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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Oh my gosh.
I've suddenly ran away and came back lol. I was wondering about all you guys out there, if you guys still remember me lol. I broke my promise on working on that new site I know *sighs*
MyO has not been working on this computer of mine since forever. From time to time I used to go and try to do a post but it always says cannot display or something. *sadness*
So if anybody is reading this, I thank you :) You still remember me and love me. Obvisouly I have betrayed all of you in a way and left without a reason >.>;; I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to. I miss MyO so much. And soon, I will return. Maybe tomorrow, or the next day or months from now *aaahhh*
Gah..hopefully the comments work now lol. I don't think so though. Argh.
I miss all of you and this site very much. I'm also sorry for all the new people who have added me and I haven't returned the favor in months now. Hm, I should close BW's site forever for not keeping promises >.<
Sorry once again ):
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Time: 9:54 PM
Mood: Okay.
Listening to: All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secrets [The secrets in the video are so weird O.o yet cool.]
Yes, I'm finally back! With a new account! Sadly, I'm not going to be BW anymore. Aww...welp my new username is PilotZero. Search for me when I have it up and running. Probably by next, next Monday. Since I'm going to brother's wedding. Woo, I'm a junior bridesmade. lol. So yea.
Although, this account will never be forgotten. And I can'tjust delete it! It was my life. In a more awesome way.
Imma gonna lock this baby up. Somehow. But probably at Friday too. And if I have some free time, I may look over at some memories we all shared. Yea.
This isn't the last post. Look for it between now and next next Monday.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
[Time/Date: 9:00 PM/7.31.05 ]
[Mood: Annoyed ]
[Listening to: Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine ]
Alright, this'll be a short post, or not >.> I tend to make the short posts long..Hm..
Anyway, I'm back once again. I'm sorry I've been gone. I haven't spent much time on the comp..I've just been preparing for school..erm, I'm still not done though ^^;; Ah well.
Oh and if the comments won't work, I'd have to make a new account. I've always wanted to anyway..And the only ones who will get my new username, are the ones I keep in touch with ^^;; Some people don't even know me now..Hehe.
Right, I better go. Alot more stuff to fix..school's tomorrow! I can't believe I'm in Middle School now. But, I feel young compared to some of you guys..Eh ^^;;
Okies. Until next time everyone! *huggles* Let's hope that'll be soon!
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Rawr >.
[Time: 10:55 PM]
[Mood: Um. Mad at my comp >.<]
[Listening to: Fall Out Boy - Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today]
Hi everyone, as you can see by my mood and subject, I'm mad. Er, just at my comp. Not at you guys! You rock *gives everyone a cupcake* ^.^
I wonder why the commments are like that, my sister's boyfriend works with computers so he knows how to get things right. But, I guess he's not such a hotshot >.> He didn't know, but he did try. He thinks it's the site's fault for my comments not working. *shrugs* I didn't do anything..
Yet, I do hope the comments will work soon...
Well anyway today was as boring as any other day. But I did get to comment on some people's sites ^.^ I'm proud of that! Although, I didn't finish T.T My sister kicked me off her laptop..oh well *sighs* At least you guys are still supporting me! Let's hope for my comp to stop all this nonsense!
Oh and while I'm at it, thanks everyone for your comments! They mean everything. Without all of you, I would be tearing my hair out...and I like my hair >.>
Alright! I'm off to bed! I'm sleepy from swimming ^^;; I'll try my best to post tomorrow ^.^ Love you all <3333
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Ello thar ^.^
[Time: 9:30 PM]
[Mood: Er, getting a little frustrated >.>]
[Listening to: Fall Out Boy - Where Is Your Boy ]
Ello everyone *waves*
Woohoo! I've been gone for only 2 days! Yay ^.^
Oh yes, I'm actually getting mad. Rawr >.< I'm sorry, it's just my comp! It's evil! Not only do the comments popup always say "Cannot Display", a popup says "Internet Explorer has an error. It will Shut down." or whatever >.> Evil! This is the third time this happened! What I wrote always gets deleted :( Blah! *kicks comp*
I'm sorry, I get mad easily O.O I shall calm down now.
Oh and yea, that's why I don't comment alot. The cannot display whatever. And I can never steal my sister's laptop! Rawr >.< Gomen ^^;;
Okay! Enough of my complaining!
Whenever I do take a visit, I don't really know what's happening in your lives and I get rather confused @.@ I'd like to PM you guys and maybe have little chat on what's been going on. I miss my friends ^.^ *huggles everyone* I hope we can get to talk!
I've typed too much now. Or, I think >.> And again, if the comments won't work, please post it in the chatterbox.
Much love everyone,
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
[Date|Time: 6.12.05|11:20 PM]
[Mood: Cannot sleep >.>]
[Listening to: Er, nothing]
[Randomness: Pineapples XP]
Ello all. I just wanted to drop by and say I'm still alive -_-;; I miss everyone dearly! How have you guys been? It's been ages >.<
This will be a quickie since it's late. Or, everyone's just asleep.
New theme for summer! But it doesn't look summery to me. More like er, flowery O.O Ah well. I think it's pretty though ^.^
I might be posting tomorrow, or the day after, or even a week from now. I don't have much time for MyO. I've been on Gaia alot, but I'm starting to drop out of there too. My mom's been making me do chores.
As I was cleaning I found an envelope sandwiched in my dad files. My mom opened it and it was atually a check for my mom for $300! Go me *.*
Well, I'm off. My back is hurting because of my position. Yes I'm on my sister's laptop. Aahh..it hurts...Okay I hope to talk to you guys soon! *huggles everyone*
[EDIT: Oh my! The comments are not working! This is just sad for me T.T Well, if you wanna still comment me, please post it in the chatterbox. Just like what Duo did ^.^ Yay Duo *huggles her* I never would've thought of that! Or would I...Alright, bye! *waves* ]
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
[ Mood: My foot's asleep... ]
[ Currently listening to: Bowling For Soup - Girl All The Bad Guys Want ]
[ Randomness: Wake up foot! ]
[ Time of post: 6.MON.27.05 -10:13 PM ]
Wassa :D
And I am back yet again.
Finally, I get to post. I never seem to. I'm here and being the laziest of all the lazys. Well, that's how I am in the time of summer, lazy. And bored out of my mind.
Also, my parents don't want me to spend my time online every single day of vacation. And so, I have a time limit now [argh.] Blah. So I'm trying to get that new theme goin'. And so after onlineness is over, I find a way to kill time. Like sleeping. Yay ^^
Anyway, I'm here for only a little while. Gotta go before meh mother sees me. Hehe, I'm bad.
I'm out.

