get to goto the concert, take pictures, make movies and then hang around with a few friends. I'll upload the pictures either tomorrow or saturday.

Besides that, my biology research project is finally taking off. I think my babies(the plants we planted) are dieing....but i can't tell. My teacher is a plant killer so I don't trust him. I make fun of his name. Estapa. Reminds me of Finding Nemo and the 'escape, funny it's spelt just like escape' thing.

Well, the band kids were gone all morning and came back during my lunch period so the got to goto my lunch. I got to hang out with Anthony and Jeanie. Anthony ripped the paper-plastic stuff off my Pepsi bottle, then ripped the paper in half, shoved his hand into my pocket on my hoodie and grabbed a pen and wrote 'best friends' on the two pieces of paper, walked up to some random table and said 'will you be my friend?' someone said yes and he yelled no and ran away. It was pretty funny.

In history, the last class of the day the teacher told us we can't line up at the door because kids were pulling wires out of the computer. I know who did it too. I was standing right there watching them. Damn you John, Jordan and Nick. So now we are stuck in our seats all during class, how boring is that?

Yes well anyways hunger has taken ahold of me.

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