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Somewhere I can't remember...
Member Since
A lost wandering soul
Real Name
I can't remember... Something important happened...
Anime Fan Since
Awhile ago
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Fooly Cooly, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Futurama, Ghost in Shell:Stand alone complex, Detective Conan, Big O, and Fruit Baskets
To remember who I am
Digging up my lost past
| brokenchildtears
Hello welcome to my site I hope you enjoy it. please feel free to sign my guest book. Or Pm me with suggestions to make my site better or if you want to talk. Thank you for coming.

Thank you so much Amber Fox
Saturday, March 26, 2005
My memory
I got my memory back I'm so happy I belive my parents are as well. Thank you everyone who have been sticking by me through all the rough points I hope that you are having fun on your Spring Break if you are having it at the moment. If you already did I hope you had fun and if your waiting I hope you have fun. Again thank you everyone
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Hello everyone
Sorry it has been awhile since I posted I have been busy doing a few things, I really hope that your not mad at my slowness. I guess I can't really blame you if you are. Anyways my dad is going on a buissness trip and my mom is staying home to watch me. My parents seem to be such nice people Thank you for all the support Amber Fox 613 and totaka thank you for being so nice to me and understanding what I'm going through. Well I hope to talk soon to everyone.
Oh by the way I found this really cute quiz take it if you wish the results are quite cute
Saturday, March 12, 2005
I'm not sick anymore
I'm so happy I'm not sick anymore, I got a fever and now it is gone. I hope that if anyone else is sick that they feel better soon as well. Anyways I hope that everyone at my school enjoyed the spring fling last night. Well that is about it I hope to talk to you soon.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
I just saw the saddest thing...
I just saw the saddest thing I can think of we are studying WWII and the holocost and what happened is terrible, There were so many innocent people hurt. It just makes me want to cry... How could one man be so crule to so many people, They didn't do anything but live their lives. I hope it never happens again. Besides that everything is being good to me.