[ Oh yay Chrono and Rosette ^^ ]
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Friday, June 17, 2005
BW here.
[Mood: Fine ^^]
[Currently listening to: Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood]
[Randomness: Avocados?]
[Time of post: June.Wed.16.9:47.PM]
Wassa :D
Everyone doing ok? I hope so ^^ Today was a normal day for me. I went online but only for a little while, I had to get ready to go to Lake Tahoe tomorrow! I know, kind of sudden, I didn't even know O.O Hehe, so I won't be here for a few days...Kind of sad since I just got back with everyone and then I leave...Oh well..
I promise to change the theme when I get back...I was working on it today but yea I had to get ready. I had decided for a Naota theme. I mean how adorable is he?! I luv him <333. FLCL is one of my fave anime hehe.
{The Randomness: Avocados?? Yea weird...some girl on Gaia was going on posting avocados lol. Just remembered.}
Now I am off. Yes tomorrow I am going to Lake Tahoe. Now don't forget me while I'm away! Will miss every single one of you! *huggles everyone*

{Aren't they just darling?!}
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hello...*nervous laugh*
[Mood: Tired. Yet okay.]
[Currently listening to: The Format - The First Single]
[Randomness: Dishwasher soap. Yum.]
Hey there everyone. I know I was sooooo overreacting..Sorry bout that! I know. I was really just mad. But now I'm not ^^ You know it's just rarely I get mad so yea.
Okay let's just forget about it.
So how is everyone? Doing good? I kind of visited...I paid everyone back I think O.O I don't know. But I did visit some people. Which made me happy ^_^.
Right now my cousins are over and are hanging out upstairs, messing up my room. Oh well..I never see them anyway, so it's ok.
Yea, and I hang out in Gaia alot. I don't know if there are some people out there who go there, but if you do, PM me! I am PilotZero. My avi's weird 'cuz I'm going for a new look lol.
Alright, this post is over. My mom wants me to go since my cousins are over. Which is good, I love both of them ^^ They are adorable [yes younger than me not that much though]. Yup, I will see you all tomorrow. Will visit!

{I love Haruko.}
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Ah. I am ruined.
{Welcome BrokenWing.}
[Mood: ...]
[Current Song: Evanescence - My Immortal]
[Random thought:daggers...knives...suicide..kill..]
Hi everyone. Yes. I am ruined. I fully hate myself. I'm mad. Heh, I'm not much in the mood right now. I'm angry, furious...and I want to roar. ROAR. Yes. Anger is taking over me. I just need to rest.
I'm really sorry for this right now. I really am. But I'm pretty mad. So yea. You know I;m just stupid, why eve post when you make others worry. But I'll be better tomorrow. I'll visit most people...like the ones who visit me now. Thank you for your support everyone who visits. I know I don't visit as much, and I'm sorry. Thanks for not forgetting about me... See ya tomorrow...
{BrokenWing is out.}
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